


会议地点: 中国 台湾-台北 - Grand Hotel Taipei
会议时间: 2021年11月20-22日
行业: 肝胆胰脾|营养|消化|肛肠会议




国际外科、消化道和肿瘤科医师协会(IASGO )是国际消化外科领域最具权威的学术组织之一,其前身是1988年由希腊的N.Lygidakis和美国的Stazle(国际“肝脏移植之父”)等倡导并创立的国际外科俱乐部(International Surgical Club),现在70多个国家设有分支机构。IASGO的宗旨是聚集不同领域的医学专家、通过一个结构良好、组织完善的持续医学教育系统,促进医学知识和专业技能的全球化,使每位医学专家都能获得同等的继续医学教育机会及最先进的医学知识及技能,并造福人类。



Postponed to 2021


大会主题:“Harmony of Humanity and Technology- application of AI in SGO”

New Abstract Submission Open : April-1-2020
New Abstract Submission Deadline : July-15-2020

Dear Colleagues and Friends,

On behalf of the local organizing committee, it’s really our honor and pleasure to welcome you to attend the 32nd World Congress of International Associations of Surgeons, Gastroenterologists, and Oncologists (IASGO 2020) at Taipei city.

The main theme of IASGO 2020 is “Harmony of Humanity and Technology- application of AI in SGO”. We invited world-class experts from medical society to industry, professions from basic research to clinical application on the newly developing field of medical artificial intelligence (AI). Serial specific speeches will focus on the topics about the basic knowledge of medical AI, current status and application of AI on the field of Surgery, Gastroenterology, and Oncology (SGO), the impact of AI on clinical practice, and provide the environment for speakers and all attendees to discuss how we (surgeons, gastroenterologists, and oncologists) can do to mix the spirit of humanity into medical diagnosis, decision making, and treatment for patients in the brand new era of AI.
Except the main theme of artificial intelligence, we also provided special sessions of most updated immunotherapy, interventional therapy (proton, radiotherapy, RFA, PRRT, etc.), nutrition management, and early rehabilitation program for the treatment of patients with abdominal malignancy. Furthermore, we invited well-known international experts to share their experiences, researches, and national data-base profiles on the topics of UGI-, HBP-, LGI-, Endocrine- cancers, and sarcoma.

To make the opportunity for every attendee to realize the whole scope of integrated oncologic medical care, we also cooperated with societies of internal medicine and nurses to provide novel experiences on the care of common situations on oncologic patients such as hepatitis, exocrine-insufficiency, and endocrine (hyperlipidemia & DM) management, oncologic nurse care.

After three-days congress providing with the well-designed, plentiful contents of scientific program, all attendees would gain the most updated, integrated information that would be helpful for oncologic patients’ care in the future.

Taipei is a well-developed, beautiful, clean city with convenient metro-rail transportation (MRT) system. Many of the famous sightseeing hotspots are easily reachable. During this congress trip, and short vacation, we also highly recommended you coming with your family and colleagues to enjoy wonderful Taiwan culture, amazing sightseeing, and delicious local Taiwan cuisines.

Please come to the most important annual IASGO festival- IASGO 2020 at Taipei to share your academic opinions, make friends with international experts, and experience the beauty of Taiwan island with your family.
Sincerely yours,


President of IASGO World Congress 2020.
Professor, Department of Surgery, National Taiwan University Hospital and College of Medicine.
President of National Taiwan University Emeritus of Taiwan Surgical Society of Gastroenterology.
President of Metabolic and Mini-Invasive Surgery Foundation.




Important Dates

Online Registration System Open
00:00 (GMT+8), July 31, 2021
Early Bird Registration Deadline
23:59 (GMT+8), September 30, 2021Extended to October 10, 2021
Regular Registration Deadline
23:59 (GMT+8), November 15, 2021
IASGO 2021 Registration Fee Official Ratio: US$/NT$ 1=30
Registration Status Early bird Registration
(Registration AND Payment
must be received
before Oct. 10, 2021)
Regular Registration
(Registration AND Payment
must be received
before Nov. 15, 2021)
On-site Registration
(All Registration AND Payment received after Nov. 15, 2021
will be considered as On-site Registration)
IASGO Member NT$ 1,500 (≈US$ 50) NT$ 3,000 (≈US$ 100) NT$ 4,500 (≈US$ 150)
IASGO Non-Member NT$ 4,500 (≈US$ 150) NT$ 6,000 (≈US$ 200) NT$ 9,000 (≈US$ 300)
Resident / Nurse / Pharmacist/ Dietician/ Others NT$ 900 (≈US$ 30) NT$1,500 (≈ US$ 50) NT$ 2,250 (≈US$ 75)
(Proof of student status is required, e.g. valid student ID card.)
(pre-conference registration requested)
NT$ 900 (≈US$ 30)
Additional Purchase Welcome Dinner (Nov. 20) NT$ 1,500 (≈US$ 50) NT$ 1,500 (≈US$ 50) NT$ 1,500 (≈US$ 50)
Special discount is offered for more than 30 countries,
kindly login the IASGO 2021 online system to find out!!
*As exchange rate is fluctuations, amount of US$ charged might be slightly different from the above table
*All registration fees will be charged in New Taiwan Dollar. The fees in US Dollar are for reference only.
*Administrative fees of NT$ 300 (≈US$ 10) is required for each registrant.
eg. IASGO Member NT$ 3,000 (≈US$ 100) + Administrative Fee NT$ 300 (≈US$ 10) = Total Reg. Fee NT$ 3,300 (US$ 110)


Cancellation and Refund Policy

Notification of cancellation and request for refunds must be sent in writing to the IASGO 2021 Congress Secretariat. The following cancellation and refund policies will apply:
  • Last Day for Cancellations with Full Refund: 23:59 (GMT +8) October 31, 2021
  • Last Day for Cancellations with 50% Refund: 23:59 (GMT +8) November 15, 2021
  • Administration charge of NT$ 300 (≈US$ 10) is required for each registrant, which would NOT be refund
All refund will be processed after the congress has concluded.


会议对象: 医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。

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2022年第30届欧洲消化疾病周(UEG Week 2022)

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