
2022年国际组织工程与再生医学学会美洲年会(TERMIS-AM 2022)


会议地点: 加拿大 多伦多市
会议时间: 2022年7月10日至13日
行业: 生物|检验|病理|感染|免疫|公共卫生会议


2022年组织工程与再生医学国际学会美洲年会(TERMIS-AM 2022)将于2022年7月10日至13日在加拿大安大略省多伦多市举行,会议由国际组织工程与再生医学学会(TERMIS)组织。TERMIS美洲地区年会将汇集来自学术界和工业界的研究人员、科学家、临床医生、在训人员和学生代表,共同讨论该领域的前沿进展。


Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine International Society – Americas Chapter Conference 2022

July 10-13, 2022

Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel,Toronto, ON, Canada

Organized by:
Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine International Society-Americas Chapter (TERMIS-AM)



Deadline to Submit is Monday, December 6, 2021.


Abstract Consideration
Experts from academia, industry and government are invited to present timely research to successful implementation of technologies in all areas of tissue engineering/regenerative medicine.

Note: All abstract submitters including presenting authors are expected to pay their own travel expenses and conference registration fee(s).


Abstract Preparation
Authors must submit their abstract electronically. This is the ONLY option for abstract submission.

Title: Title should be brief, clearly indicating the nature of the presentation. Title should be in bold font and mixed case font followed by a single return. Do not put a period at the end of the title. 
Example: This is a Properly Formatted Abstract Title

Category: Please select the TWIG category that your abstract falls under. You can select your primary, secondary, and tertiary preference for categories, but only one is required.

Categories: Please note sessions are slotted based on the number of abstracts submitted.

Biofabrication & Bioreactors – TWIG
+ Biofabrication and Software Tools in TERM
+ Bioreactors and Organs-on-chips in TERM
+ 3D Bioprinting Methods and Applications
Cardiovascular/Angiogenesis/Blood – TWIG
+ Biomaterials for Endogenous Cardiovascular Repair
+ Engineering Microvasculature for Tissue Regeneration
+ Cell-based Approaches to Cardiac Regeneration & Repair
Commercialization & Regulation – TWIG
+ Regenerative Medicine Applications to Organ Transplantation Medicine
Dental & Craniofacial – TWIG
+ Tissue Engineering Solutions for Craniofacial Regeneration
Imaging and Assessment – TWIG
+ Non-invasive Imaging and Analysis of Engineered Tissues
Musculoskeletal – TWIG
+ ECM Technologies in Musculoskeletal Repair
+ Regenerative Rehabilitation: Integrating Mechanical Stimulation with TERM
+ Articular Cartilage Bioengineering & Regeneration
+ Strategies for Regeneration of Complex Muscle Defects
Neural & Spine – TWIG
+ Frontiers in Spatiotemporal Control for Neural Tissue Engineering
Ophthalmologic – TWIG
+ Cell Therapeutic Approaches for Retinal Degenerative Diseases
Respiratory, Urologic & Gastrointestinal – TWIG
+ Respiratory, Urologic, & Gastrointestinal Tissue Engineering
+ Tissue Repair for Voiding Dysfunction and Pelvic Floor Disorders
Scaffolds, Matrices, and Biomaterials – TWIG
+ Biomaterials to Direct Stem Cell Fate
+ Biomaterials for Women’s Health in Tissue Engineering
+ Biomaterials and Immunomodulation
+ Bio-metals Mediated Tissue Regeneration
+ Nature as a Source of TERM Biomaterials and Strategies
+ Bioactive Biomaterials for Soft Tissue Engineering
Stem Cells & Cell Therapies & Developmental Biology and Cell Signaling – TWIG
+ Stem Cells & Cell Therapies, Dev Bio, and Cell Signaling
+ Regeneration in the Context of Aging
Skin, Wound Healing, and Inflammation – TWIG
+ Skin, Wound Healing, and Inflammation
+ 3D Tissue -Engineered Cancer/Disease Modeling and Organoids Part 1 & 2

Authors: This is where you will enter your authors and it will be separate from your abstract body. Please enter information in the fields provided and the system with format it for you automatically. Complete contact information (name, mailing address, and e-mail) for each author listed on the abstract must be entered before submitting the abstract file.

