会议地点: 澳大利亚 悉尼/Sydney, Australia
会议时间: 2022年10月11-13日(线上);10月14-15日(线下)
行业: 生物|检验|病理|感染|免疫|公共卫生会议
国际病理学会(IAP) 前身为1906年成立的国际医学陈列馆联合会( International Association of Medical Museums,IAMM),1955年更名为国际病理学会(IAP)。IAP致力于通过全球教育交流促进病理学的发展,主要任务是从事改进医学院校、实验室、医院、医学博物院等部门的病理教学方法;协调解剖病理学、病理生理、比较病理学与相近科学技术的关系;加强病理学及病理技术的研究;协助各国成立全国及区域性组织;出版刊物及报告;组织会议,加强信息、思想交流。IAP每两年召开一次国际大会。
IAP 2022 - XXXIV International Congress of the International Academy of Pathology (IAP)
Date: 11-13 October 2022(Virtual);14-15 October 2022(in-person)
Venue: International Convention Centre Sydney (Sydney, Australia)
Theme: Bridge to a Cure
摘要征集-Call for Abstracts:
All abstracts must follow the instructions listed below and be submitted online by midnight AEDT 1 April 2022. You will be notified by 16 May 2022 whether your abstract has been accepted. Please note that all presenters must pay to register for the Congress by 30 May 2022. Registration payment not received by this date will result in presenters being withdrawn.
Abstract Submission Details and Guidelines
- Abstracts must be submitted using the using the headings Background, Aims, Methods, Results, Conclusion to be considered by the Committee.
- Only abstracts submitted in English will be reviewed.
- Multiple abstract submissions are permitted.
- Notifications will be emailed only to the submitting author.
- Abstracts must not exceed 300 words (excluding the title, authors and affiliations).
- Abstracts must be submitted in word document only, using the IAP 2022 template
- Only original scientific material which has not been previously published or presented at the meeting will be accepted.
- All abbreviations must be spelled out on first use.
- Abstracts should be thoroughly checked for spelling and grammar.
- There is no fee for submitting an abstract.
- Abstracts must be submitted by midnight AEDT, 1 April 2022 for consideration by the Committee. Authors will be notified of abstract acceptance by 16 May 2022.
Abstract Submission Template
Please find below the IAP 2022 Poster Abstract Submission Template. You are required to use the below template and will be able to upload the word document during the submission process.
Presentation Type
Oral presentations have the option to either present in-person or virtually. Poster presentations can only be submitted for virtual presentation.
If you are submitting an oral abstract, there are three options for you to choose from:
- You would prefer an oral virtual presentation as part of the virtual program that will be held from 11-13 October 2022
- You would prefer an oral in-person presentation as part of the in person program that will be held from 14-15 October 2022
- You are happy with either an oral or in person presentation on the above dates
Please note, the committee will make the final decision and once you have been accepted to present in-person or virtually this cannot be changed as this will affect the program structure.
Abstract Themes
IAP 2022 Committee warmly invites you to submit an abstract under one of the below themes:
- Autopsy (Forensic) pathology
- Breast pathology
- Cardiovascular pathology
- Cytopathology
- Dermatopathology
- Digital & Quantitative Pathology & Computer information technology
- Education in Pathology
- Electron Microscopy
- Endocrine pathology
- Gastroenterology pathology
- Gynaecological pathology
- Haematopathology
- Head and Neck pathology
- Hepatopancreatic pathology
- History of Pathology
- Mediastinal pathology
- Molecular pathology
- Neuropathology
- Ophthalmic pathology
- Paediatric and Perinatal pathology
- Pathology in Developing Countries
- Pathology of Infectious Diseases
- Pulmonary pathology
- Quality Assurance
- Renal/ Nephropathology
- Soft Tissue and Bone Pathology
- Trainees in pathology
- Uropathology
On behalf of the Local Organising Committee for the XXXIV International Congress of the International Academy of Pathology (IAP) and the host the Australasian Division of the International Academy of Pathology we are delighted to welcome you all to IAP 2022, to be held in Sydney, Australia, from 11-13 October 2022 virtually and in-person from 14-15 October 2022.
The theme of IAP 2022 is “Bridge to a Cure”. Discover Australia and discover the innovation that lies where practical problems meet leading scientific developments. IAP 2022 will focus on the application of theory and the discovery that comes when world-class minds are focussed on all specialities of pathology. Our Congress Program and sessions reflect this emphasis on science and is designed to trigger collaboration, innovation and discovery from a diverse group of participants.
Australia is a unique land and a diverse country in every way imaginable – in culture, population, climate, geography and history. The identity of all Australians, but especially our Indigenous Australians, is shaped by our relationship with the natural environment. Sydney, as host city, has much to offer our delegates, with a diverse range of attractions.
The Australasian Division of the Academy, the host society for IAP 2022, truly embodies the diversity of our profession, welcoming pathologists and industry, who come together to help advance the profession in Australia and beyond.
IAP 2022, Sydney, is an opportunity for delegates to make that once in a lifetime trip downunder and discover why there’s nothing and nowhere quite like Australia.
We have created a dynamic hybrid offering, acknowledging the times we are in, and whether you are able to join us virtually or on-person, you can be assured of a benchmark IAP Congress experience.
Professor Jane Dahlstrom OAM
Congress Co-President
Co-Chair of Scientific Organising Committee
Professor Richard Scolyer AO
Congress Co-President
Co-Chair of Scientific Organising Committee
Associate Professor Fiona Maclean
Australasian Division President
会议对象: 病理学家/医生、科研人员、实验室主管、临床医生、技术人员、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及其他相关专业人士代表等等。
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2021年第11届国际艾滋病协会(IAS) HIV科学会议