会议地点: 美国 夏洛茨维尔(Charlottesville, VA, USA) + 虚拟会议
会议时间: 2021年9月23-24日
行业: 外科|麻醉|疼痛会议
Clinical Robotic Surgery Association (CRSA) Annual Meeting
DATE: September 23 – 24, 2021
VENUE: Omni Charlottesville, Charlottesville, VA, USA + VIRTUAL
摘要提交-Abstract Submission
- Submission deadline August 1, 2021
- Notification of acceptance/rejection by August 15, 2021
- Registration for the full conference before August 30, 2021.
Please note that you must complete a minimal registration to access the abstract submission page. This applies to both members and non-members.
- Abstracts must be submitted in English;
- Authors may submit more than one abstract;
- Copyright of the abstract(s) is assigned to the CRSA;
- Abstracts are to be authored, co-authored and must be limited to 300 words (under the headings of background/hypothesis, materials, and methods, results, conclusions);
- Please indicate whether or not the first author is a resident/fellow;
- Please indicate if you prefer oral, poster, or video presentation;
- Please indicate the topic;
- Oral presentations will be limited to 10 minutes.
- Video presentations will be limited to 8 minutes.
Abstract Title
- End title with a period;
- No abbreviations may be used in the title. The title will be in Bold letters;
- Do not use capital letters in the title except for words that are always in capitals.
Abstracts can only be submitted online. Abstract sent by email, fax, or regular mail will not be accepted.
Confirmation of Receipt
You will receive a confirmation email that your abstract has been received.
If you do not receive an email confirmation within one week,
please write to [email protected]
Abstract Acceptance
All submissions will be reviewed anonymously by members of the scientific committee.
The scientific committee will then recommend abstracts for acceptance or rejection either as oral, poster, or video presentation to the CRSA Board of Directors.
Authors will be notified about the final decision by August 15, 2021, and, in the case of acceptance, will also be informed of the time, date, and allocation of the presentation. Submission of an abstract implies acceptance of the final decision about method and allocation of presentation by the CRSA Board of Directors, and no further correspondence will be entertained.
Authors are required to register before August 30, 2021.
CRSA 2021 Topics for Abstracts
- Bariatric
- Colorectal
- Endocrine
- Fluorescence
- Experimental Research
- New Tools
- Oncology
- Thoracic
- Transplant
- Single Port
- Surgical Innovations
- Surgical Simulation and Training
- Upper GI
- Vascular
Dear Friends,
It is my great pleasure to invite you to join the Clinical Robotic Surgery Association (CRSA) Annual Meeting held on September 23 – 24, 2021, in Charlottesville, VA, USA. The meeting is being co-hosted by the University of Virginia and promises to bring national and international experts in robotics to share their experiences in multiple surgical disciplines.
While the pandemic has kept us apart, we are excited to welcome our friends and colleagues to share our experiences. Unfortunately, international travel is still limited, so this year will be a hybrid that will enable people to participate in person or virtually. While I hope you can join us on the historic Charlottesville campus, we welcome you to participate virtually if you still face travel restrictions. In addition, we are accepting scientific contributions to the conference in the form of oral presentations, posters, and videos that can be delivered in person or virtually.
The University of Virginia was founded in 1819 by Thomas Jefferson, the author of the United States Declaration of Independence. Today, the University of Virginia is among the best public universities in the United States and houses the number one hospital in Virginia, with an expansive program in robotic surgery
Charlottesville is the historic home of the third president of the United States, Thomas Jefferson. His famous house, Monticello, and the University of Virginia campus have been designated as a UNESCO world heritage site. Located in the foothills of the Blue Rudge Mountains, the campus and surrounding country are transformed into a colorful masterpiece in the fall. If you travel in person, we highly recommend to stay for the weekend and visit one of the many beautiful vineyards, take a stroll through the historic downtown are, or adventure into the Blue Ridge Mountains for a hike.
Jose Oberholzer, M.D.
Jose Oberholzer
President CRSA
Early Bird - Ends August 31 |
Standard Rate |
Virtual Only | ||||
Member |
Non-Member |
Member |
Non-Member |
Members |
Non Members | |
MDs |
300 |
500 |
500 |
750 |
150 |
Residents / Fellows |
50 |
75 |
50 |
75 |
50 |
Allied Health Professionals |
50 |
75 |
50 |
75 |
50 |
Vendors / Companies |
500 |
750 |
750 |
1000 |
300 |
Invited Speakers |
Registration fees to the Congress include:
- Admission to all educational sessions, refreshments, lunch, and exhibitions
- Networking opportunities
- CME Credits
- Congress Brochure
- Admission to the Surgical Innovations Gala dinner
- One year membership to the Clinical Robotic Surgery Association
- assignment to one of four regional chapters: United States, Europe, India, East Asia
- Access to 3,000 + videos and presentations on robotic surgery
- Access to the International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery
- Free and discounted access to educational webinars and in-person training workshops
Registration to the Virtual Event includes:
- Admission to all Virtual educational sessions
- One year membership to the Clinical Robotic Surgery Association
- Assignment to one of four regional chapters: United States, Europe, India, East Asia
- Access to 3,000 + videos and presentations on robotic surgery
- Access to the International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery
- Free and discounted access to educational webinars and in-person training workshops
会议对象: 外科医生、医院科室主任/副主任、外科住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。
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2022年第18届世界内镜外科大会(WCES 2022)