2022年第11届世界显微重建外科学会大会(WSRM 2022)
会议地点: 墨西哥 坎昆/CANCUN, MEXICO
会议时间: 2022年6月1日至4日
行业: 外科|麻醉|疼痛会议
世界显微重建外科学会(WSRM)是由国际显微外科学会(International Microsurgical Society)和国际重建显微外科学会(International Society of Reconstructive Microsurgery)于1999年合并组建而来,WSRM旨在促进与提高显微外科科学与技术知识,从而改善和宣提高这一领域的外科实践水平;为交流经验与传播创新技术提供一个国际性平台。WSRM自2011年起每2年召开一次世界显微重建外科大会。
WSRM 2022 - 11th World Society for Reconstructive Microsurgery congress
Date: June 1 - 4, 2022
Location: Cancun, Mexico
- Abstract submission deadline: January 30, 2022
- Notification of abstract acceptance: February 28, 2022
- Early-bird registration deadline: March 10, 2022
Free Paper Abstract Submission Guidelines
STEP 1 Click on “Free Paper Abstract Submission Form”
STEP 2 Complete Author(s) Info Section
STEP 3 Complete Abstract Section
STEP 4 Click on “Send”
STEP 5 Proofread your Abstract
STEP 6 Click on “Submit”
- All abstracts must be submitted electronically only, using the link provided at the end of this page.
- Abstracts submitted via e-mail, fax or regular mail will neither be accepted nor acknowledged.
- Authors may submit only one Free Paper as first Author.
- The number of Free Papers which will be accepted is strictly related to the planned Congress timetable and to the evaluation of the Referees.
- Abstracts must be written clearly in English and submitted before to January 30, 2022.
- Abstracts texts should not exceed 2400 printable characters (spaces included); the submission system will not accept anything beyond that. Figures and tables are not permitted.
- The submission system will generate an acknowledgment of your submission which will be sent to the first Author’s e-mail address. Please make sure that you receive the e-mail confirmation after making your submission (please also check your spam or junk folder). If you do not receive the acknowledgment of receipt, kindly inform the Congress Organizers immediately ([email protected]).
- Notification of acceptance or rejection will be made by the Congress Organizers via e- mail by February 28, 2022.
- The first Author’s e-mail address will be used to notify acceptance and to send updated information.
- It is the authors' responsibility to review the submission and correct it. Please proofread your abstract before completing your submission. It will be reproduced exactly as submitted.
- The web submission system will automatically produce your abstract in the proper format for publication in the abstract book. You may copy and paste your abstract in the space provided on the abstract form. Use upper and lowercase characters. Do not use all upper- case letters.
- Abstracts submitted via Abstract Form cannot be modified at a later time.
- All inquiries regarding abstract submission should be made to [email protected].
Abstract Content
Please, make the abstract as informative as possible, and support your conclusions with data. Abstracts texts should be structured to include the following sections:
- Topic of Interest
- Title of Abstract
- Objectives: indicate the purpose of the study
- Materials and Methods: describe pertinent experimental procedures
- Results: summarize the results of the research
- Conclusions: state the main conclusions
Please use standard abbreviations, generic drug names, and place unusual abbreviations or acronyms in parenthesis after first use. Do NOT identify author(s) or institution(s) in the text.
Abstract Withdrawal
If the presenting Author of an accepted abstract does not register by April 30, 2022, the abstract will be automatically withdrawn from the final program. If you decide to withdraw an abstract, please notify the Congress Organizers ([email protected]) by April 30, 2022.
注册费-Registration Fees(USD)
$ 650 before 28/02/22
$ 750 (before April 30/22)
$ 850 (May 1/22 – ON SITE)
$ 300 before 28/02/22
$ 400 (before April 30/22)
$ 500 (May 1/22 – ON SITE)
$ 750 before 28/02/22
$ 850 (before April 30/22)
$ 950 (May 1/22 – ON SITE)
$ 500 before 28/02/22
$ 600 (before April 30/22)
$ 700 (May 1/22 – ON SITE)
$ 450 before 28/02/22
$ 500 (before April 30/22)
$ 550 (May 1/22 – ON SITE)
$ 200 before 28/02/22
$ 250 (before April 30/22)
$ 300 (May 1/22 – ON SITE)
Other fees
DESRIPTION | EARLY BIRD (before Feb/28/22) | REGULAR (before April/30/22) | LATE (May 1/22 – ON SITE) |
Accompanying Person |
$ 250 |
$ 300 |
$ 350 |
Congress Dinner Ticket |
$ 100 |
$ 100 |
$ 100 |
Pre-Congress Course MSM-3 (*****) |
$ 75 |
$ 100 |
$ 125 |
Post-Congress Workshop |
$ 100 |
$ 125 |
$ 150 |
Welcome Reception |
$ 75 |
$ 75 |
$ 75 |
Tulum tour (only) |
$ 75 |
$ 80 |
$ 85 |
(*) Please provide reference letter from Chief of the Department
(**) Developing countries include those in Latin-America, Africa, Middle East (except Israel, Saudia Arabia & UAE), Asia (except Japan, South Korea, China & Taiwan)
(***) Please provide passport copy.
(****) For WSRM members up to date with their annual dues.
(*****) Free Access for residents and students who paid the congress registration.
Medical students aged 35 and younger who are studying for a degree including first degrees, PhD or MD but who have not yet obtained their degree. They must supply a copy of their University or College student card to support their application for this reduced fee.
Children over 12 years will be treated as accompanying persons.
If you have applied for WSRM membership then you will be considered as member of WSRM.
Accompanying Fee: Includes Welcome Reception, Lunch at the Convention Center on June 2,3 & 4, Tulum Tour (one day)
REGISTRATION FEE includes: Open access to all scientific conferences and exhibitors area, congress material, coffee-breaks and daily lunch, welcome reception.
会议对象: 医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。
免责条款:本站信息均收集整理自互联网,访问者如需了解更多详情,请进入相关活动官网,本站不对相关信息的准确性承担任何责任; 若本站的资讯侵害您的权益,请发送邮件到[email protected],本站将在核实相关情况后第一时间删除。继续访问本站视为认同以上条款。
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