2021年第22届世界流行病学大会(WCE 2021)
会议地点: 虚拟会议-VIRTUAL
会议时间: 2021年9月3-6日
行业: 生物|检验|病理|感染|免疫|公共卫生会议
2021年第22届世界流行病学大会(WCE 2021)将于2021年9月3-6日举行,本次会议由国际流行病学协会(IEA)与澳大利亚流行病学协会(AEA)合作举办,大会将聚焦流行病学的方法创新,以反映流行病学和公共卫生领域的开拓性进展。大会组委会热忱欢迎所有研究人员、学生和流行病学专业人士参加本次流行病学大会,见证宝贵的科学讨论,并为流行病学和公共卫生领域的未来创新做出贡献。
ABOUT WORLD CONGRESS OF EPIDEMIOLOGY 2021!Held every three years the World Congress of Epidemiology will come to Australia in 2021. The International Epidemiology Association and the Australasian Epidemiology Association invite you to attend the premier conference on epidemiology that will focus on Methodological Innovations in Epidemiology which reflects the innovative progress in Epidemiology and Public Health.
We cordially welcome all researchers, students and epidemiology professionals to take part in this upcoming epidemiology congress to witness invaluable scientific discussions and contribute to the future innovations in the field of Epidemiology and Public Health. WCE 2020 will focus on the latest and exciting innovations in all areas of Epidemiology which offers a unique opportunity for all epidemiology professionals across the globe to meet, network, and perceive new scientific innovations.
The four days conference includes workshops, symposiums, special keynote sessions conducted by eminent and renowned speakers who excel in the field of Epidemiology which include: Methodological innovations, Addressing public health problems throughout the world using epidemiology, Big data, data science and linked data, Precision prevention and screening, Causal thinking in epidemiology, New advances in study designs, Innovations in data collection and measurement, such as wearable technologies, New technology and methodology for participant recruitment and retention, Evidence based medicine/clinical practice, Evidence informed health policy, Epidemics and other global health emergencies, Social epidemiology and inequities, Genetic and molecular epidemiology, Climate change, Patient and public involvement in epidemiology studies.
关键日期/Key dates
Thursday 15 April 2021 - Abstract submission opens
April 2021 - Registration opens
Friday 7 May 2021 - Abstract submission closes
May 2021 - Abstract notifications
注册费-Registration fees
All fees are quoted in Australian dollars (AUD) and are inclusive of 10% GST
Virtual registration category |
Cost |
Delegate member | $300.00 |
Delegate non-member | $380.00 |
Student member* | $250.00 |
Student non-member | $300.00 |
LMIC | $250.00 |
*To be eligible for the student registration you must be a currently enrolled full-time student. To confirm that you are entitled to the student registration rate, you will be required to provide proof in the registration process. Proof of student status can be either a copy of your student ID or a letter from your head of department.
Short Courses
All short courses will be held virtually.
Pre-Congress Short Course | Date and Time | Cost AUD |
Pre-Congress Short Course 1
Causal Mediation Analysis Professor Tyler VanderWeele, Harvard School of Public Health Unlimited participants |
Friday 3 September 10:00-13:30 NZST (New Zealand Standard Time) Friday 3 September 08:00-11:30 AEST (Australian Eastern Standard Time) Friday 3 September 07:00-10:30 JST (Japan Standard Time) Friday 3 September 00:00-03:30 CEST (Central European Summer Time) Thursday 2 September 23:00-02:30 BST (British Summer Time) Thursday 2 September 19:00-22:30 ART (Argentina Time) Thursday 2 September 18:00-21:30 EDT (Eastern Time, USA) Thursday 2 September 15:00-18:30 PDT (Pacific Time, USA) |
$250.00 |
Pre-Congress Short Course 2
Causal modelling: How to analyse a data set with a large number of variables Professor Neil Pearce, Department of Medical Statistics, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine 50 participants only |
Friday 3 September 19:00-22:30 NZST (New Zealand Standard Time) Friday 3 September 17:00-20:30 AEST (Australian Eastern Standard Time) Friday 3 September 16:00-19:30 JST (Japan Standard Time) Friday 3 September 09:00-12:30 CEST (Central European Summer Time) Friday 3 September 08:00-11:30 BST (British Summer Time) Friday 3 September 04:00-07:30 ART (Argentina Time) Friday 3 September 03:00-06:30 EDT (Eastern Time, USA) Friday 3 September 00:00-03:30 PDT (Pacific Time, USA) |
$250.00 |
Pre-Congress Short Course 3
