会议地点: 希腊 塞萨洛尼基 - The Thessaloniki Concert Hall
会议时间: 2021年9月26日至30日
行业: 眼科|口腔|耳鼻喉科会议
2021年第28届欧洲鼻科学会(ERS)大会将于2021年9月26日至30日在希腊塞萨洛尼基举行,同期将举行国际鼻炎症与过敏学会(ISIAN)第38届大会和国际鼻科学会大会(IRS)第21届大会。 欧洲鼻科学大会(ERS)是世界领先的鼻科学大会,上届会议有来自全球70多个国家1800余名代表出席会议,与会者包括鼻科医师、耳鼻喉科医师、变态反应科医师、免疫学家、颅底外科医生、面部整形外科医师、变态反应医师、初级保健医生、科学家和专职医疗人员等。为期4天的ERS大会,将通过全体会议、座谈会、教学会议、圆桌讨论会、辩论会、研讨会等形式,为与会者提供一个与全球同事进行交流学习的机会。
欧洲鼻科学会(ERS)是一个非营利性组织,由莱顿大学耳鼻喉科主任 H.A.W. van Dishoeck 教授于1963年创办。欧洲鼻科学会(ERS)为专家间交流经验提供了一个平台,他们共同关注于鼻科、变态反应、面部整形外科和其它相关领域。
国际鼻部炎症与过敏学会(ISIAN)成立于1976年,原为鼻部炎症与过敏国际研讨会,创始人Ryo Takahashi教授是鼻窦疾病治疗领域的国际顶尖专家,ISIAN于2014年正式更名为国际鼻部炎症与过敏学会。ISIAN每隔一年与欧洲鼻科学会联合举办年会,年会汇集了众多变态反应学专家和外科医生,以及从事上呼吸道疾病研究与治疗的基础科学家, ISIAN年会是传播知识、交流该领域最新研究成果的平台。
ERS-ISIAN-IRS 2020 Postponement
Dear friends and colleagues,
The latest Coronavirus data and advices from Authorities such ECDC, WHO and Governments do not allow us to safely organize ERS in June this year. For this reason we are postponing the Congress to next year 26 -30 September 2021.
We hope to meet you all then safe and healthy and in good spirits to have a scientific meeting where Rhinologists from all over the world can meet.
We hope that the crisis will pass quickly so that soon we can return to a normal life, and will be able to welcome you all next year in Thessaloniki for the ERS 2021.
Registration opens 01 August, 2019
Abstract Submission opens 01 December, 2019
Abstract Submission Deadline is extended until 15th of March
ERS-ISIAN-IRS 2021 : 26 -30 September 2021
Registration fees including VAT 24% in Euros
EARLY BIRD until 19/02/2021 |
STANDARD from 20/02/2021 until 19/07/2021 |
LATE/ON SITE from 20/07/2021 | |
Full Registration | €695.00 | €830.00 | €900.00 |
ERS Member | €645.00 | €760.00 | €800.00 |
ERS Junior Member* | €395.00 | €490.00 | €520.00 |
Low/Lower – Middle Income Countries** | €490.00 | €560.00 | €630.00 |
Junior Middle Income Countries | €350.00 | €400.00 | €450.00 |
Invited Speakers | €549.00 | €599.00 | €649.00 |
Masterclass | |||
Masterclass 1 – Frontal Sinus Dissection | €40 | €50 | €60 |
Masterclass 2 – Rhinoplasty Demo or Dissection | €70 | €80 | €90 |
Masterclass 1&2 | €100 | €120 | €130 |
Masterclass – ERS Junior Members | |||
Masterclass 1 - Frontal Sinus Dissection | €15 | €20 | €25 |
Masterclass 2 - Rhinoplasty Demo or Dissection | €15 | €20 | €25 |
Masterclass 1&2 | €30 | €40 | €50 |
Exhibitor's Registration*** | €180 | €180 | €180 |
Dinner | €95 | €95 | €95 |
*ERS Junior membership will cease at the end of the calendar year (Dec 31st) when a member turns 35. All Junior registrants must submit proof of their date of birth. The document can be uploaded at the time of registering or sent by email to [email protected]
** Low/Lower – Middle Income Countries are defined according to the table below. All Low/Lower – Middle Income Country registrants must submit proof of their country of residence by way of letter from their Department or Institution. The document can be uploaded at the time of registering or sent by email to [email protected]
*** Exhibitors registrants are representatives from a confirmed exhibiting organization. Registration includes access to Exhibit Hall only.
**** Registration fees including VAT 24% in Euros
会议对象: 医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。
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