会议地点: 土耳其 伊斯坦布尔(Istanbul, Turkey)
会议时间: 2022年5月4日至7日
行业: 遗传|移植|血液学会议
2022 ILTS International Congress on Liver Transplantation
International Congress of the International Liver Transplantation Society (ILTS)
DATE: May 4-7, 2022
LOCATION: Istanbul, Turkey
Sep 20, 2021
Abstract Submission opens
Dec 1, 2021
Abstract Submission closes
Jan 31, 2022
Late Breaking Abstract Submission opens
Feb 14, 2022
Late Breaking Abstract Submission closes
Nov 11, 2021
Early Bird Registration opens
Jan 14, 2022
Standard Registration opens
Apr 2, 2022
Late Registration opens
Abstract Categories
- Advanced Liver Surgery
- Anesthesia / Critical Care Medicine / Acute Liver Failure
- Basic Science / Translational Research
- Comorbidities and Liver Transplantation Outcomes
- Donation after Circulatory Death and Machine Perfusion
- Donor Selection Criteria / Patient Selection / Organ Allocation
- Immunosuppression and Tolerance Induction
- Liver Transplantation during Covid-era
- Living Donor Transplantation
- Pediatrics
- Surgical Videos for Technical Innovation
- Transplant Oncology
General information
Instructions to Authors
Carefully read the guidelines below before submitting your abstract. Acknowledgement of the receipt of your submission will be sent to the corresponding author’s e-mail address immediately upon submission. If you do not receive the confirmation e-mail, please do not submit the abstract again, instead please contact the Scientific Secretariat at [email protected] for advice.
Invited Speakers
Invited speakers are not required to submit abstracts for the lectures to which they are invited.
Ethical Statement
The ILTS is an international society of transplant professionals, and we support the international standards of informed, uncoerced consent of organ donors and prohibitions on trafficking of organ donors for profit. Authors should verify that presented research studies do not involve the use of material from executed prisoners or material from recipients of organs or tissues of executed prisoners.
Assistance and Contact
For any assistance for the submission of the abstract please contact the Scientific Secretariat at: [email protected].
Submission Guidelines
- You are allowed to be the presenting author of more than one abstract.
- You are allowed to be a co-author of more than one abstract.
- Faxed, e-mailed or mailed abstracts will not be accepted.
- 提交费/Submission fee: $50.00 per abstract (accepted in USD only). Please note that the fee is not refundable, regardless of the acceptance of the abstract.
Abstract Language and Length
Abstracts and presentations must be written in English. The maximum length allowed for an abstract is 300 words. The abstract title, the author(s) or names of institutions are not included in the count of 300 words.
Abstract Structure and Content
In order to make the abstract as informative as possible, please include a brief statement of the purpose of the study and/or the underlying hypotheses, the method used, the results observed, and the conclusions based upon the results. It is inadequate to state “The results will be discussed” or “The data will be presented”. You may subtitle the paragraphs in the following order:
- Background
- Method
- Results
- Conclusion
It is the author’s responsibility to submit a correct abstract. Any errors in spelling, grammar or scientific fact will be reproduced as typed by the author as no editing will be done by ILTS.
Encore abstracts (abstracts previously presented at another conference or previously published in a journal) will not be considered.
Presentation Formats and Abstract Categories
Authors can indicate their choice of preferred type of presentation in the provided space. In addition, authors should indicate the thematic area (see “Abstract Categories”) to which their abstract should be assigned. Please note that the final decisions regarding the allocation and the type of presentation of the submitted abstract will be made by the Program Committee.
In addition to the abstract category, we expect each abstract submitter to identify at least one of the following target groups for the submitted abstract:
- Anesthesia/Critical Care
- Hepatology
- Pediatrics
- Surgery
- Basic and Translational Research
- Pathology
- Radiology
Surgical Video Abstracts
Submission Guidelines
Surgical Video Abstracts will be accepted. All submissions must follow the following guidelines:
- Videos must be submitted through the online abstract submission system.
- Videos should be no longer than 7 minutes in length.
- Submission must contain a 300-words hard copy abstract description of the video.
- Videos should be in DVD format and must be playable using Windows Media Player.
Surgical Video Session
Video abstracts accepted for Surgical Video presentation will have a 7–10-minute video presentation followed by 3 minutes for discussion.
Notification of Acceptance
The corresponding author receives all correspondence concerning the abstract and is responsible for informing all co-authors of the status of the abstract.
Notifications of acceptance will be sent in the second half of February 2022.
With the notification of acceptance, abstract presenters will be informed about the time and date of their presentation.
Registration and Visa Requirements
The presenting author of an abstract must register for the Congress. Please note that registration will open in November.