Introduction to multi-level mixed regression models with applications to linear regression in Stata Dr Arul Earnest, Associate Professor, Biostatistics Unit, Deputy Head, Reporting and Research Clinical Outcomes data Reporting and Research Program (CORRP), Department of Epidemiology & Preventive Medicine, School of Public Health & Preventive Medicine, Monash University, Australia 50 participants only |
Friday 3 September 10:00-13:30 NZST (New Zealand Standard Time) Friday 3 September 08:00-11:30 AEST (Australian Eastern Standard Time) Friday 3 September 07:00-10:30 JST (Japan Standard Time) Friday 3 September 00:00-03:30 CEST (Central European Summer Time) Thursday 2 September 23:00-02:30 BST (British Summer Time) Thursday 2 September 19:00-22:30 ART (Argentina Time) Thursday 2 September 18:00-21:30 EDT (Eastern Time, USA) Thursday 2 September 15:00-18:30 PDT (Pacific Time, USA) |
$250.00 |
Pre-Congress Short Course 4
Introduction to Mendelian randomization Dr Alice Carter and Dr Kaitlin Wade, MRC Integrative Epidemiology Unit, The University of Bristol 30 participants each session |
Date and time (please choose one session only): SESSION A: Friday 3 September 19:00-22:30 NZST (New Zealand Standard Time) Friday 3 September 17:00-20:30 AEST (Australian Eastern Standard Time) Friday 3 September 16:00-19:30 JST (Japan Standard Time) Friday 3 September 09:00-12:30 CEST (Central European Summer Time) Friday 3 September 08:00-11:30 BST (British Summer Time) Friday 3 September 04:00-07:30 ART (Argentina Time) Friday 3 September 03:00-06:30 EDT (Eastern Time, USA) Friday 3 September 00:00-03:30 PDT (Pacific Time, USA)SESSION B: Saturday 4 September 01:00-04:30 NZST (New Zealand Standard Time) Friday 3 September 23:00-02:30 AEST (Australian Eastern Standard Time) Friday 3 September 22:00-01:30 JST (Japan Standard Time) Friday 3 September 15:00-18:30 CEST (Central European Summer Time) Friday 3 September 14:00-17:30 BST (British Summer Time) Friday 3 September 10:00-13:30 ART (Argentina Time) Friday 3 September 09:00-12:30 EDT (Eastern Time, USA) Friday 3 September 06:00-09:30 PDT (Pacific Time, USA) |
$250.00 |
Pre-Congress Short Course 5
Risk estimation – new developments Professor Leigh Blizzard, Menzies Institute for Medical Research, Hobart, Australia Unlimited participants |
Friday 3 September 10:00-13:30 NZST (New Zealand Standard Time) Friday 3 September 08:00-11:30 AEST (Australian Eastern Standard Time) Friday 3 September 07:00-10:30 JST (Japan Standard Time) Friday 3 September 00:00-03:30 CEST (Central European Summer Time) Thursday 2 September 23:00-02:30 BST (British Summer Time) Thursday 2 September 19:00-22:30 ART (Argentina Time) Thursday 2 September 18:00-21:30 EDT (Eastern Time, USA) Thursday 2 September 15:00-18:30 PDT (Pacific Time, USA) |
$250.00 |
Pre-Congress Short Course 6
Best Practices in Publishing Public Health, Clinical, and Biomedical Research Eduardo L. Franco, MPH, DrPH, PhD (Hon), O.C., FRSC, FCAHS; Unlimited participants |
Friday 3 September 10:00-13:30 NZST (New Zealand Standard Time) Friday 3 September 08:00-11:30 AEST (Australian Eastern Standard Time) Friday 3 September 07:00-10:30 JST (Japan Standard Time) Friday 3 September 00:00-03:30 CEST (Central European Summer Time) Thursday 2 September 23:00-02:30 BST (British Summer Time) Thursday 2 September 19:00-22:30 ART (Argentina Time) Thursday 2 September 18:00-21:30 EDT (Eastern Time, USA) Thursday 2 September 15:00-18:30 PDT (Pacific Time, USA) |
$250.00 |
Pre-Congress Short Course 7
Mathematical modelling of real-world infectious disease epidemics – an R based hands-on short course Ashok Krishnamurthy PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics and Computing at Mount Royal University, Calgary, Alberta, Canada 60 participants only |
Friday 3 September 10:00-13:30 NZST (New Zealand Standard Time) Friday 3 September 08:00-11:30 AEST (Australian Eastern Standard Time) Friday 3 September 07:00-10:30 JST (Japan Standard Time) Friday 3 September 00:00-03:30 CEST (Central European Summer Time) Thursday 2 September 23:00-02:30 BST (British Summer Time) Thursday 2 September 19:00-22:30 ART (Argentina Time) Thursday 2 September 18:00-21:30 EDT (Eastern Time, USA) Thursday 2 September 16:00-19:30 MEDT (Mountain Daylight Time) Thursday 2 September 15:00-18:30 PDT (Pacific Time, USA) |
$250.00 |
会议对象: 医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。
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