


会议地点: 秘鲁 利马/Lima, Peru - LIMA CONVENTION CENTER , LCC
会议时间: 2020年10月15日至17日
行业: 内分泌|糖尿病会议



Important dates/重要日期:
February 10, 2020 : Abstract submission opening
April 1, 2020 : Abstract submission deadline
June 1, 2020 : Acceptance notification
June 15, 2020 : Deadline for authors registration

Dear colleagues,

For the second time in Latin America, we have the opportunity to organize the World Congress on Prevention of Diabetes and its Complications in Lima, Peru.  Since the first Congress which took place in Copenhague (Denmark) almost 24 years ago, the interest in the prevention of diabetes has been growing thanks to the studies demonstrating the efficacy of interventions in high-risk individuals. The same has happened with the early detection and multifactorial treatment of diabetes and its complications which has reduced the burden of the disease.

Now we need to implement the results at the regional and local level and the main purpose of this 11th Congress is to summon all the experts working on prevention strategies in the real world to exchange their experiences and find ways to collaborate with groups interested in developing projects in this field. It will also offer the opportunity to update our knowledge on these topics.

After being around the world through cities such as Fiuggi (Italy), Hong Kong (China), Chennai (India), Helsinki (Finland),  Dresden (Germany), Madrid (Spain) and Edinburgh, it is now beautiful Lima's turn, capital from Peru. There, amidst a modern scenery and a colonial city, we hope to offer you our best hospitality and assure a scientific meeting of the highest standards. To achieve this, our three Scientific Societies working in the field of diabetes have joined their efforts: the Peruvian Endocrine Society, the Diabetes Association from Peru and the Juvenil Diabetes Association.

We thank you for your presence and invite you to actively participate in all the activities that will be developed during this great meeting.

Best regards,

Segundo Nicolás Seclén
President, 11th WCPD Congress

注册费-Registration fees

会议对象: 医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。

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