


会议地点: 法国 巴黎
会议时间: 2022年5月12-14日
行业: 遗传|移植|血液学会议


2022年第8届世界多发性骨髓瘤争议大会(COMy 2022)将于2022年5月12-14日在法国巴黎举行。大会的宗旨是提供先进的科学与研究,重点关注该领域的最新进展和改善患者护理,大会将为骨髓瘤领域的世界级领导人提供一个独特的机会,就骨髓瘤领域重大和有争议的问题进行宣辩论,这场发人深省的学术对话将解决当前最具挑战性的临床和治疗问题。会议议题包括:疾病生物学进展;免疫疗法:年轻患者的治疗指南;预后预测;非移植适应症患者的治疗选择;复发治疗;骨髓瘤中的CAR-T细胞;难治性骨髓瘤的选择;如何治疗骨髓瘤的专家意见;正在进行的临床试验和未来的试验;阴燃性骨髓瘤和MGUS;等等。

The 8th World Congress on. Controversies in Multiple Myeloma (COMy)
Dates: May 12-14, 2022
Venue: The Westin Paris – Vendôme (Paris, France)



Abstract Submission Deadline: April 11, 2022

点此提交摘要>>>Submit Abstract>>>

Abstracts for the Congress:

  • Participants who would like to actively participate in the Meeting, are requested to submit an abstract for review by the Scientific Committee.
  • The Committee reserves the right to: 1) select the abstracts relevant to the sessions; 2) decide on the final form of presentation.
  • The Committee will accept 2 abstracts for poster display per presenting author.
  • The List of Posters will be published in the Final Program and on the website only on receipt of payment in full for registration.

Before you begin, please prepare the following information:

  • Title of the abstract
  • Family names and initials of all authors
  • Details of affiliation of all author(s); institution, city, country
  • Contact details of the presenting author (email, tel, fax)

Please note: Abstracts cannot exceed 300 words and cannot include tables and graphs.

About Abstract Submission:
Be sure to make all changes, corrections and proofreading before submitting.
Please note: Once you click Submit, you cannot edit the information you entered.
To make any changes after you have submitted, please contact the Congress Secretariat at [email protected] mentioning your name and abstract confirmation number.

Prior to submission, please use ‘spell check’ within your abstract WORD document in order to avoid spelling errors.



Dear Friends and Colleagues,

​We would like to welcome you to the next World Congresses on Controversies in Multiple Myeloma (COMy) that will be held in Paris, France on May 12-14, 2022.

Over the last few years, the myeloma field has made significant progresses. We have seen fascinating novel drugs being introduced, and the whole treatment paradigm is progressively changing.

Like the previous ones, this international meeting aims to deliver state of the art science and research, focused on the latest advances in the field and on improving patient care.

The scientific content will be on the cutting-edge one because the pace of change in multiple myeloma is accelerating.

In addition to the science, you will be able to enjoy this most spectacular city of Paris. We are looking forward to seeing you in Paris next year.​


Mohamad Mohty

Arnon Nagler

Thierry Facon




Registration for the face-to-face congress in Paris

Early Registration
until March 15, 2022
On-site Registration
from March 16, 2022 and on-site
Participants – Physicians and scientists € 475 € 525
Residents, trainees, nurses, students € 350 € 400


Free registration for the virtual congress


Once you are registered to the COMy 2022 Hybrid Congress, please note that you agree to receive promotional material and updates regarding the Congress.

Registration fees include:

  • Registration for the face-to-face congress in Paris includes access to the virtual platform and to all congress sessions and on-demand content, lunch and coffee breaks, invitation to welcome reception, all printed material of the congress and certificate of attendance.
  • Registration for the virtual congress online includes access to all live-streamed congress sessions (being broadcast live from Paris), as well all on-demand content.


会议对象: 医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。

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2022年第29届国际器官移植学会国际会议(TTS 2022)

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