Disclosure InformationSubmitting disclosures is a step when entering abstract authors. It will be the same step under each individual speaker. In order for your colleagues to properly evaluate the information, analysis and opinions presented in your abstract, it is important that they be informed of potential conflicts of interest pertinent to the research submitted. Therefore, conference management requires that all authors provide any relevant information concerning personal or professional circumstances and relationships that might reasonably be expected to affect the author’s view on the subject. Examples include, but are not limited to:

+Stock options or bond holdings in a for-profit corporation or self-directed pension plan
+Employment (full or part-time)
+Ownership or partnership
+Consulting fees or other remuneration (payment)
+Non-remunerative positions of influence such as officer, board member, trustee, or public spokesperson
+Receipt of royalties
+Speakers bureau

Appropriate disclosure will be stated in the scientific program and the abstract volume. If you do not have anything to disclose, you must indicate this on the online abstract submission form. The disclosure information you provide will not influence the review of your abstract. Abstracts will not be reviewed without proper completion of the disclosure section on the abstract submission form. Disclosure information for all authors is required upon abstract completion.

Abstract: The abstract should clearly describe the nature of the research and the problem it addresses and be presented in such language as to be understood by scientists representing the multi-disciplinary nature of tissue engineering. The abstract should summarize the purpose/objective of the research, the methodology employed, the results, and the conclusion/significance and will be split into these four categories.

  • The abstract length is limited to 500 words total across all four sections. These areas should not include authors, disclosures, or references.
  • Please no figures or tables in the abstract.
  • References and acknowledgements are not needed in this abstract process.

Presentation Preference: Please choose your preferred method of presentation (OralPoster, or Oral or Poster) where indicated. Your preference will be noted by the reviewers. Final determination will be made by the Program Planning Committee.

Publication: Abstracts this year will be published on the TERMIS-AM website or in the journal. Here you can choose to opt-out of publication.

Demographics: You can select if you are a Student or Young Investigator here. Please fill out the other demographic information if you feel comfortable. These questions help us promote diversity within our abstract presenters.

Review My Work: Here you will see a green check mark if all steps have been completed or not and you will have to go back and make edits. Your submission is not complete unless you see a green check mark. You are able to make edits to your abstract until the deadline of December 6, 2021, 12:59 PM Pacific Time. Once the abstract deadline has passed, no further edits can or will be made to an abstract

Abstract Withdrawals

If the abstract must be withdrawn, the TERMIS-AM office must be notified in writing at least ONE month prior to the meeting via e-mail to Tatiana Veres at [email protected]


Registration Requirements

Accepted authors are expected to pay their own travel expenses and conference registration fee(s). Dates of presentation cannot be guaranteed.


Welcome, Bienvenue, Boozhoo, Bienvenido, Bem-vindos

Dear Colleagues:  

We are excited to announce that the TERMIS-AM planning committee is rescheduling the 2021 Conference to July 10-13, 2022. The conference venue and location will remain the same – Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. We are really looking forward to meeting everyone face-to-face again as well as experiencing the culture and fun that Toronto has to offer in the summer months.

Please be sure to save the dates below and continue to visit the website for meeting updates.

Save the Date
July 10-13, 2022
Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

In the meantime, stay in touch with new TERMIS content by attending the TERMIS-AM webinar series. For more information and any questions, please reach out to Sarah Wilburn at [email protected].

All who have confirmed to participate in the 2021 TERMIS-AM Conference as a Session Organizer will receive individual communications regarding accepted sessions.

If you have any questions about sponsoring or exhibiting, please reach out to Dana, [email protected].

We thank everyone for their patience and understanding and we look forward to bringing everyone together in Toronto in 2022.


Carlos Andres Aguilar, PhD
Assistant Professor
Dept. of Biomedical Engineering and Cellular
and Molecular Biology
Biointerfaces Institute
University of Michigan – Ann Arbor

Penney M. Gilbert, PhD
Associate Professor
Tier II Canada Research Chair, Endogenous Repair
Institute of Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering
University of Toronto

Alison P McGuigan, PhD
University of Toronto
Department of Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry
Institute for Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering




会议对象: 医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。

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