


会议地点: 中国 台湾-台北 + 虚拟
会议时间: 2021年11月25-28日
行业: 肝胆胰脾|营养|消化|肛肠会议



18th Congress of Asia Pacific Federation of Coloproctology (APFCP)
12th Congress of Asian Society of Stoma Rehabilitation (ASSR)
35th Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons

Date: 25-28 November, 2021
Venue: The Grand Hotel, Taipei, Taiwan, China


重要日期-Important Dates

  • Abstract Submission Deadline : 31 July 2021
  • Notification of Acceptance: 31 August 2021
  • Poster Layout Submission Deadline: 10 November 2021
  • Presentation Submission Deadline: 10 November 2021


Abstract Type

  • Oral
  • Poster

Abstract Topics

  • Colon and rectal cancer: diagnosis, endoscopy, tumor biomarkers & genetics, risk assessment, surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy
  • Other Neoplasia: Anal cancer, Anal dysplasia, Condyloma, HPV infection, Colon polyps, Advanced Polypectomy techniques, Neuroendocrine tumors, Polyposis syndromes, Presacral tumors, Appendiceal Neoplasms, Carcinoid, GIST, Lymphoma
  • Benign colorectal disease: Diverticular disease, Large bowel obstruction, Volvulus, Lower gastrointestinal bleeding, Endometriosis, Trauma, Intestinal stomas, Colitis (infectious, ischemic, microscopic, radiation induced and C. difficile related), Anastomotic issues
  • Benign Anorectal: Hemorrhoids, Anal fissure, Abscess, Fistula, Rectovaginal fistula, Anal Stricture, Pilonidal disease
  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease
  • Pelvic Floor: Anal pain, Fecal incontinence, Constipation, Obstructed defecation, Rectal prolapse, Sacral Nerve Stimulation, Functional Bowel Disorders, Irritable Bowel Syndrome
  • Education, assessment, practice management, and training program
  • Quality and Cost: Enhanced recovery after surgery, Observational studies, Health care economics, Quality and safety issues, Ethical Considerations


  • To submit your abstract you will first need to register for the conference.
  • One person can submit only up to 3 abstracts




Dear Colleagues and Friends,

Greetings from APFCP 2021-Taipei !

Back to 1997, we hosted the 6th annual APFCP Congress in Taipei, after 24 years, it’s our greatest honor to host the congress again. The APFCP Congress is the most important meeting for coloproctologist in the Asia-Pacific region which serves as the platform for experts in this field to share their experiences and friendship. For decades the APFCP Congress has been promoting the advancement of medical science and maintaining active communications with all organizations interested in coloproctology and its related fields of coloproctology in the Asia Pacific region.

The theme of APFCP 2021-Taipei is “Precision medicine, the future is the present”. Major scientific advances in the field of coloproctology has been blooming. NGS makes precision medicine possible and modern concepts for surgical intervention for benign and malignant diseases promote quality of surgery. In APFCP 2021-Taipei we will devote special attention to discoveries and innovations that can have an impact on disease management. In the scientific program, we will have special sections on novel treatment strategies, endoscopic advancement, diagnosis, management and controversies in the field of colorectal surgery. Our basic scientific session will devote to considering the evolving concepts of pathogenesis and disease control. Proceeding the main Congress, there will be a wide offer of educational courses covering basic and advanced topics for physicians, nurses, clinical and basic investigators.

Taipei is an attractive and lovely city. Its four seasons feel like spring and also has plentiful cultural and tourism assets. It is our greatest pleasure and honor to have your participation. Your attendance will enrich the meeting. Thank you and we look forward to seeing you all in Taipei.

Sincerely yours,

Jeng-Kai Jiang, M.D., PhD.
Chief, Division of Colon & Rectal Surgery, Taipei Veterans General Hospital
Professor, National Yang-Ming University, Taipei, Taiwan
16th President, Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons, Taiwan
18th Congress President, APFCP 2021-Taipei




Dear colleagues and friends,

Greeting from ASSR 2021, Taipei
It is my great honor to extend our personal greeting to each and every one of you who are joining us for the 12th Congress of Asian Society of Stoma Rehabilitation which will be held on November 27 to 28, 2021 in Taipei, Taiwan.

Throughout the past years, we strived to make this event a symbolic gathering of stoma care professionals in the worldwide region. This joint congress aims to promote an exchange of the most up-to-date progress on optimal stoma care.

The theme of this year’s congress are stoma nursing and patient care with the following emphases: (1) Standard and quality of stoma nursing; (2) Latest innovation of stoma treatment and experience sharing from patients. It is essential to highlight the importance of identifying and disseminating best practices for stoma care. Innovative stroma care strategies and better clinical practice can be achieved through integrating academic research.

We aim to provide an ideal and cordial platform for networking, sharing experiences, exchanging views, discussing the advancements and breakthroughs in the field of stoma care. Collaborations between professionals and experts can promote science and improve practice quality in wound, ostomy, and continence management.

This biennial international congress in the Asia-Pacific is a truly integrated congress leveraging the expertise of medical professionals and participants. It is our pleasure to have your attendance and hope you bring home the most beautiful memories from your stay in Taipei.

Sincerely yours,

Jaw-Yuan Wang, M.D., Ph.D.
Vice Superintendent, Kaohsiung Medical University Chung-Ho Memorial Hospital
Professor, Graduate Institute of Clinical Medicine, Kaohsiung Medical University
17th President, Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons, Taiwan
12th Congress President, Asian Society of Stoma Rehabilitation




To encourage more participants to join APFCP 2021 as well as 12th ASSR 2021, we decided that this year’s congress will be FREE for all virtual participants.




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