


会议地点: 意大利 威尼斯
会议时间: 2022年6月30日至7月02日
行业: 外科|麻醉|疼痛会议



22nd annual meeting of the European Venous Forum (EVF)
Date: 30 June – 02 July 2022
Venue: Laguna Palace Hotel , Venice, Italy



Click here to submit your abstract

The EVF invites you to submit an abstract(s) for consideration of presentation at the EVF 2022 meeting. Abstracts should be submitted by Friday 19 February 2022 and typed in English. Selection will be based on originality and quality of work. All abstracts will be reviewed, blind, by the Scientific Committee. Authors will be notified on the committee’s decision by mid March 2022. The 30 best abstracts will be selected for oral presentation. The remaining abstracts will be considered for Poster Presentation.

Each abstract should include:

  • Title
  • Authors’ names: presenter’s names first (Surname, initial)
  • Institution, City and Country
  • Type abstract in English. Maximum of 425 words (excluding title, authors’ names and institution). Abstracts exceeding 425 words will be rejected. Abstracts should include: Background/Aim, Methods, Results, Conclusions.
  • Abstracts must not contain brand or device names
  • Indicate if you wish the abstract to be considered for the EVF Prize.
  • Presenting author must be indicated

The official language of the Conference is English. All presentations will be in English. Abstracts accepted for presentation will be printed in the Final Programme/Book of Abstracts distributed during the meeting.



Welcome Message

Dear Phlebologists from all over the world, the last Congress of the European Venous Forum took place only in virtual form due to the pandemic. Despite the absence of personal contact, we were able to  present and discuss practically everything new in phlebology. An excellent organization made it possible to carry out lively discussions, according to the mission of the European Venous Forum.

Currently, despite the attenuation of the epidemic spread in several countries, the problem is still  not  behind us. Unfortunately, in many countries, both European and non-European, the incidence of infection is still high and any forecast for the next year is quite impossible. That is why we have decided to organize the next Congress in a hybrid form. In this way everyone who may participate directly will be able to benefit from the advantages of the face-to-face meeting while all the others who cannot participate due to trip limitations, will nevertheless be able to participate in a virtual way. Simultaneous translation will be provided.

Regardless of live or virtual participation, we look forward to your precious contribution. The fact that the Congress also takes place in hybrid form represents an undoubted advantage as it will allow a greater number of delegates to look at your presentation. In addition to the classic Abstract Sessions and the large time dedicated to discussion which represents  the soul of the Congress, interesting Didactic and Industry Sessions will be provided and a Keynote lecture not to be missed by Professor Ismail Elalami about  “Virus and thrombosis”. Of particular interest as usual will be the joint session between EVF and AVF.

Let me now say a few words about the venue: Venice, one of the most beautiful cities all over the World and unique in its history. Venice represents an example of human struggle in creating and preserving an amazing city against great adversities. It seems rather curious in this pandemic period that the term “quarantine” was created in Venice almost seven centuries ago. Moreover, did you know that one of the most famous greetings in the world – Ciao – was born in Venice?

It is therefore to say – CIAO – to each of you that the European Venous Forum awaits you with your valuable contribution in Venice in June 2022.

Oscar Maleti 

Andrew Nicolaides
Chairman of the Board 




会议对象: 医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。

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2021年第20届美国区域麻醉与疼痛医学会年度疼痛医学会议——20th Annual Pain Medicine Meeting

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