


会议地点: 德国 柏林
会议时间: 2022年11月9日至12日
行业: 生物|检验|病理|感染|免疫|公共卫生会议




15th European Public Health Conference
9 - 12 November 2022
Hub27, Berlin ExpoCenter City, Berlin, Germany

Strengthening health systems: improving population health and being prepared for the unexpected


  • EPH Conference Foundation
  • EuroHealthNet
  • European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies
  • European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control
  • European Commission
  • WHO Regional Office for Europe




Abstract submission 2022

Abstract submission for the in-person 15th EPH Conference 2022 is open from 1 February until 1 May 2022.

Participate at the EPH Conference 2022 by sharing your work with colleagues. The EPH Conference offers excellent opportunities to learn from the latest research and practice, to network with experts and colleagues and to expand your professional horizons. Abstracts are invited for workshops and single presentations in all areas of public health research, practice, policy and education. Abstracts are considered for oral and poster presentations. Workshop proposals are considered for 60-minutes sessions. Do not miss the opportunity to share your work at the largest virtual public health event in Europe. Over 2,000 delegates are expected in Berlin.

Deadline 1 May 2022, 18:00 CET




The 15th EPH Conference in Berlin will be the first conference since Marseille 2019 to take place live and in person! The spectacular space in Hub27 provides us with ample opportunity for informal chatting, personal exchange and live networking. We hope you will join us and we truly look forward to seeing everyone!

The focus of Berlin 2022 will be on health systems. We have learned from the Covid-19 pandemic that infectious diseases know no boundaries. We have seen the successful development of vaccines but also the spread of the Delta variant around the globe as these vaccines have not yet been available to everyone. The conclusion is simple: the EU must take on a more active role in global health. This includes taking a stand on expansive issues such as planetary health, climate change, environmental degradation, water and food security, migration, gender, and poverty. More tangibly, it means we must fight to increase global health equity. Europe must use its knowledge and influence to balance out market forces, expand regulatory oversight and create socially responsible systems for health, especially when it comes to the distribution of vaccines and essential medicines.

Digitalization continues to be a key area where recent developments require us to exchange ideas and find new approaches. The past decades have seen significant developments in IT processing capacity as well as health data collection and eHealth applications. We need to ensure that the vast amounts of data generated are well protected and usable for public health interventions. “Harmonizing information systems and health reporting” means that we need to further enhance the competences of our public health workforce to be able to work with data effectively. Knowledge of who is sick when, where and why is of critical importance if we wish to successfully combat emerging health threats and future epidemics.

We want the discussions at the 15th EPH Conference to result in a Europe characterized by resilient health systems, universal health coverage (UHC), a welltrained and highly qualified clinical and public health workforce, and governance structures that take a stand and shape health systems globally. We look forward to seeing you in Berlin!



会议对象: 政府代表、医院管理者、科室主任、副主任、医生及相关领域研究的专家、科研人员、医药企业等。

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