


会议地点: 中国 台湾-高雄/Kaohsiung City
会议时间: 2021年10月15日至17日
行业: 生物|检验|病理|感染|免疫|公共卫生会议




APAAACI 2021 International Conference Joint TAAACI

APAAACI 2021 International Conference Joint TAAACI will be held on 15-17 October, 2021, in Kaohsiung, Taiwan. With an outstanding scientific program, well-woven combination of the recent advances and practical clinical and key experts from the region and around the world, the conference will provide the latest advances in clinical, research, hands-on and problem-based learning. Do NOT miss out on this wonderful opportunity. 



Online Abstract Submission System Open: 20 February, 2021 (GMT+8)
Online Abstract Submission Deadline: 30 June, 2021 (GMT+8)
Notification of Acceptance: TBD
Authors Registration Deadline: TBD

点此提交摘要>>>Submit Abstract>>>


General Policy

  • All abstracts must be submitted and be received on or before June 30, 2021 through Online Abstract Submission System.
  • All abstracts will be reviewed by the Scientific Program Committee of the APAAACI 2021 International Conference Joint TAAACI and reviewing results will be announced by emailing a notice of acceptance / rejection to presenting authors only by (TBD).
  • The author submitting the abstract MUST provide one presenting author and one corresponding author. The presenting author of an accepted abstract (oral and poster) must register and pay the registration fees before Deadline for Early Bird Registration July 30, 2021 to ensure the rights for the presentation.
  • Abstracts must be original and have not been published or presented at any conference prior to the APAAACI 2021 International Conference Joint TAAACI. The accepted abstracts will be published in the Abstract Book.
  • Accepted abstracts will be presented in either Poster Sessions or Oral Sessions presented between 15–17 October 2021.
  • Presenting Authors of accepted abstracts MUST be registered delegates even if they are a student and be responsible for all expenses incurred in the production of their presentations, travel and accommodation during the Conference. Each Presenting Author can submit only one abstract but can be a co-author of another abstract.
  • It is the author’s responsibility to submit a correctly edited and accurate abstract. Any errors in spelling, grammar or scientific fact will be reproduced as typed by the author. Abstracts will be rejected if they contain no data or if the English is unacceptable. All Presenting Authors will receive, closer to the Congress, detailed presentation guidelines when their abstract/s has/have been accepted.
  • Acknowledgement of the receipt of abstract submission will be sent to the Presenting Author’s email address immediately upon submission. The Presenting Author will receive all correspondence regarding the abstract status, presentation type, date and time, via the email that is provided in the abstract submission.
  • Authors can indicate their choice of preferred type of presentation in our submission system.

Submission Guidelines

The abstract must be written and presented in English. Each abstract can only be submitted once. The same abstract cannot be submitted for consideration in different award prize/paper categories. Please read the following instructions carefully before preparing your abstract.
The Title of the Abstract:
  1. a. Identifying information such as author or institution names should not be included in the title.
  2. b. Each word should begin with a Capital Letter except for transition words.
  3. c. NO full stop (or period) at the end and NO underlining.
The Body of the Abstract:
  1. a. A maximum of 300 words is allowed.
  2. b. Tables and graphs should not be included.
  3. c. References (maximum of 2) can be included in the body of the text.
  4. d. Structure must consist of the following components.
    • Background: A statement of purpose of the study (preferably one sentence).
    • Methods: An explanation of the study design and experimental methods used.
    • Results: A concise summary of the major findings of the experiment or study. Sufficient data must be provided to permit evaluation by the reviewers and public reading the abstracts. Statements such as "the data will be discussed" are not acceptable.
    • Conclusion(s): Summary of the overall findings and the importance of the study.
Affiliations of Authors:
1. Affiliations of Presenting Author should include Institute and Country. Where there are multiple affiliations of the presenting author, each institute should appear in the order to be present in the abstract book with the appropriate superscript number e.g.: University of Taiwan, Taiwan1, Bering Life Scientific, Taiwan2
2. Co-authors’ details and affiliation are not required and would not be shown.
3. Authors are strongly advised to ensure the accuracy of the submitted abstracts. Any mistakes in literature or in scientific facts will be published as what is typed.
4. The Scientific Program Committee of the APAAACI 2021 International Conference Joint TAAACI reserves the right to accept or refuse an abstract, to designate abstracts either oral or poster presentation and to choose a suitable session for the abstract. The authors’ preference of the type of the presentation and theme will be taken into account.

