


会议地点: 德国 杜塞尔多夫 - Congress Center Düsseldorf, Germany
会议时间: 2022年4月10日至13日
行业: 整形|美容|皮肤|性病会议



EUROGIN 2022 - EUropean Research Organisation on Genital Infection and Neoplasia Congress

Date: April 10-13, 2022
Venue: Congress Center Düsseldorf, Germany



Late breaker deadline : on request – strict conditions to be complied with.

All abstracts must be submitted through the online abstract submission system.

点此提交摘要>>>Submit Abstract>>>

Abstract topics

For review purposes, abstracts are classified according to the following list.

Select only 1 topic on our submission form:

  1. HPV disease and COVID-19
  2. Viral and molecular biology
  3. Epidemiology and natural history
  4. Pathogenesis
  5. Immunology
  6. HPV prophylactic vaccines
  7. HPV therapeutic vaccines
  8. Immunotherapy - Immuno-oncology - New treatments
  9. HPV testing
  10. HPV screening
  11. Screening for women difficult to reach
  12. Triage of HPV positive women
  13. Self-sampling
  14. Genotyping
  15. Molecular markers
  16. Screening methods
  17. Automation in cytology
  18. Methylation
  19. Microbiome
  20. Serology
  21. New technologies
  22. Artificial Intelligence
  23. Diagnostic procedures / management
  24. Risk management
  25. Colposcopy
  26. Cervical neoplasia
  27. Vulvar and vaginal diseases and neoplasia
  28. Anal neoplasia
  29. Oral HPV infection
  30. HPV and oropharynx / Head and neck cancer
  31. HPV and associated skin diseases
  32. Genital warts
  33. HPV transmission
  34. Sexually transmitted diseases and HIV infection
  35. Conventional therapies
  36. Economics and modelling
  37. Advocacy, acceptability and psychology
  38. Health education
  39. Low resource settings
  40. Public health
  41. Fertility and HPV



Message from the Chairman of the Scientific Committee

Dear friends and colleagues,

Since its creation three decades ago, the EUROGIN congress has gained a strong reputation as one of the leading international conferences on HPV infection and associated cancers. The meeting offers a forum for high-level scientific exchange involving multiple disciplines, with the aim to translate research into clinical practice. Thanks to the top-ranking program committee the congress program offers up-to-date scientific information on the full range of HPV-related diseases.

For non-vaccinated populations, early detection and HPV based screening remains to be the key challenge.

The perspective of eliminating HPV infection and related cancers continues to be a major goal. HPV immunization on a large scale opens a priceless opportunity to reduce the burden of cervical, ano-genital and oral cancer all over the world. The journey started some time ago, but the destination has now come into sight: elimination of HPV related cancer.

As usual, the EUROGIN congress will offer a variety of educational opportunities for attendees: training courses, specialized workshops, scientific sessions, clinical sessions, free communications and poster presentations.

On behalf of the EUROGIN Organizing Committee, I am pleased to welcome you to EUROGIN.

Joseph Monsonego
Chairman of the Scientific Committee



会议对象: 医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。

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