
2021年第13届国际皮肤病学大会(ICD 2021)


会议地点: VIRTUAL-虚拟会议
会议时间: 2021年11月10-13日
行业: 整形|美容|皮肤|性病会议



国际皮肤科学会(ISD)由Drs Aldo Castellani和Frederick Reiss于1959年发起成立,学会原名为国际热带皮肤病学会,1992年更名为国际皮肤病学、热带、地理和生态学会,1999年更为现名。国际皮肤科学会(ISD)的宗旨是:促进和支持科学研究,促进不同国家的专业人士皮肤病学的各个领域,特别是热带、地理和生态方面的相互了解和合作;在国际上促进与上述皮肤病学领域有关的思想交流,与皮肤病学教育和发展相关的基金会、机构、组织和学会合作;鼓励对皮肤和性传播感染的地理生态进学行调查研究,并举办与这些主题相关的区域会议和研究生课程;根据现有资料,出版官方期刊和其他出版物;与世界卫生组织和其他有关机构建立关系;定期举行国际大会,至少每五年举行一次。

ICD 2021 - XIII International Congress of Dermatology
International Society of Dermatology (ISD)
Date: 0-13 November 2021
Venue: Virtual

Key Dates/关键日期

Abstracts Submission Opens: Tuesday 10 March 2020
Registrations Open: Monday 15 February 2021
Abstracts Submission Closes: Tuesday 6 April 2021
Early Bird Registrations Closes: Tuesday 13 July 2021
Congress Dates: 10-13 November 2021

点此提交摘要>>>Submit Abstract>>>



Dear Colleagues,

We are excited to bring Melbourne and Australia to you in this unique rolling dermathon. A chance to learn, to interact with friends and to experience Australia’s unique flora and fauna without leaving your home.

We have produced a program which spans from neglected tropical skin diseases all the way to cutting-edge new therapies and cosmetic laser and filler treatments. The on-demand program will roll over a 24-hour period and three days, Thursday 11 November to Saturday 13 November 2021, so that delegates can view content in their time zones. Over 200 speakers will be presenting, including the Board Members of the International Society of Dermatology, which celebrates its 60th birthday alongside this Congress.

Join us as world experts share their new ideas, new technologies and new treatments. We look forward to meeting you online at the virtual Congress.

Professor Dedee Murrell
International Congress of Dermatology 2021

Professor Rod Sinclair
Secretary General
International Congress of Dermatology 2021



注册费-Registration Fees

Registration Type
Early Bird Rate^
available from 12 April 2021 until 17 September 2021
Standard Rate
available from 18 September 2021
ISD Member1
AU$490.00  |  US$380.00
AU$590.00  |  US$450.00
ACD Fellow Member2
AU$490.00  |  US$380.00
AU$590.00  |  US$450.00


AU$600.00  |  US$460.00

AU$790.00  |  US$605.00

Member Dermatology Trainee
AU$250.00  |  US$195.00
AU$310.00  |  US$240.00
Non-Member Dermatology Trainee
AU$290.00  |  US$225.00
AU$390.00  |  US$300.00
AU$150.00  |  US$115.00
AU$200.00  |  US$155.00
Medical Student3
AU$100.00  |  US$80.00
AU$150.00  |  US$115.00

All registration fees will be charged in Australian Dollars (AU$).

US Dollars (US$) listed are estimates based on the exchange rate as of 30 March 2021. To view the current foreign exchange rates, please visit www.x-rates.com.

^ To be entitled to the early bird registration fee you must have registered and paid by 17 September 2021.
1 ISD – International Society of Dermatology
2 ACD – Australasian College of Dermatologists
3 A student is defined as a holder of a student identification card from a recognised tertiary or secondary educational institution, or a holder of an international student card. Students must be studying full-time to qualify for the discounted rate. A copy of your student identification card must be uploaded during the registration process or emailed to the Congress Managers at [email protected]. Without this copy, the full registration fee will be charged.

The registration fee entitles ISD, ACD, non-members and industry delegates to the following:

  • All virtual Congress sessions and recordings for 12 months
  • Congress documentation

^ To be entitled to the early bird registration fee you must have registered and paid by 17 September 2021.



Cancellations must be notified in writing to the Congress Managers by email at [email protected].

Cancellations on or before Wednesday 8 September 2021 will incur a AU$150 cancellation fee.
Cancellations from Thursday 9 September 2021 to Wednesday 13 October 2021 will incur a 50% cancellation fee.
Cancellations on or after Thursday 14 October 2021 will receive no refund.

会议对象: 医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。

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2023年第25届世界皮肤病学大会(WCD 2023)
2021年第14届世界儿科皮肤病学大会(WCPD 2021)

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