会议地点: 美国 芝加哥
会议时间: 2022年9月30日至10月3日
行业: 眼科|口腔|耳鼻喉科会议
AAO 2022 - The 126th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO)
September 30 - October 3, 2022
Subspecialty Day
Friday–Saturday, September 30–October 1
AAOE Practice Management Program
Friday–Monday, September 30–October 3
AAO 2022 Expo
Saturday–Monday, October 1–3
McCormick Place, Chicago, USA
The opening session takes place on Friday, Sept. 30 and the closing session takes place on Monday, Oct. 3.
摘要征集-AAO 2022 Abstract Submissions
The online abstract submitter for papers/posters and videos is now open. Submit your abstract by April 5 at 11:59 p.m. PT(提交截止日期).
Paper/poster abstract status (accepted or rejected) will be sent by email to Submitting Authors by the end of June.
Learn more about submitting papers/posters and videos
Abstract Information
The online abstract submitter will close April 5 at 11:59 p.m. PT.
Paper/poster abstract status (accepted or rejected) will be sent by email to Submitting Authors by the end of June. Final schedules, with date and time for live presentations, will be emailed to the Presenting Author by mid-July.
Scientific research submitted as a paper/poster benefits from these opportunities:
- Expanded original paper presentations with panel discussions that include the opportunity for questions and answers with the authors.
- Moderated poster discussions allowing for an interactive presentation of your work.
- Easy online access to e-posters during the meeting through the Mobile Meeting Guide, and after the meeting through the online Meeting Archive.
Note: All posters are electronic (e-poster). There are no physical posters. Additionally, some e-posters will be scheduled as a live presentation or a pre-recorded discussion session.
Find submission information:
- The Presenting Author does not need to be a member of the Academy.
- Abstracts that do not have at least one member in current standing will NOT be reviewed.
Accepted abstracts may be scheduled for the following types of formats:
Accepted abstracts may be scheduled for the following types of formats:
In-Person Presentation
- Original Paper: Podium presentation with a panel. The presenter must send their condensed manuscript to the panel 4 weeks before the meeting.
- Poster Theater: Moderated e-poster presentations in a small theater setting. Posters are shared with the moderator prior to the meeting.
Presenters of in-person presentations are expected to register and attend AAO 2022.
Electronic Presentation
- Poster Discussion: Fast-paced poster discussion group, combined by topic, where the presenters serve as the panel and lead the discussion for each other’s presentation. This new and lively format was well received starting at AAO 2019. Posters discussions are pre-recorded in advance of the meeting.
- ePoster Only: Accepted posters that are not scheduled for an in-person presentation or a poster discussion. Authors are NOT required to attend the meeting. Posters must be submitted prior to the meeting.
Scientific Program Subject Classification
Abstract submissions will be accepted in the following subject classifications:
- Cataract
- Cornea, External Disease
- Electronic Health Records/Information Technology
- Ethics
- General Medical
- Glaucoma
- Global Ophthalmology
- Health Policy
- Medical Education
- Neuro-Ophthalmology
- Ocular Pathology, Oncology
- Oculoplastics, Orbit
- Ophthalmic History
- Optics, Refraction, Contact Lenses
- Pediatric Ophthalmology, Strabismus
- Refractive Surgery
- Retina, Vitreous
- Uveitis, Intraocular Inflammation
- Vision Rehabilitation
- Wellness
Instruction Course abstract submissions that incorporate case-based presentations, discussion and audience participation are encouraged.
AAO 2023, Nov. 3-6 - San Francisco, Moscone Center
AAO 2024, Oct. 18-21 - Chicago, McCormick Place
AAO 2025, Oct. 17-20 - Orlando, Orange County Convention Center
AAO 2026, Oct. 10-13 - New Orleans, Morial Convention Center
AAO 2027, Oct. 30-Nov. 2 - San Francisco, Moscone Center
AAO 2028, Oct. 14-17 - Chicago, McCormick Place
AAO 2029, Oct. 20-23 - Orlando, Orange County Convention Center
会议对象: 医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。
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2023年第29届国际儿科牙科协会大会(IAPD 2021)
2022年第8届世界角膜大会-World Cornea Congress