


会议地点: 捷克 布拉格Prague
会议时间: 2021年11月29日至12月2日
行业: 肝胆胰脾|营养|消化|肛肠会议


2021年第20届国际营养与诊断大会(INDC 2021)将于2021年11月29日至12月2日在捷克布拉格举行。国际营养与诊断大会(INDC)是一个科学讨论并专注了解营养与临床诊断之间的关系与联系的国际论坛。INDC是营养学家、医生、分析化学家、生物化学家、化学家和临床诊断学家在营养、食品疾病、食品成分和健康趋势方面寻求新技术和新方法的宝贵资源。

INDC 2021 - 20th International Nutrition & Diagnostics Conference
DATE: November 29 - December 2, 2021,
LOCATION: Prague, Czech Republic


Abstract submission
Abstract submission opens: May 1, 2021
Oral presentation deadline: October 10, 2021
Poster presentation deadline: October 10, 2021

The abstract must be submitted as Microsoft Word Document (*.doc) according to the following rules. You are kindly asked to download our template (Microsoft Word format).

Please send the updated abstract via email to [email protected].

Deadli​ne for abstracts will be October 10, 2021 end of day, regardless of time zones. Submitting author will be notified of their abstract’s acceptance/rejection.

Participants who submit abstracts in an incorrect format will be asked to resubmit their abstract according to the guidelines. Please note that abstracts sent in incorrect format frequently will not be accepted!

Page size:

A4 (297 x 210 mm), abstract must not exceed one page


top: 25 mm; bottom: 25 mm; left: 30 mm; right: 30 mm

Font type:

Calibri; do not use any other font

Line spacing:

title and text must be single spaced


centered, 11 point, bold capital letters


centered, 11 point, presenting author underlined


centered, 11 point. In the case of different affiliations of the authors, specify with superscript (1), (2), etc.

Main text:

left and right justified, 11 point, unindented, text must be single spaced


placed in square brackets [1, 2, ...] in the text and cited at the bottom of the abstract (font size 10pt); e.g. [1] K. Vyňuchalová, P. Jandera: Comparison of a C30 Bonded Silica Column and Columns with Shorter Bonded Ligands in Reversed-Phase LC. Chromatographia 78 (2015) 861-871.



Dear Colleagues,

The International Nutrition & Diagnostics Conference - INDC 2021 is an international forum for scientific discussion focused on understanding the relationship and connections between nutrition and clinical diagnostics.

The aim of this multidisciplinary conference is to bridge the gaps between the specialists and fields of science as diverse as nutrition, clinical biochemistry, food technology, analytical chemistry and medicine.

INDC is a traditional meeting point for people who are interested in understanding how food influences our health, working performance, feelings and aging.

There is a need for sensitive and reliable analytical methods which would help us to determine what bioactive chemical compounds are found in our food, as well as for trace analysis methods in complex biological matrices to follow the bioactive compounds and their metabolites in the human body. We need to understand how food technology alters the bioactive compounds and how human body metabolizes the chemical substances from food.

It is evident that enormous progress has been made in instrumental analytical methods over the last thirty years. Today the main application and use of the techniques is analysis of biological samples: tissues, blood and urine.

Many people are not able to adjust their eating habits based on sedentary lifestyle including working with computers, watching television, and driving a car. It seems that this easy way of life that the generations before us used to dream of is now damaging our health and possibly even having a worse effect on the younger generation.

This presents a new challenge for scientists to develop analytical technologies that would allow us to understand our personal metabolism, feelings, physical and mental performance in connection with specific biomarkers, with the overall aim to personalize medicine as generalized recommendations have proven to be of limited value.

We see food as an integrated part of the environment we live in and the one that affects us the most. Therefore, it is understanding the food that can be used and should be used to maintain the balance in the human metabolism.

I look forward to a successful conference and meeting you in Prague.


Aleš Horna
Conference Chairman




  Early registration
(until September 30, 2021)
Late Registration
(from October 1, 2021)
Delegate 350 EUR 410 EUR
Student 200 EUR 260 EUR
Accompanying persons 150 EUR 190 EUR
Social program 60 EUR 60 EUR


会议对象: 医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。

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