会议地点: 美国 罗阿诺克(Roanoke)
会议时间: 2022年4月10-14日
行业: 神经|心理|精神会议
ASN 2022 - 52nd Annual Meeeting of the American Society for Neurochemistry
Date: April 10-14, 2022
Venue: The Hotel Roanoke & Conference Center, Roanoke, VA, USA
The deadline to submit an abstract is 11:59 pm EST, November 15th, 2021.
*All presenting authors who wish to submit an abstract must be registered for ASN 2022 first. Once registered, you will receive a Registration Confirmation Email containing a link to the Abstract Submission Portal. If you are submitting the abstract on behalf of the presenting author, please enter the presenting author’s information in registration and the abstract submission.
There is a fee of 25 USD per abstract submission. Please note the fee is charged at the end of each abstract submission. Abstract submission(s) will be completed upon successful payment. Please follow the instructions in the submission portal when filling in the form, previewing and submitting your abstract! Before you start to type your abstract into the abstract form remember the following:
- The abstract should be information containing:
- the specific objectives of the study;
- a brief statement of method, if pertinent;
- a summary of the main results;
- a conclusion containing the main message of the paper. (It is not acceptable to state, for instance: "our data concerning .. will be presented" or "The results will be discussed".) No figures or tables are acceptable.
- When using non-standard abbreviations, spell them out in full the first time they appear in the text followed by the abbreviations in parentheses. Do not use abbreviations in the title of the abstract.
- The formatting of the presenting author, the other authors and their institutional address is done automatically. So please do NOT enter it as well in the main abstract text field.
- A total of 500 words for the entire abstract (excluding the abstract title, all authors and their institution, and spaces) cannot be exceeded.
- bstracts can be submitted under four themes:
- Building the Nervous System
- Glial Mechanisms & Injury
- Metabolism, Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology
- Neurodegeneration & Disease
Dear colleagues,
On behalf of The American Society for Neurochemistry and the Planning Committee, I would like to extend a warm invitation to join us for the 52nd Annual ASN Meeting (ASN 2022) to be held in Roanoke, VA from April 10-14, 2022. Please join us for this milestone meeting where we will be celebrating the 50th Anniversary of ASN.
This meeting will continue to address the four major themes of our society: Building the Nervous System, Glial Cell Biology, Molecular and Cell Biology of the Nervous System, and Neurodegeneration and Disease.
We are currently building an engaging scientific program featuring the most up-to-date research, diverse topics of interest, and scientific sessions with leading experts. An equal share of networking opportunities to catchup with old friends or make new ones will complete what will prove to be an excellent meeting.
At this time, we are planning an in-person meeting. The health and safety of all our stakeholders is of the utmost importance and therefore, the planning committee will continue to monitor the climate and pandemic situation. The planning committee will take all necessary precautions and if required, make any changes in order to ensure a safe and comfortable experience for all.
We are excited to welcome you to Roanoke VA and hope you can join us next April!
Seema Kaushalya Tiwari-Woodruff, PhD
President - ASN 2022 Planning Committee
Registration Fee Full Meeting Includes:
- Access to all Scientific Sessions
- Access to Exhibit Hall and Poster Area
- All Networking Breaks
- Digital Download of Meeting Program
- Abstracts will be available for Download on the Meeting Website
- Welcome Reception
- Gala Dinner
- Certificate of Attendance
Single Day Registration |
Early/Regular Registration |
Single Day Registration – April 11 |
USD 170 |
Single Day Registration – April 12 |
USD 170 |
Single Day Registration – April 13 |
USD 170 |
Single Day Registration – April 14 |
USD 170 |
Attendees can purchase up to 2 Single Day registrations.
Registration Fee Single Day Includes:
- Access to all Scientific Sessions on Day(s) of Attendance
- Access to Exhibit Hall and Poster Area on Day(s) of Attendance
- All Networking Breaks on Day(s) of Attendance
- Digital Download of Meeting Program
- Abstracts will be available for Download on the Meeting Website
- Welcome Reception for Purchase
- Gala Dinner for Purchase
- Certificate of Attendance for Day(s) Attended
会议对象: 医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。
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