


会议地点: 德国 柏林
会议时间: 2022年5月15-18日
行业: 遗传|移植|血液学会议


2022年第2届国际移植科学会议(ITS2022)将于2022年5月15-18日在德国柏林举行,ITS是由美国移植学会(AST) 、国际器官移植协会(TTS)、欧洲器官移植协会(ESOT)联合组织的基础科学移植会议。ITS会议的宗旨是提供来自顶尖专家的深入、前沿的演讲,以解决移植中连接基础理论与转化科学所面临的挑战。会议将专门讨论有关移植中的病理抗体、耐受机制以及在移植治疗和器官再生方面都具有诊断和治疗前景的新趋势。此外,还将涵盖从先天免疫到代谢组学等议题,教育会议将重点讨论单细胞多模态组学的突破和挑战。

ITS 2022 - International Transplant Science (ITS) meeting

Date: May 15-18, 2022
Venue: Crowne Plaza Berlin City Centre, Berlin, Germany

Primary Topics:
B cells, Protective and Pathogenic Antibodies, Biomarkers/Big data, Innate Immunity, Scientific leadership in Transplantation, Marginal organs & ex-vivo machine perfusion, Mechanisms of alloimmunity and Tolerance, COVID-19 – immunological response to vaccination, Basic mechanisms of organ regeneration, Biobanks and Bioassays





Deadline to submit your abstract(s) is: Monday, 10 January 2022 23:59 CET

点此提交摘要>>>Submit Abstract>>>





Description & Objectives:

The 2nd International Transplantation Science (ITS) meeting, jointly organised by the American Society of Transplantation (AST), The Transplantation Society (TTS) and the European Society of Transplantation (ESOT), will be held between 15th and 18th of May 2022 in Berlin, Germany.

The ITS meeting 2022 is intended to provide in-depth, cutting-edge talks from leading experts addressing challenges that arise from connecting basic fundamental to translational science in transplantation. We will dedicate sessions to discussions on pathologic antibodies in transplantation, mechanisms of tolerance, and both new trends in transplant therapeutics and organ regeneration that hold diagnostic and therapeutic promise. Other sessions will tackle topics of biomarkers, biobanks and Big Data in transplantation. Moreover, we include selected subjects ranging from innate immunity to metabolomics in transplantation. Our educational pre-meeting will focus on the breakthrough and challenges in Single Cell Multimodal Omics. Programme will also embrace round table discussions which will focus on various topics such as role of the scientists or discussions with transplant patients.

This meeting will not only serve as an international platform for scientific discussions on the latest ground-breaking discoveries in the field but will also provide an excellent opportunity to present your own work to the scientific community. We hope this will allow for the exchange of new ideas and establishment of collaborative work between advanced transplant experts, young professionals and early stage researchers.

On behalf of AST, TTS and ESOT we invite you to join us in Berlin and to actively contribute to an exciting and stimulating scientific meeting that will inspire and challenge you with updates on recent research and developments in the field of transplantation!




Registration fees

Early registration fees  Rate (Until 15 March 2022 included) Registration fees (After 15 March 2022)
Doctoral Member* € 450.00 € 525.00
Non-Doctoral Member* € 350.00 € 425.00
Trainee Member* € 225.00 € 300.00
Doctoral Non-Member € 600.00 € 675.00
Non-Doctoral Non-Member € 500.00 € 575.00
Trainee Non-Member € 375.00 € 450.00
Industry € 675.00 € 775.00
Pre-Meeting Workshop € 50.00 € 70.00
*IMPORTANT: If you are a member in good standing of any of the organising societies: AST, ESOT or TTS, you are entitled to the reduced member fee. To register with the reduced member fee, please contact the representative of the affiliated society to obtain your special member code. Please be sure to mention which type of participant you are (doctoral, non-doctoral, trainee)

The registration fee includes:

• Access to scientific sessions
• Educational materials
• Certificate of attendance
• EACCME credits
• Coffee breaks and luncheons


会议对象: 移植外科医生,对移植感兴趣的各个领域的医生,协调员、护士、营养师,对移植感兴趣的普通外科医生和临床医生•移植科学家,营养和康复专家,移植药剂师,以及其他对移植感兴趣的相关专业人士等等。

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