


会议地点: 美国 盐湖城
会议时间: 2022年8月12日至15日
行业: 生物|检验|病理|感染|免疫|公共卫生会议



35th AMLI Annual Meeting - Association of Medical Laboratory Immunologists

Date: August 12-15, 2022

Venue: Salt Lake Marriott Downtown at City Creek,Salt Lake City, Utah, USA



投稿截止日期/DEADLINE JUNE 30, 2022 Abstracts that do not conform to the guidelines indicated in bold type
below will be returned for correction!!!

AMLI encourages submission of abstracts in the following areas:

  1. Original basic or clinical research in the field of immunology
  2. Novel immunological assays for diagnostic purposes
  3. Case studies
  4. The clinical utility or impact on clinical practice of immunological diagnostic assays
  5. Quality or process improvements in the immunology laboratory
  6. Method comparisons – novel assays

No more than three (3) abstracts will be accepted from an individual author or entity.

Guidelines for submission:

  1. Submit a single page (one-sided), single spaced, in the following format: Objective, Methods, Results, Conclusions
  2. Underline the name of the presenting author.
  3. Email abstract as ONE file, with the file named your last name followed by first name initial. If submitting more than one abstract, please put a number at the end of the file name.
  4. Email all abstracts and the abstract release form to [email protected]Abstract Release Form
  5. Participants whose abstracts are accepted will be invited to present their work in the scheduled Poster Sessions. Poster positions are not assigned … position is on a first come first served basis.  The Poster Boards are approximately 8 feet wide by 4 feet high.
  6. Please include on a separate page of the same file the presenter’s name (presenter or representative must be present at the meeting), address, telephone and fax numbers, email address, title of abstract, and a restatement of the objectives in the following format:
    From viewing and discussing my poster the participants should be able to:  a. Describe . . . b. Recognize . . . c. Evaluate . . .” Objectives must start with an action verb so that the activity can be measurable.
  7. There are three categories of awards for your abstract submission. The winner of each category will receive a check for $500.
  8. If you are submitting more than one abstract, please enter only ONE into the competition.
  9. Please indicate on your cover page whether you would like to be considered for one of a limited number of $1000 Travel Allowance Scholarships.
  • The Young Investigator Award. Applicants must be 35 years old or younger.
  • Peter Maxim Memorial Clinical Laboratory Scientist Award. Applicants are to be a Clinical Laboratory Scientist.
  • Doctorate Award. Applicants are to be a Ph.D. or M.D.



Current Member
___ $350 Before July 8, 2022
___ $375 After July 8, 2022
___ $150 Daily Fee

___ $425 Before July 8, 2022
___ $450 After July 8, 2022
___ $150 Daily Fee

MT/CLS, Students and Post-Doctorals (letter from lab director or mentor required)
___ $150 Before July 8, 2022
___ $200 After July 8, 2022
___ $100 Daily Fee

Annual Dinner (Please include payment with registration)
___ $70 per Registered Member
___ $90 per Non-Member OR Guest


会议对象: 医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。

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