2022年美国生物医学工程学会细胞与分子生物工程大会BMES CMBE Conference
会议地点: 美国 印第安维尔斯
会议时间: 2022年1月3日至7日
行业: 生物|检验|病理|感染|免疫|公共卫生会议
2022年美国生物医学工程学会细胞与分子生物工程大会(BMES CMBE Conference)将于2022年1月3日至7日在美国印第安维尔斯举行。
2022 CMBE Conference - BMES Conference on Cellular and Molecular Bioengineering (CMBE)
DATE: January 3 - 7, 2022
VENUE: The Hyatt Regency Indian Wells, Indian Wells, CA, USA
The 2022 CMBE Conference theme is “Lighting and Leading the Way: Molecular Tools in Multicellular Systems.’’
Transformative discoveries are being enabled by the simultaneous development of molecular-scale sensors and actuators as well as physiologically-relevant and controllable tissue models. A current challenge is how to integrate these new discoveries and technologies across scales and systems to better mimic and understand developmental, regenerative, and pathological processes. Input from scientists, engineers, clinicians, and industry partners is required to leverage new tools and biological insights to create product prototypes and eventual clinical translation.
This conference will feature established and emerging leaders, who have performed the most innovative research, effectively integrated the frontiers in engineering and biology, and built a strong connection with translating research for diagnostics and/or therapies. The program will focus on how novel and advanced CMBE techniques and model systems are applied to the research of various physiological systems and diseases, with focus sessions on cancer and immunoengineering.
- Creation and Use of Molecular Biosensors and Actuators
- Image-based Profiling of Multicellular Systems
- Human Organoid Systems in Cancer
- Stimulus-Responsive Biomaterials, Cells, and Organoids
- Cellular Decision Making in Multicellular Systems
- Immunoengineering Across Scales
September 15, 2021 | Shu Chien Award and Chris Jacobs Award Close |
September 15, 2021 | Abstract Submissions Close |
October 6, 2021 | Late-Breaking Abstract Submissions Open |
October 20, 2021 | Registration Opens |
November 12, 2021 | Late-Breaking Abstract Submissions Close |
December 16, 2021 | Registration Closes (Please note: Due to COVID-19 restrictions, there will be no in-person registration at CMBE 2022) |
Full Registration | Early Registration |
Professional Member/Fellow | $550 |
Early Career Member | $350 |
Student Member | $300 |
Non-Member | $750 |
Student Non-Member | $400 |
Badge Policies
Name badges and any applicable tickets purchased will be issued to each registered attendee on-site; badges must remain visible at all times during CMBE Conference proceedings and are nontransferrable. BMES reserves the right to confiscate any badge being worn by an individual other than the named attendee without refund, re-issuance, or re-admittance into the conference. In the event that attendees damage, lose, or forget their badge during the meeting, there will be a non-refundable $25 reprint fee assessed for each replacement badge issued. Event tickets (if applicable) will not be replaced if lost on-site.
Cancellation/Refund Policies
Requests for registration cancellation must be received by [email protected] in writing no later than November 20, 2021 in order for a refund to be processed.* Refund requests will not be honored after 12/20/21. Phone cancellations are strictly prohibited, and cancellation requests sent via mail, fax or emailed to any inbox other than [email protected] will not be reviewed. All refunds are subject to a $50 cancellation fee. Attendee substitutions are not permitted and meeting registrations cannot be transferred from one person to another. Membership dues payments are final and will not be refunded once processed.
*Non-attending (no-show) registrants will not be refunded unless they are unable to attend the 2022 CMBE Conference due to extenuating circumstances (e.g. flight cancellations, medical emergencies). These registrants must submit reasonable verification of their inability to attend via email to [email protected] prior to the start of the conference. Failure to submit this documentation and correspondence by January 3, 2022 will result in 100% forfeiture of all registration fees paid, regardless of circumstances surrounding the absenteeism.
会议对象: 医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。
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