It is highly recommended to read the related information about your country’s visa regime before arranging your travel to Turkey. While some applicants may be exempt from visa for their touristic or business visit to Turkey, the others can obtain an e-Visa. All other applicants will need to obtain a visa through Turkish Representations in the abroad
An informational note about Turkey’s visa regime is available here: www.mfa.gov.tr.
Publication of Abstracts
Accepted abstracts will be published in the Transplantation Journal and on the official ILTS website (accessible to ILTS members only).
The ILTS grants a number of awards for abstracts submitted to the Congress. To be considered, you may opt in during the online abstract submission process. Applicants are only eligible to receive one award. Award Winners of 2019 and 2020/21 are not eligible for the same award in 2022.
Abstracts Selected for the Rising Star Symposium
The goal of the Rising Star Symposium is to attract the best and brightest combinations of youth and wisdom working in the clinical and basic science of liver transplantation research today. Young investigators and their designated mentors are invited to submit an abstract.
Presentation Format
The Program Planning Committee will award four young investigator/mentor teams, and the winning teams each give a joint 15-minute presentation.
The mentor will give a 5-minute presentation of the background information and previous data relevant to the topic. The objective of the mentor’s presentation is to educate the Congress attendees on the importance and relevance of the work to be presented.
The young investigator will follow with a 10-minute presentation of the data submitted in the abstract. There will be 8 minutes allotted for discussion.
Award Criteria
- This award is based on the abstract’s degree of excellence.
- The young investigator and mentor MUST be the presenting authors. No exceptions will be made.
- Both mentor and Young Investigator MUST be current ILTS members.
- The Young Investigator (mentee) must be age 42 or younger.
- Only the Young Investigator (mentee) will receive the award honorarium.
- Rising Star Award Winners of 2019 and 2020/21 are not eligible for the award.
ILTS Young Investigator Award
The 2022 Joint International Congress of ILTS, LICAGE and ELITA offers a number of awards to young investigators. This award recognizes current young investigators who submit abstracts to the Congress. Selection will be based on abstract degree of excellence determined by the Program Planning Committee. Funds will be disbursed by wire transfer after the Congress after confirmation of attendance.
Award Criteria:
- This award is based on the abstract’s degree of excellence
- The award recipient MUST be the presenting author. No exceptions will be made.
- The presenting author must be an ILTS member age 42 or younger.
- Young Investigator Award Winners of 2019 and 2020/21 will not be considered for the same award in 2022.
ILTS will have e-posters only. Abstracts accepted for presentation as posters will be presented on e-Poster Terminals at the Congress Centre where they can be browsed onsite, as well as on the ILTS website, accessible for members of ILTS only after the Congress.
Conflict of interest
All presenters are required to include a statement disclosing any conflict of interest* related to your abstract. This should be visible on your poster and state:
In relation to this presentation, I declare the following, real or perceived conflicts of interest: (description of the conflict of interest)
In relation to this presentation, I declare that there are no conflicts of interest.
* A conflict of interest is any situation in which a speaker or immediate family members have interests, which may cause a conflict with the current presentation. Conflicts of interest do not preclude the delivery of the talk but should be explicitly declared. These may include financial interests (e.g. owning stocks of a related company, having received honoraria, consultancy fees), research interests (research support by grants or otherwise), organizational interests and gifts.
Dear Colleagues,
We are pleased to invite you to join us at the International Congress of the International Liver Transplantation Society (ILTS) in Istanbul, Turkey, May 4-7, 2022. The Congress connects the world of liver transplantation, and we are proud of its reputation for the quality of science, its international flavor and its strong multi-disciplinary approach.
The continuous development of the Congress is an ILTS priority. In 2022, you can look forward to a robust scientific program, giving you valuable input for your day-to-day practice. Special formats like the Pre-meeting Symposium, Meet the Experts Sessions, and workshops will enhance the educational content of the Congress. Attending ILTS 2022 will allow you to discuss the latest advances in the care of liver transplantation patients and receive state-of-the-art updates in clinical and basic science.
Why Istanbul? Istanbul is changing – it is dynamic, it is curious and diverse – many of the characteristics of the ILTS Congress. Turkey is one of the world leaders in living liver donor transplantation, and there is much to learn. East really does meet west in Istanbul.
We are looking forward to seeing you face to face – Let’s Meet in Istanbul!
Mohamed Rela, MS, FRCS, DSc
Program Chair, President-elect
Dr. Rela Institute and Medical Center
Chennai, India
Marina Berenguer, MD
ILTS President
Hospital University La Fe
Valencia, Spain
会议对象: 科学家、外科医生、麻醉医师、肝病学家、重症监护医师、放射科医生、病理学家、护士以及相关专业人士代表。
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