


会议地点: 爱尔兰 都柏林 - Convention Centre Dublin
会议时间: 2023年3月29日至4月1日
行业: 外科|麻醉|疼痛会议





14th Biennial World Congress on Brain Injury
Date: March 29-April 1, 2023
Location: Dublin, Ireland


About the Conference

The 14th Biennial World Congress on Brain Injury will now take place in March 29-April 1, 2023, in Dublin, Ireland. The IBIA World Congress is the largest gathering of international professionals working in the field of brain injury. Delegates are comprised of rehabilitation physicians, psychiatrists, psychologists, neurosurgeons, speech pathologists, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, social workers, nurses, case managers, advocates, legal professionals and all those dedicated to advancing research and treatment for patients with brain injury.

Over 1400 international delegates attended the Congress when it was held in Toronto, Ontario in 2019. The Congress will feature platform presentations, workshop and panel discussion from a faculty of over 120 internationally recognized speakers as well as 200 oral presentations and over 600 poster presentations from submitted peer reviewed abstracts. Speakers at recent Congress’s include Vicki Anderson, David Arciniegas, Erin Bigler, Joseph Giacino, Steven Laureys, Andrew Maas, Michael McCrea, Adrian Owen, Jennie Ponsford, Roberto Rodriguez, Enrique Noe, Nicholas Schiff, Jonathan Silver, Donald Stein, John Whyte, Ross Zafonte, and Nathan Zasler just to name a few.

The aim of the World Congress on Brain Injury is to provide an opportunity for establishing collegial relationships with international professionals focused on the science of brain injury and/or the care and treatment of persons with acquired brain injury. State-of the-art research will be presented on assessment, treatment, and international priorities in the field of brain injury research will be discussed. Overall, the Congress seeks to provide didactic opportunities for clinicians interested in advancing their knowledge in brain injury science, medicine and care.


IBIA 2023 注册费:


会议对象: 医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。

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