


会议地点: 西班牙 塞维利亚(Sevilla, Spain)
会议时间: 2022年4月21-23日
行业: 肿瘤科会议





EADO 2022 - 18th Congress of the European Association of Dermato-Oncology (EADO)
21-23 April 2022
Sevilla, Spain
Hybrid congress


Abstract submission deadline: March 1st 2022
Notification of acceptance: March 10th 2022
End of Early Bird fee: November 28th 2021
End of Regular fee: February 13th 2022
E-poster Upload Deadline: 11th April, 2022
E-poster Platform Goes Online: April 14th 2022
Congress begins: April 21st 2022

点此提交摘要>>>Submit Abstract>>>

摘要提交指南>>>Abstract guidelines>>>



Dear Friends and Colleagues,

The Congress of the European Association of Dermato-Oncology (EADO) is now a very well established scientific meeting, and has participants not only from Europe, but from all continents of the world. It is the largest congress in dermato-oncology and there are no competing congresses in this field.

The 18th EADO Congresswill be hosted in the amazing city of Seville, Spain and will be a hybrid event comprising both an in-person conference and a virtual conference. We believe it will be one of the first congresses where face-to-face meetings will once again be possible.

Each EADO congress brings with it a special area of emphasis and Seville has a clinical focus on both the early diagnosis of skin cancer and dermatosurgery as part of the integral approach to skin cancer patients. Consequently, the promising therapeutic landscape that the increasingly conservative surgery and the latest breakthroughs in immunotherapy and targeted therapy bring to skin cancer patients will be comprehensively discussed in Seville, with also special attention to dermoscopy and other diagnostic technologies.

Compared to previous congresses, there is a balanced offering of topics on melanoma and non-melanoma skin cancer.

The best experts worldwide have been invited as speakers and will offer you the opportunity to gain a comprehensive insight into all areas of dermato-oncology.

Some cities blast you away, others slowly win you over. Seville, the host city, disarms and seduces you. Its historic center, lorded over by a colossal Gothic cathedral, is an intoxicating mix of resplendent Mudéjar palaces, baroque churches and winding medieval lanes. Flamenco clubs keep the intimacy and intensity of this centuries-old tradition alive whilst aristocratic mansions recall the city’s past as a showcase Moorish capital. But while history reverberates all around, Seville is as much about the here and now as the past. It is about enjoying warm afternoons and evenings eating tapas in a buzzing plaza.

Join us at the 18th EADO Congress! We are convinced we will all enjoy this opportunity to gain the highest scientific knowledge in the field, surrounded by the most colorful Spring ever, Spring in Seville.

Warmest regards,

Prof. Dr. David Moreno-Ramírez
Seville, Spain
Congress President 
Prof. Dr. Claus Garbe
Tuebingen, Germany
Congress President




Presential Registration fees cover:

  • Admission to onsite & virtual scientific sessions and satellite symposia
  • Admission to the onsite & virtual industrial exhibition
  • Onsite coffee breaks & lunches
  • Congress bag
  • Opening ceremony 
  • Certificate of attendance
  • Collection of abstracts
  • Online material will be available until 23rd July 2022

Virtual Registration fees cover:

  • Admission to virtual scientific sessions and satellite symposia
  • Admission to the virtual industrial exhibition
  • Virtual opening ceremony 
  • Certificate of attendance
  • Collection of abstracts
  • Online material will be available until 23rd July 2022


会议对象: 医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。

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