会议地点: 美国 巴尔的摩
会议时间: 2022年4月23-27日
行业: 药学|护理|急诊|重症|康复会议
28th Annual Scientific Assembly of the American Academy of Emergency Medicine (AAEM22)
Date: April 23-27, 2022
Venue: Baltimore, MD, USA
AAEM22 Competitions
The Scientific Assembly Competitions are intended to highlight the research, writing, and speaking skills of students, residents, young physicians, and attending physicians.
Submissions open: Friday, October 1, 2021 at 1:00am CT
Submissions close: Sunday, November 28, 2021 at 11:59pm CT
Deadline for revisions or withdrawals: Tuesday, November 30, 2021 at 11:59pm CT
Submitters will be notified about the status of their entry in mid-January 2022.
Competition Descriptions
Photo Competition: This competition features case reports and visual data that have educational value to the EM physician. Submissions must include chief complaint, history of present illness, pertinent physical exam, clinical questions and answers, case discussion, pearls, and at least one photograph of the patient, pathology specimens, Gram stains, EKGs, and radiographic studies or other visual data. Submissions are rated based on the clinical value of the case, the clarity of images, and usefulness of clinical questions. Highest-rated submissions will be invited to present a poster. Posters are judged onsite by volunteer judges. The winner receives a plaque and a letter of recognition to their institution.
Eligibility: Member and non-member students, residents, and attending physicians (open to all)
AAEM21 winner: Aimee Vos, MD (resident) | Pediatric Neck Pain
YPS Research Competition (sponsored by YPS-AAEM): This competition is designed to recognize outstanding research achievements by young physicians in emergency medicine. Submissions must include objectives, methods, results, and conclusions. Submissions are rated based on the quality of research, quality of writing, and relevance to emergency medicine. The top four submissions are invited for oral presentation on Tuesday, April 26 from 10:15am – 12:00pm; the rest are invited to present posters for display. The top three oral presenters will receive a plaque; the first place winner will receive a $1,000 honorarium, while second and third place will receive $500 and $250 honoraria, respectively.
Eligibility: AAEM members paid through 12/31/2022 who are YPS members or YPS eligible (within the first 5 years post-residency.)
AAEM21 winner: Sean Stuart, DO FAAEM | Keep Vertical Patients Vertical…And Driving: Emergency Department Care During COVID-19
AAEM and JEM Resident and Student Research Competition (sponsored by the Journal of Emergency Medicine): This competition is designed to recognize outstanding research achievements by residents and students in emergency medicine. Submissions must include objectives, methods, results, and conclusions. Submissions are rated based on the quality of research, quality of writing, and relevance to emergency medicine. The top six submissions are invited for oral presentation on Sunday, April 24 at 3:45pm – 5:15pm; the rest are invited to present posters for display. The top three oral presenters will receive a plaque; the first place winner will receive a $3,000 honorarium, while second and third place will receive $1,500 and $500 honoraria, respectively.
Eligibility: Member and non-member students and residents
AAEM21 winner: Austin T. Jones, MD PhD (resident) | Emergency Department versus Community Clinic Screening on Hepatitis C Linkage to Care
AAEM/RSA and WestJEM Population Health Research Competition (sponsored by AAEM/RSA and the Western Journal of Emergency Medicine): Integrating Emergency Care with Population Health): This competition is designed to showcase medical student and resident research, specifically in areas that affect the health of populations of patients in and around the ED. Submissions must include objectives, methods, results, and conclusions. Submissions are rated based on the quality of research, quality of writing, and relevance to population health. The top six to eight submissions are invited for oral presentation on Monday, April 25 at 3:15pm – 5:15pm. The top three oral presenters receive a plaque; the first place winner will receive a $500 honorarium, while second and third place will receive $250 and $100 honoraria, respectively
Eligibility: AAEM/RSA resident and student members paid through 6/30/2022 (student-free members are not eligible)
AAEM21 winner: Joshua Tiao, MD (resident) | Geospatial Analysis Of Pediatric Gunshot Wounds Presenting To A Level I Trauma Center In New Orleans
Open Mic Competition (sponsored by YPS-AAEM): This competition is designed for new speakers to be heard and evaluated by a panel of judges and conference attendees. There are sixteen 25-minute speaking slots on the schedule; ten slots are selected from an online submission process, and six slots are filled via onsite sign-up. Ten presenters will be invited to present a 25-minute talk (20 minutes presentation, 5 minutes Q&A) on Monday, April 25 at 8:00am - 5:45pm. Submissions must include a lecture description and two learning objectives. The top-rated presenters (up to two) are invited to present a full-length concurrent talk (20 - 30 minutes) at the next Scientific Assembly and receive a plaque. If a resident is selected as a winner, the invitation to present at the next Scientific Assembly will be held until they have completed residency.
Eligibility: AAEM members paid through 12/31/2022 and AAEM/RSA resident members paid through 6/30/2022
AAEM21 winners: Joshua J. Lynch, DO FAAEM FACEP | New York MATTERS – A Novel Approach to OUD in the ED and Anne Whitehead, MD FAAEM | The FAST Exam: You're Doing It Wrong
AAEM/RSA Resident Breve Dulce Competition (sponsored by AAEM/RSA): This competition is designed to highlight the presentation skills of AAEM/RSA members. The theme of this competition is “A Great Catch.” Please submit an experience from your emergency medicine training, clinical or otherwise, where you were faced with a difficult diagnosis, a challenging presentation or a near-miss that might change the way that others approach that topic. Breve Dulce talks are 7-minute presentations provided on 20 slides or less. Submissions are rated based on the interest of the case and the relevance to resident education. Five resident speakers will be selected to present a Breve Dulce talk on Tuesday, April 26 from 4:45pm - 6:00pm during the RSA Session: Residency to the Real World - The Missing Curriculum. Competition judging will take place in real-time by a panel of peer and faculty judges, and the top 3 winners will receive a cash prize.
Eligibility: AAEM/RSA resident members paid through 6/30/2022
AAEM21 winner: Kaitlin Parks, DO | Volitional
会议对象: 医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。
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