


会议地点: 德国 慕尼黑/Munich, Germany
会议时间: 2022年4月10-14日
行业: 生物|检验|病理|感染|免疫|公共卫生会议


第24届IFCC-EFLM欧洲检验医学大会(EUROMEDLAB 2021)将延期至2022年4月10-14日在德国慕尼黑举行,本次会议由国际临床化学和检验医学联合会(IFCC)、欧洲检验医学联合会(EFLM)和德国临床化学和检验医学学会(DGKL)联合举办。EuroMedlab大会将为与会者提供一个绝佳的机会,与来自世界各地的同行一起讨论当前涉及实验室医学科学和技术方面的重要议题。



24th IFCC-EFLM European Congress of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine
Date:APRIL 10-14, 2022
Venue: ICM Internationales Congress Center München



Deadline for receipt
Abstracts should be submitted by 31st August 2021, 18:30 CET.
Confirmation of receipt
Receipt of the abstract will be acknowledged by e-mail immediately after submission.
Notification of acceptance or rejection
Authors will be notified of acceptance or rejection before 1st October 2021.
The presenting author of each abstract must register for the congress with “Full Registration”.



Dear colleagues and friends,

it is my great pleasure to invite you to EuroMedLab 2021 – XXIV IFCC-EFLM European Congress of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine –which has been rescheduled due to the Covid pandemic to November 28th to Decenber 2nd 2021. EuroMedLab will be hosted by the German Society of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (DGKL) in Munich.

We have chosen Munich as the Congress City, not only because the capital of Bavaria is at the heart of one of Germany’s most vibrant high-tech and biotechnology region with world renowned universities and research institutions, but also because Munich has a centuries old history in central Europe. Over recent years, Munich has been ranked in international surveys for quality of living continuously among the top 5 cities worldwide. And last but not least, Munich with its International Congress Center is easy to reach from all over Europe and the world.

DGKL as one of the oldest national societies devoted to clinical chemistry and laboratory medicine is proud to host this exciting event and hold its annual meeting 2021 together with EuroMedLab. This is once again a unique opportunity to network with colleagues from Europe and beyond. With EuroMedLab 2021 in Munich we will continue the successful biennial congress format organized by IFCC, EFLM and the hosting national society. The programme will provide a most up-to-date and comprehensive overview of the hot topics in our field. It will cover cutting edge science and novel breakthrough technologies which may reshape our specialty as well as educational sessions. In the commercial exhibition diagnostic companies will present their latest products.
Having said this, we sincerely look forward to welcoming you in Munich in autumn 2021.

Best regards,
Prof. Dr. Karl J. Lackner
Congress President




All delegates must register for the congress. Registration fees are as follows:

Until 15 October 2021

Full Registration €554,62 + 19% vat €660,00
Young Registration (≤35 years) €277,31 + 19% vat €330,00
Day Registration €252,10 + 19% vat €300,00

From 10 January until 31 March 2022

Full Registration €705,88 + 19% vat €840,00
Young Registration (≤35 years) €378,15 + 19% vat €450,00
Day Registration €302,52 + 19% vat €360,00

On-site registration

Full Registration €756,30 + 19% vat €900,00
Young Registration (≤35 years) €403,36 + 19% vat €480,00
Day Registration €352,94 + 19% vat €420,00


The full registration and young registration fees include:

  • entrance to plenary lectures, symposia, industry-sponsored workshops, posters sessions and exhibition
  • possibility to submit abstracts
  • certificate of attendance
  • travel card
  • coffee and tea service during intermissions
  • Opening Ceremony and Welcome Party (Sunday, 10 April 2022)
  • Closing Ceremony (Thursday, 14 April 2022)

The day registration fee includes, for the day of registration only:

  • entrance to plenary lectures, symposia, industry-sponsored workshops, posters sessions and exhibition
  • certificate of attendance
  • coffee and tea service during intermissions

Cancellation and refund

Due to the postponement of the Congress delegates can cancel their registration and request reimbursement until 15 January, 2022.

Only for the new registrations received starting from 10 January, 2022

The amount equal to 80% of the fee paid will be refunded for cancellations received by 15 February, 2022.

Until 15 March, 2022 a refund of 50% of the fee will be granted.

After 15 March, 2022 no refunds will be issued.

All refunds will be paid in euros after the congress.


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