


会议地点: 以色列 特拉维夫 - David Intercontinental Convention Center
会议时间: 2022年5月23-25日
行业: 遗传|移植|血液学会议


2022年第25届国际人类基因组组织(HGM)年会/人类基因组会议(HGM 2022)-The Next Frontiers in Genomics将于2022年5月23-25日在以色列特拉维夫举行。


The 25th Human Genome Meeting - Human Genome Organisation (HUGO)
The Next Frontiers in Genomics
Date:May 23-25, 2022
Venue: David Intercontinental Convention Center, Tel Aviv, Israel

Human Genome Meeting (HGM) is a series of annual conferences organised by the Human Genome Organisation (HUGO). It started as a meeting dedicated for Human Genome Mapping. Over the years, with the completion of the Human Genome Project, HGM has evolved from a small targeted meeting into an international scientific conference for all genetic and genomic researchers; an excellent platform for industry partners and bio-technology companies as well as pharmaceutical companies; and a fantastic reunion for fellow scientists and networking opportunity for established and young investigators.

HGM centres on a stimulating and interesting program of plenary lectures, symposia, workshops, poster presentations, lectures and social events. Our scientific program covers a wide range of topics, spanning from system biology and epigenomics to genomic technologies; from drug discovery to gene therapy, pharmogenomics and genomic medicine; from computation genomics and bioinformatics to genetic and genomic databases; aiming to share most up-todate research trends, results, information and databases which often sparks off new collaboration opportunities. HGM also provides an arena for presentation and discussion of more focused studies in human genetics and genomics. Working together with the HUGO subcommittees, there will also be meetings specially catered for discussion on ethics, related impact on so.


摘要征集-Call for Abstracts:

Oral/poster Abstracts Submission Closes
March 31, 2022

April 14, 202


Abstract Themes
  • Genome organization & high-order interactions
  • The microbiome and the genome – where is the junction?
  • Biobanks and their impact on precision medicine
  • Human Cell Atlas - Single cell analysis
  • AI in health and medicine
  • Stem-cell derived organoids
  • Cell engineering & gene therapy
  • Genomics of ageing
  • Immunity and disease
  • Integrating metabolism and disease
  • Ancient human genomes
  • Gene-environment interactions

Abstract Submission Regulations

Each registrant may submit one abstract of his/her work as presenter. The registrant can select to have their abstract considered for an oral or poster format. It is expected that the abstract will include recent work. Inclusion of original work not previously published is highly encouraged.

Only those abstracts that have been reviewed and selected by the Abstract Review Committee may be presented. Abstract submissions will only be accepted electronically through the abstract submission module.

With the submission of an abstract to HGM 2022 Conference, the first author (presenting author):

  • Accepts responsibility for the accuracy of the submitted abstract.
  • Confirms that all authors are aware of and agree to the content of the abstract and support the data presented.
  • Identifies any financial interest in products or processes described in the abstract. This information is to be forwarded to the Scientific Committee together with the abstract.
  • Agrees that the acceptance of an abstract does not imply provision of travel, accommodation or registration for the meeting, nor any other costs associated with preparation or presentation of the abstract, and any costs associated with attendance at the meeting
  • Gives HUGO permission to publish your abstract, PowerPoint presentation and/or Poster on the Conference or HUGO HGM 2022 website and all other conference materials.
  • Gives HUGO permission to film or photograph your presentation at the meeting.

Only the submitting author will receive a confirmation/abstract number by e-mail from the HGM2022 Conference Secretariat within 48 hours of submission. This confirmation of abstract receipt is NOT a notice of acceptance to the program.

If you do not receive any confirmation within 48 hours, please contact the Conference Secretariat [email protected] within one week following the submission of the abstract.


Please note that submitting an abstract does not automatically register you as a delegate. All authors
who submit an abstract are required to register for the meeting prior to submitting an abstract. Submitters will not be able to submit an abstract without having completed registration.

If the presenting author is unable to attend the conference, please notify us of an alternative
presenter or withdraw the abstract. Any alternative presenter must also register for the conference.

Abstract Format

In order to be considered, an abstract should respect the following guidelines:

  • English is the official language.
  • The abstract must be submitted in good English. The Scientific Committee reserves the right to reject those abstracts, which are presented in poor English, or may request an immediate revision by the presenter.
  • Abstract titles should be brief and should reflect the content of the abstract.
  • Commercial names may not be used in the abstract title.
  • List first and last names of all authors.  Only institutional affiliations, cities and countries should follow.  
  • The online abstract submission procedure will not accept abstracts that exceed 250 words.
  • Abbreviations may be used if standard or if spelled out and defined at the first use. Compounds should be mentioned with the generic name, in lower cases. Commercial names are admitted in the text, with an Related image , and if in brackets following the generic name, i.e. “generic (Commercial Related image)”.
  • Supplementary data or appendices will not be accepted.
  • Figures or photographs are not allowed.




Dear Members of the Genomics Scientific Community,

We would like to invite you to attend the Human Genome Meeting (HGM 2022) - The Next Frontiers in Genomics - which will take place at the David Intercontinental Hotel in Tel Aviv, Israel on May 23-25, 2022.

On May 22, 2022, Tel Aviv University will host a Trainee Symposium. Graduate students and post-doctoral fellows are invited to present their research. Slots at the Meeting will be saved for the best talks.

As many of you know, the original meeting was scheduled to take place in February 2021;  however, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we have decided to postpone the meeting to a date we hope all of you will be able to attend. 

HGM 2022 will have, with your help, a captivating program of plenary lectures, symposia, workshops, poster presentations, lectures and social events. Our scientific program will cover a wide range of topics in human genomics to share the most up-to-date research trends, results, information and databases, which often sparks off new collaboration opportunities.

We plan to create a memorable, extraordinary conference in Tel Aviv, which is considered to be the liveliest city in the region - The City that Never Sleeps. This will be the very first time that an HGM is held in Israel and we look forward to welcome its participants to Tel Aviv for an experience of a lifetime.

Our sessions will cover the following:

  • Gene regulation, organization & long-range genomic interactions
  • The microbiome and the genome – where is the junction?
  • The biobank and impact on precision medicine
  • Human Cell Atlas - Single cell analysis
  • AI in health and medicine
  • Stem cell derived organoids to study genetic disease
  • Cell engineering & gene therapy
  • Mechanisms of ageing
  • Immunity and disease
  • Integrating metabolism and disease
  • Ancient human genomes
  • Gene-environment interactions
  • Genomic ethics
  • Genomics and the COVID-19 pandemic

We look forward to seeing you in Tel Aviv in May 2022!


Prof. Karen B. Avraham, Chair
Tel Aviv University, Israel

Prof. Eran Meshorer, Co-Chair
Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel





会议对象: 医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。

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