会议地点: 韩国 水原
会议时间: 2022年10月5-9日
行业: 生物|检验|病理|感染|免疫|公共卫生会议
IFBLS 2022
35th World Congress of Biomedical Laboratory Science
60th Conference of the Korean Association of Medical Technologists
October 5 (Wed) – 9 (Sun), 2022
Suwon Convention Center, Suwon, Korea
New Normal, New Lab
Hosted by:
International Federation of Biomedical Laboratory Science (IFBLS)
Korean Association of Medical Technologists (KAMT)
Dear Members of IFBLS from all over the world,
Greetings from the 35th World Congress of IFBLS, taking place on October 5-9, 2022 in Suwon, Korea!
On behalf of the organizing committee, we would like to express our sincere gratitude to you all who strive to provide rapid diagnostic tests in the era of the global pandemic and take the lead in improving the public health worldwide. We are thrilled at the prospect of meeting you all here in Suwon, Korea.
The 35th World Congress of the International Federation of Biomedical Laboratory Science, held in conjunction with the 60th Conference of Korean Association of Medical Technologists, will become the ideal time and place for you to move forward and prepare yourself for the post pandemic future.
Suwon, the hosting city of the 35th World Congress of IFBLS, is a beautiful city which invites you to the charms of Hwaseong Fortress, a UNESCO World Heritage. At this historic site, newly built Suwon Convention Center, the venue of the congress, boasts its cutting-edge information technology and infrastructure along with a scenic lake view.
Here in Suwon, you will surely have an unforgettable learning and cultural experience while exchanging the latest findings and inspirations with the dear colleagues around the world. We firmly believe that you will have a valuable time and get prepared for a thriving post-pandemic future.
We thank each and every one of you for participating in the 35th World Congress of IFBLS and look forward to seeing you in Suwon.
Best regards,
Jang, In Ho
President, 35th World Congress of IFBLS
President, Korean Association of Medical Technologists
Ki, Won Jin
Chairman, 35th World Congress of IFBLS Organizing Committee
会议对象: 生物医学实验室科学家、实验室技术人员、医学实验室科学家、医学实验室技术人员、生物化学家、分子生物学家、学士/硕士和博士生、临床实验室专业人员和普通科学家,医生、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。
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