


会议地点: 中国 台湾-台北 - Taipei International Convention Center (TICC)
会议时间: 2022年7月10日至14日
行业: 生物|检验|病理|感染|免疫|公共卫生会议





Important Dates and Deadlines

  1. Abstract submission opens: 1 July 2021
  2. Deadline for Abstract Submission (Extended): 15 November December 2021, 23:59 GMT+8
  3. Notification of Abstract Acceptance: 1 February 2022
  4. Presenting author of an accepted abstract should register and complete the full payment before 1 April 2022, 23:59 GMT+8, in order to be included in the Program.

准备指南>>>Preparation Guidelines 

提交指南>>>Submission Guidelines

点此提交摘要>>>Submit Abstract>>>


Abstracts should only be submitted via the Congress online submission system. The presenting author should complete registration and payment for inclusion of the abstract in the Program. Each registered author is allowed to present a maximum of 2 abstracts, including podium, poster and invited talks.

When you submit your abstract, you will be asked to select your intended participation format (in-person or online), which may be updated any time before the submission deadline. Thisinformation will be used for the planning and organization of the Scientific Program, so please choose your most likely format of participation.

All presenting authors are required to finalize their participation format at the time of Registration by April 1, 2022. Changes to participation format after April 1, 2022 will be subject to an administration fee.

Authors will submit their abstracts for 1) invited talks; 2) oral presentations; or 3) ePoster presentations.

Invited talk

Each invited talk in the session will be 15 minutes in total, including a 12-minute talk and a 3-minute Q&A.

Oral presentation

Each oral presentation will be 10 minutes in total, including an 8-minutes talk and a 2-minute Q&A.

ePoster presentation

All posters accepted for WCB 2022 will be displayed in DIGITAL format. Each ePoster presenter will also be given an opportunity to submit a 1-minute audio introduction to the research presented. The audio introduction will be played both onsite at the venue and online on the congress event platform. Please see preparation guidelines for more details.




Dear Colleagues,

We are honored to invite you to the 9th World Congress of Biomechanics from the 10th to 14th July 2022 at the Taipei International Convention Center (TICC) in Taipei.

From the first World Congress of Biomechanics held at La Jolla, California, the USA in 1990 to the quadrennial congresses in cities all over the Americas, Europe, and Asia/Oceania, each hosting has shown record-breaking attendance from scientists across the globe.  As a result, the World Congress of Biomechanics has become the most prestigious forum for the exchange of new ideas, technologies, and novel findings in a broad spectrum of scales ranging from the molecular, cellular, tissue, and organ levels to the system-wide, as well as in basic research and clinical applications.

Home to 23 million and over 100 universities and colleges, Taiwan is known as the crucible for R&D and product innovation and a significant driving force pushing scientific research into industry.  A long history in biomechanics education and research, as well as a fast-growing medical sector, have also provided us with a thriving biomechanics community and opportunities to collaborate and contribute to the international biomechanics community at large.

A year battling the pandemic has tested our resolve and resilience. Still, we hope that WCB 2022 will not only highlight the importance of biomedical innovation and collaborative research but allow us to celebrate contributions our colleagues have made in laboratories, hospitals, and manufacturers all over the world to combat the pandemic, as well as the triumph of the human spirit over adversity.

By bringing together scientists and engineers from biomechanics societies worldwide, WCB 2022 will be both a forum for exchanging knowledge among the best and brightest and a long-overdue celebration of unity.  We look forward to welcoming you to Taipei in 2022!

Yours sincerely,

Fong-Chin Su, Ph.D.

  • Co-chair, WCB 2022
  • President, World Association for Chinese Biomedical Engineers
  • Distinguished Professor, Department of Biomedical Engineering, National Cheng-Kung University

Tung-Wu Lu, Ph.D.Phil.

  • Co-chair, WCB 2022
  • Professor, Department of Biomedical Engineering, National Taiwan University
  • Joint Professor, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, National Taiwan University


WCB2022 注册费:

Registration Fee

The form of
Pricing Early Bird
(Before 29 April 2022)
(Before 6 June 2022)
(10-14 July 2022)
In-person Attendee

TWD 18,000 TWD 21,000
TWD 23,000
In-person Student TWD 9,000 TWD 10,500 TWD 11,500
Virtual Attendee TWD 9,000 TWD 10,500 TWD 11,500
Virtual Student TWD 4,500 TWD 5,250 TWD 5,750


  1. Conference Dinner TWD 3,000
  2. Accompanying Person TWD 3,500
  3. For exchange rate Information, please visit https://www.xe.com/
  4. To apply for the student rate, please provide your student ID for approval during account registration.
  5. Account registration will be closed on 6 June 2022. Any registration after this date will be charged an onsite fee.



Full Congress

  1. Admission to all scientific sessions of the congress
  2. Access to the exhibition area
  3. Coffee/tea and lunch during the congress
  4. Welcome Reception


Accompanying Person

  1. NO access to all scientific session of the Congress
  2. Access to the exhibition area
  3. Coffee/tea and lunch during the congress
  4. Welcome Reception


会议对象: 医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。

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2021年第11届亚太生物力学大会(AP Biomech 2021)/11th Asian-Pacific Conference on Biomechanics
2022年第19届国际感染病学大会(ICID 2022)

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