


会议地点: 中国 台湾-台北
会议时间: 2022年11月7-11日
行业: 生物|检验|病理|感染|免疫|公共卫生会议


2022年第14届国际细胞生物学大会暨第9届亚太细胞生物学组织大会(ICCB&APOCB 2022)将于2022年11月7-11日在中国台湾台北举行,本次地议是国际细胞生物学联合会(IFCB)与亚太细胞生物学组织(APOCB)的联席会议,会议由中国台湾细胞与分子生物学会(CSCMB)主办。

国际细胞生物学联合会(IFCB)成立于1972年,宗旨是协调和支持全世界的细胞生物学活动,促进国际合作,共同推动细胞生物学的发展。IFCB隶属于国际科学理事会(ICSU),并在国际生物科学联合会(IUBS) 代表细胞生物学。IFCB的成员为代表一个国家的细胞生物学家组织或宣由若干国家组成的区域性细胞生物学家的组织。现有会员组织包括美国细胞生物学学会、澳大利亚-新西兰细胞与发育生物学学会、日本细胞生物学会、韩国分子与分细胞生物学学会、英国细胞生物学学会、加拿大分子生物学学会、中国细胞生物学学会、印度细胞生物学学会;巴西细胞生物学学会、捷克细胞生物学学会、荷兰细胞生物学学会、印度细胞生物学学会、伊朗细胞生物学学会、波兰细胞生物学学会、西班牙细胞生物学学会、中国台北细胞与分子生物学学会、乌克兰细胞生物学会、伊比利亚美洲细胞生物学会、非洲细胞与发育生物学学会等。

2022 ICCB & APOCB Joint Meeting
14th International Congress of Cell Biology
9th Asian Pacific Organization for Cell Biology Congress

Date: November 7-11, 2022
Venue: Taipei International Convention Center (TICC), Taipei, Taiwan, China

Organizer :
The Chinese Society of Cell and Molecular Biology



Welcome Message

On behalf of The Chinese Society of Cell and Molecular Biology (CSCMB), it is our great pleasure to welcome you all for the 2022 ICCB & APOCB Joint Meeting held 2022 in Taipei, Taiwan.

The IFCB (International Federation of Cell Biology) and APOCB (Asian Pacific Organization for Cell Biology) are the two leading international organizations for cell biology and its mission is to foster research in cell biology and cell biology societies in countries across the world.

This is the second joint meeting of these two international organizations on cell biology, last time in ICCB 2018, India, and we saw cell biologists come together to show and discuss their work.

This time, with the aim of bringing together again the latest progress in worldwide, especially with a focus on the special features of cell and molecular biology, we are pleased to invite renowned speakers from around the world to participate and present the significant findings during the event.

Through this Conference, not only will we upheld our missions, we will also have the opportunity to shape a new vision for the global community and to renew our friendships with our sisters around the world. We believe that their sharing of academic knowledge and experience will make 2022 ICCB & APOCB Joint Meeting a spectacular symposium.

Conference and workshops aside, we hope you will have the chance to explore areas of Taiwan. I believe our beautiful scenery, world-renowned cuisine, and friendly people, altogether will leave you with wonderful memories.

Lastly, but not the least, we want to express our appreciation to the executive committee, for their guidance and support. Once again, we are honored that CSCMB can host this conference and wish everyone a successful and fruitful conference.

Look forward to your participation and wish you have a pleasant stay in Taiwan!



会议对象: 生物学家、医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。

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2021年第11届亚太生物力学大会(AP Biomech 2021)/11th Asian-Pacific Conference on Biomechanics

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