


会议地点: 日本 神户 -Kobe Convention Center
会议时间: 2022年4月14-16日
行业: 生物|检验|病理|感染|免疫|公共卫生会议




The 111st Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Pathology

Date: 14th-16th April 2022
Venue: Kobe Convention Center
Organizer: Hiroshi Yokozaki, Kobe University Graduate School of Medicine

Assignments of Pathology -- Timeless and Forward
病理学 時代を超えた課題、次代を見据える課題



Welcome Message

It is a great honor for me to be the president of the 111th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Pathology (JSP), which will be held at Kobe Convention Center at the Port Island of Kobe City from April 14 to 16, 2022. It is the first time for Kobe University and Hyogo Prefecture to invite the spring JSP Annual Meeting since the establishment of the JSP in 1911.

The JSP consists of pathologists pursuing basic mechanisms of diseases, precise diagnosis, and translational research and technologists providing high-quality skills and specialized knowledge. The JSP Annual Meeting this time will provide programs to the members to reach the fundamental objective of JSP that defines to popularize and promote the research concerning the scientific principle of pathology and its application. For this purpose, the main theme of the current meeting is proposed as "Assignments of Pathology -- Timeless and Forward". This meeting aims to activate the scientific research of young pathologists and to promote the internationalization of all JSP members. By taking special attention to the COVID-19 situation in Japan, the scientific discussions of this meeting will be held on-site at Kobe and the lectures for the diagnosis will be supplied on-demand.

For the "timeless assignments" of Pathology, two core-symposia to discuss "Future of Tumor Pathology (tentative) and "Infectious Pathology at the pandemic era" will be planned. For the "forward assignments", a symposium concerning adaptation and limit of Pathology in the digital innovation of medical technology, two workshops dealing the training of Molecular Pathologists and the analysis of the present status of the training of Certified Pathologists, and a lecture course providing the updated information of medical and research ethics.

Japan Pathology Award lectures will be given in 2022 by Prof. Eiichi Morii at the Osaka University, Prof. Hideo Tanaka at the Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine, and Prof. Tamotsu Sugai at the Iwate Medical University will give the special lectures on their pioneering research works. The international programs with the United Kingdom, Germany, and China, and the European Society of Pathology will also be considered after close discussion with the Committee of International Exchange of the JSP depending on the worldwide COVID-19 status. Organ-specific workshops will be arranged by the Scientific Program Committee of this meeting. This meeting aims to activate the scientific research of young pathologists and to promote the internationalization of all JSP members. I would encourage to apply in general topic sessions for young pathologists and investigators from foreign countries.

Kobe has the best season for the scientific discussion in April. I sincerely hope many attendees will participate fully and greatly enjoy the three days of the 111th Annual Meeting of the JSP.

Hiroshi Yokozaki
Division of Pathology, Department of Pathology
Kobe University Graduate School of Medicine



会议对象: 医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。

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