Abstract Topics

  1. Immunotherapy
  2. Food Allergy
  3. Basic Science
    1. a: Mucosal Immunology
    2. b: Microbiota
    3. c: Immune Regulation
  4. Technology
    1. a: AI / Database Analysis
    2. b: Single Cell Technology
  5. Environmental Allergy/Immunology
  6. Eosinophils and Related Diseases
  7. Atopic Dermatitis
  8. Urticaria
  9. Autoimmunity
  10. Advances in treatment
  11. Allergy-related Sinonasal Diseases
  12. Asthma & Respiratory Allergic Disease
  13. Anaphylaxis
  14. Drug Hypersensitivity and Desensitization
  15. Covid-19
    1. a: Vaccination
    2. b: Therapy
    3. c: Immune Response
  16. Inflammatory Diseases
  17. Immunodeficiency
  18. Tumor Immunology
  19. Others

Award Application

Applicants must meet the followings criteria:
  • Submit an abstract and be the presenting author of the abstract.
  • Complete the online registration and pay the registration fee in advance.
  • The same abstract cannot be submitted for consideration in different award prizes.
  • Indicate the application by choosing “Young Investigator Award” or “Travel Award” while submitting online.
  • “Young Investigator Award” applicants should be under the age of 40.




Dear Friends and Colleagues,

The Asia Pacific Association of Allergy, Asthma and Clinical Immunology (APAAACI), the regional organization of allergy in the Asia-Pacific and the Taiwan Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Clinical Immunology (TAAACI) cordially invite you to attend its flagship APAAACI 2021 International Conference Joint TAAACI from 15-17 October, 2021, in Kaohsiung, Taiwan.

Allergic diseases and asthma comprise a major health burden in the region with increasing morbidity and mortality. The theme of the Congress is ‘Innovations, Challenges and Opportunities in Allergy, Asthma and Immunology in a New Era’With an outstanding scientific program well-woven combination of the most recent advances and practical clinical and key experts from the region and around the world, the conference will provide a forum for the most useful combination of latest advances in clinical, research, hands-on and problem-based learning. The conference is expected to gather over 1,500 clinicians, researchers, experts and health care providers in allergy, asthma and immunology from the Asia Pacific region and around the world. In addition to being an excellent forum for sharing of scientific and clinical information it will also provide a unique opportunity to interact with key opinion leaders, colleagues and juniors working in the field of allergy, asthma and immunology in the region and beyond leading to increased collaboration, innovation, advocacy, improved patient care and preventative strategies. The Taiwan Academy of Pediatric Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (TAPAAI) and The Chinese Society of Immunology (CSI) will be co-hosts.

On behalf of the Organizing Committee of the APAAACI 2021 International Conference Joint TAAACI, we welcome you to participate in this prestigious event. It is only with your participation that we can ensure the succesof the APAAACI 2021 International Conference Joint TAAACI in Kaohsiung, Taiwan. 


Ruby Pawankar
Conference Chair
President, APAAACI

Bor-Luen Chiang
Conference Chair
Founding President, TAAACI




Registration Fees

Category Early-bird
Jun. 15 - Jul. 30, 2021
Jul. 31 - Sep.15, 2021
Oct. 15-17, 2021
Delegate US$ 400 US$ 450 US$ 500
Student* US$ 250 US$ 300 US$ 350
Accompanying Person US$ 150
Conference Tour US$ 100
Delegate NT$ 3,500 (US$ 115) NT$ 4,000 (US$ 130) NT$ 4,500 (US$ 150)
Student* NT$ 500 (US$ 16) NT$ 1,000 (US$ 33) NT$ 1,500 (US$ 50)
*Student Category: An undergraduate or a graduate student with a valid student ID. Residents cannot register under student category.




会议对象: 医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。

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