


会议地点: 丹麦 欧登塞/ Odense, Denmark
会议时间: 2021年5月31日至6月3日
行业: 神经|心理|精神会议



欧洲神经病理学学会联合会 (Euro-CNS) 成立于1994年,其宗旨是促进和保持整个欧洲神经病理学培训和临床实践的协调统一,并促进神经病理学和神经病理学研究的科学发展。Euro-CNS现拥有1000多名成员,包括21个国家组织的个人会员。

The European Confederation of Neuropathological Societies (EURO-CNS), The Scandinavian Neuropathological Society (SNS), Odense University Hospital and University of Southern Denmark welcome you to the 12th European Congress of Neuropathology, which will be held at the new congress venue ODEON in Odense, Denmark, 3-6 June 2020.

The Congress will cover all areas of neuropathology and focus on novel diagnostic approaches including molecular mechanisms explaining pathological and clinical manifestations of neurological diseases. An important issue will be integration of novel molecular technologies into neuropathology. The scientific program will include lectures by top scientists about cuttingedge technologies and workshops focusing on the practical approach in an innovative interactive way. 

The great potential of integrating the poster sessions into the congress will be fully exploited by poster presentations and a setup facilitating an interactive dynamic social and scientific atmosphere during the breaks.

A pre-congress course on tumors of the central nervous system will take place before the congress. 



Announcement on 23 April 2020:

As the congress will be held a year later than originally planned, and attendance plans may have changed and research may be updated, we will open abstract submission in the autumn. The review committee will review all abstracts and select abstracts for Free communications, symposia and workshops. Our earlier communications about selection and presentation methods of abstracts are therefore not valid.
Even if your abstract was accepted for the initial congress dates, you still have to submit your abstract again once the system opens in the autumn of 2020.
A new call for abstracts will be communicated by mail and will be announced on the congress website in due time.

Please rest assured that if your abstract was accepted for the initial congress dates (June 2020), it will be accepted again when you re-submit. Acceptance will be for poster presentation. All abstracts will be re-assessed for oral presentations (free communications, and short oral presentations at several symposia and workshops).

Grant allocations (congress grants and ISN grants): As grant applications were based on abstract submission and presentation method as assigned by the review committee, we will have a completely new round of grant allocations. If you wish to apply for a grant (again) you have to indicate this in the online submission form. Our earlier communications about grant selection are therefore not valid. You are not automatically entitled to the grant for the new congress dates and need to apply again.




Please note that VAT is not added on congress payments in Denmark, and therefore is not deductible. 
The following items are included in the registration fee
Attendance at all sessions, final programme, lunches, coffee/tea in breaks during congress days.

会议对象: 神经学家、病理学家、相关科室主任、副主任、医生及对该领域研感兴趣的专家、科研人员、医药企业等。

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2020年第78届美国心身学会年会(APS 2020)
2021年国际头痛大会(IHC 2021)
2022年第14届欧洲癫痫大会(EEC 2022)

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