


会议地点: 捷克 布拉格
会议时间: 2022年5月1-4日
行业: 神经|心理|精神会议



国际帕金森病及相关疾病协会(IAPRD)前身为世界神经病学联盟帕金森氏症及相关疾病研究小组,2010年在Erik Wolters博士与Zbigniew Wszolek博士倡议下改为现名并成为一个独立的组织。IAPRD是一个由临床医生、科学家和其他相关专业人士宣组成的国际性专业协会,他们对神经退行性疾病感兴趣,如帕金森病、继发性帕金森症、多动和少动运动障碍,以及其他影响肌肉张力和运动控制的任何疾病;与运动障碍有关的非运动障碍,例如自主神经系统疾病,情绪障碍,睡眠障碍(包括:白天过度嗜睡,REM睡眠行为障碍,不安腿综合症和周期性肢体运动)和精神疾病(包括:冲动控制障碍,执行功能障碍,痴呆,妄想和幻觉)等等。

IAPRD 2022 - 27th World Congress on Parkinson’s Disease and Related Disorders
Date: 1-4 May 2022
Venue: Prague Congress Centre, Prague, Czech Republic

Organized by:International Association of Parkinsonism and Related Disorders(IAPAD)



Abstract Submission open until 30 January 2022

Abstracts can be submitted for:

  • Poster Presentation (for Poster Exhibition on all congress days, and Guided Poster Tour)
  • Oral presentation* / Guided poster tour (2 May 2022; Note: Presenting author must be a trainee/resident AND must be the first author of the abstract.
  • Video Case for Grand Parade of Movement Disorders (3 May 2022)

Abstract Submission Preparation and Guidelines

Maximum is 20 words typed in lower-case letters. Please be careful that errors may occur if you copy and paste the title into the field from another document. Choose a title that clearly indicates the content of the contribution.

Number of submitted abstracts
Each presenting author is allowed to be allocated to max. 2 abstracts.

Abstract Topic
For the submission of your abstract, one single topic has to be selected to index the abstract. The chosen topic will be the category in which your abstract will be reviewed and graded. You should therefore select it carefully.

Abstract Content
All abstracts have to be submitted and must be presented in English, the official language of the IAPRD Congress.
The maximum word limit is 300 words.
Abstracts have to be structured in the following specified subtitles:

  • Background
  • Methods
  • Results
  • Conclusion

Abstract Grading / Results
All abstracts will be reviewed and will be graded by members of the Abstract Review Committee of the IAPRD Congress 2022.

All submitters will be notified by e-mail in March 2022 about the outcome (accepted or not accepted) of the review and selection process. Please ensure the e-mail address provided is correct as all correspondences will be sent via e-mail.

All expenses (travel costs, accommodation, registration, etc.) associated with the submission and presentation of an abstract are under the responsibility of the presenter.

For further information about Travel Awards see the subpage on our congress website.

*Top abstracts submitted will be selected for oral presentation. Abstracts that are accepted but not selected for oral presentation will be placed in the poster category



Welcome to the IAPRD 2022 World Congress

Diagnosing and Treating Movement Disorders in the Era of Personalized Medicine

We are excited to welcome you back in person to the IAPRD congresses! We begin again with Prague, one of Europe’s beautiful cities with its hundreds of spires and colorful Baroque buildings set on the Vlata River.

On behalf of the Board of the International Association of Parkinsonism and Related Disorders (IAPRD), it is our pleasure to invite you to join us for the XXVII World Congress on Parkinson’s Disease and Related Disorders to be held 01 – 04 May 2022 in Prague, Czech Republic! 

This Congress will feature a comprehensive educational program in movement disorders led by a global faculty, including classroom seminars, mentorship sessions, discussion of video cases, and enhanced poster interactions. Plenary and parallel sessions will be devoted to the latest updates on treatments targeting disease cause, advanced pump and neurosurgical therapies, individualized approaches to patient care, and on how genetics and disease subtyping are changing our approach to movement disorders. The final day will include debates on controversial issues in our field.

Prague, our venue for IAPRD 2022, was established more than a thousand years ago and is aptly called “the golden city of a hundred spires.” Prague offers glimpses of history at every turn, with its graceful bridges spanning the Vltava River and its colorful Old Town Square with buildings from every era of the city’s past. Set in in this enchanting city is the modern Prague Congress Center, designed as an open, friendly, and inspirational location for international meetings such as ours.

This meeting is designed to encourage interactions among colleagues across different countries and career stages and has a personal and collegial feel.

We invite you to join us in Prague 2022 for this exciting World Congress!

Daniel Truong, MD
President IAPRD

Andreas Puschmann, MD
Chair SPEC

Joohi Jimenez-Shahed, MD
SPEC Co-Chair

Jan Roth, MD
Regional Organizing Committee Co-Chair

Irena Rektorová, MD
Regional Organizing Committee Co-Chair

Elena Moro, MD
Regional Organizing Committee Co-Chair

Maja Trošt, MD
Regional Organizing Committee CO-Chair



Registration Types

Early Fee

Until 15 March 2022

Regular Fee

From 16 March 2022

Regular Congress Ticket EUR 550.00 EUR 650.00
Reduced Fee** EUR 275.00 EUR 400.00
Students/ Residents/ Trainees* EUR 250.00 (175.00**) EUR 300.00 (200.00**)
Allied Health Professionals EUR 400.00 EUR 475.00

* Students: Copy of student ID required | Residents/Fellows/Trainees: Born after 1 January 1990 and/or still in training. Copy of official document indicating age or a letter stating training status by employer required.

**Participants from lower & lower middle income countries: List according to World Bank criteria, please click here.

The registration fee includes

  • Access to the scientific sessions
  • Access to the exhibition
  • Certificate of attendance
  • Networking reception on Sunday 1 May 2022, daily coffee breaks and reception prior Grand Parade of Movement Disorders 3 May 2022

The congress provides a collegial atmosphere to meet, interact and network with colleagues from around the world who are interested in the field of Parkinson’s Diseases.

Cancellation policy

Registered conference participants who cancel their registrations will receive a refund of the conference registration fee as follows:

Cancellation Dates Refund
by 31 March 2022 Refund of 100% of the registration fee less an administration fee of EUR 25.00.
All cancellations must be submitted in writing to the conference office.
after 31 March 2022 No refund will be issued. All cancellations must be submitted in writing to the conference office.

The IAPRD has authorized the Interplan AG to offer registration for the congress. All bookings should be made via the congress website. 



会议对象: 医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。

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