


会议地点: 韩国 首尔 - Grand Walkerhill Seoul, Seoul, Korea
会议时间: 2022年6月10日至11日
行业: 外科|麻醉|疼痛会议



International Digestive Endoscopy Network 2022 (IDEN 2022)
Date: June 10 (Fri) – 11 (Sat), 2022
Venue: Grand Walkerhill Seoul, Seoul, Korea

International Digestive Endoscopy Network (IDEN),
Korean Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (KSGE)



  • Abstract Submission Deadline: April 8, 2022
  • Notification of Acceptance: April 29, 2022

点此提交摘要>>>Submit Abstract>>>

Submission Guidelines

  • All abstract submissions and presentations must be written in clear English.
  • Abstract titles should be brief and reflect the content of the abstract. The abstract body text should be structured chronologically into
    5 sections:
    • 1) Backgrounds/Aims,  
    • 2) Methods, 
    • 3) Results, 
    • 4) Conclusions, 
    • 5) Keywords.
  • Abstracts should be no longer than 2,000 bytes of text body. If you want to upload a table or images, the abstracts should be no longer than 1,300 bytes. The abstract title should be less than 120 byte.
  • Tables and images are limited to 8cm (width) x 5cm (height).
  • You can revise your abstracts online until the submission deadline via the abstract system.
  • When submitting the finalized version of your abstract, please fill out all required fields in the online system. It is the author’s responsibility to review and correct the abstract. Submitters are responsible for all errors on the abstract.
  • Abstract submission does not constitute registration in the conference and presenters are required to register by the pre-registration deadline.



Dear Colleagues and Friends,

It is with great pleasure we welcome you to attend the International Digestive Endoscopy Network 2022 (IDEN 2022) Hybrid Conference, which will be held from June 10 to 11, 2022, at Grand Walkerhill Hotel, in Seoul, Korea.

Since the first IDEN conference was held in 2011, we have been pioneers of the cutting-edge endoscopy field, dedicated to educating young endoscopists, and leading in the research of advanced technology and endoscopic techniques. IDEN has accomplished steady growth, with the most recent conference attracting 1,888 participants from 25 countries.

This year, we have arranged abundant, beneficial scientific programs including live demonstrations that will feature the latest, innovative practices. Especially this year, the International Young Endoscopist Award 2022 (IYEA 2022) has been newly planned as online education and will offer live, interactive training opportunities. That is why IDEN 2022 will be the ideal opportunity for all our participants to get caught up on the latest academic trends, share research with fellow experts, and connect with colleagues from around the globe.

IDEN 2022 has been planned as a Hybrid Conference, allowing both online and limited in-person participation. Despite the challenges of the global pandemic and new COVID-19 variants, we believe that our research and contributions to endoscopy are too important to be postponed and must go on.

We hope you join us and also hope you encourage your colleagues to attend as well.

In the meantime, please stay safe and healthy, and we look forward to your collaboration and support of IDEN 2022 in Seoul, Korea.

Oh Young Lee
International Digestive Endoscopy Network

Moon Sung Lee
Congress Chairman
International Digestive Endoscopy Network




Category Pre-registration
(Until May 16, 2022)
General Registration
(From May 17, 2022)
Onsite Registration
(June 10-11, 2022)
IDEN member Non-member IDEN member Non-member
Participant USD 100
(KRW 100,000)
USD 150
(KRW 150,000)
USD 150
(KRW 150,000)
USD 200
(KRW 200,000)
In order to minimize
COVID-19 infection,
there will be no onsite registration at the venue.
Trainee / Fellow USD 40
(KRW 40,000)
USD 60
(KRW 60,000)
USD 50
(KRW 50,000)
USD 80
(KRW 80,000)
Nurse / Technician - USD 50
(KRW 50,000)
- USD 100
(KRW 100,000)


  • Registration fees for online and in-person participation are the same. In-person registration is on a first-come, first-served basis. It may close early without notice due to capacity limits.
  • Registration fees for accepted abstract presenters will be refunded after the conference. Please note that if the presenter fails to attend online or onsite, the registration fee will not be refunded.
  • IDEN members who are seniors 65 and over will receive complimentary pre-registration.
  • 1-day registration will not be possible


※ The above registration fees include:
Online Participation: Access to all scientific sessions, sponsor/satellite symposiums, e-Posters, and exhibition via the online platform, program book and proceedings in PDF.

In-person Participation: Online participation benefits & lunch, registration kit (program book, name badge, bag)



会议对象: 医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。

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2022年第11届世界显微重建外科学会大会(WSRM 2022)

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