
2020年国际儿科神经肿瘤学研讨会(ISPNO 2020)


会议地点: 日本 轻井泽
会议时间: 2020年6月21日至24日 推迟至:2020年12月13至16日 线上线下结合
行业: 生殖医学|妇产|儿童|老年医学会议


2020年儿童神经肿瘤学国际研讨会(ISPNO)将于2020年12月13至16日在日本轻井泽举行,国际小儿神经肿瘤研讨会(ISPNO)每两年召开一次,是全球首屈一指的多学科全球性会议,旨在促进转化和临床研究与技术进步,是参与中枢神经系统肿瘤的科学研究,诊断,治疗,及婴幼儿、儿童和青少年患者康复治疗的专业人士交流学习的国际平台。自1986年在日本东京举办第一次会议以来,ISPNO与会人数一直保持稳定的增长。ISPNO 2020 议题几乎涵盖了儿科神经肿瘤学的所有方面,包括诊断、临床试验、新的治疗、基础和转化研究、神经放射学、心理学、生活质量、护理和患者治疗等等。 ISPNO的与会者包括神经肿瘤学家、神经外科医生、放射肿瘤学家、基础和转化科学家、发育和普通儿科医生、神经学家、神经病理学家、神经放射学家、内分泌学家、康复专家、护士、心理学家、物理治疗师、职业治疗师和社会工作者等。

摘要提交截止日期:January 31, 2020

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

It is our great pleasure to invite you to the 19th International Symposium on Pediatric Neuro-Oncology (ISPNO), which will take place in Karuizawa, Japan in December 2020.

The very first ISPNO was held in Tokyo, Japan in 1986. The ISPNO has since become the most prominent and distinguished scientific meeting in the field of pediatric neuro-oncology and now it comes back to where it all started. ISPNO2020 covers virtually all aspects of pediatric neuro-oncology, including diagnosis, clinical trials, novel treatment, basic and translational researches, neuroradiology, psychology, quality of life, nursing and patients’ care. Pediatric neuro-oncology has seen the explosion of new developments in the last decade, relishing the technological advancement of molecular genetics. Molecular classification and translational researches are now an integrated part of clinical practices. Where do we go from here? ISPNO2020 will be the opportunity to discuss and work together towards the next steps.

The ISPNO2020 will be held from Sunday, December 13 to Wednesday, December 16, 2020, rescheduled from the original dates in June due to the COVID-19 outbreak. The meeting will start with the traditional Education Day, followed by the main symposium that consists of a series of plenary sessions, keynote lectures, panel discussions, concurrent and sunrise sessions as well as plenty of posters, covering most major topics on pediatric brain tumors. In particular, ISPNO2020 will shed light on the Asian scene of pediatric neuro-oncology. We have already collected a record number of abstracts. We welcome delegates from all over the world, especially those from Asia who wish to exchange ideas and discuss about their experiences with the international board of experts. We also encourage those who have never attended ISPNO to join us at ISPNO2020.

The symposium venue will be the Karuizawa Prince Hotel West. Karuizawa is a popular mountain resort, originally promoted by a Canadian missionary Alexander Croft Shaw, who was fascinated by its rich nature and climate, which he felt was similar to his hometown in Toronto. Karuizawa is located at the foot of the magnificent Mt. Asama, and as a part of a National Park, its forests, waters and volcanic landscape offers a cozy secluded atmosphere for the meeting, away from the hustle and bustle of the city. It also offers great winter resort, particularly for skiing.

Karuizawa is only one-hour Shinkansen trip from Tokyo. With the world-renowned train network, it takes less than 3 hours to the venue from Narita/Haneda International Airport. Access for international guests in Japan will ever be easier in 2020 as Tokyo is preparing for the Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games.

If you have not been to Japan before, do not miss this opportunity. If you have, explore more. ISPNO always offers you the most up-to-date information on pediatric neuro-oncology and brings you a chance to meet experts. We will do our best to make ISPNO2020 the greatest opportunity to push the field of pediatric neuro-oncology forward and connect people. We look forward to working with you toward the cure of pediatric brain tumors. See you in Karuizawa!

Koichi Ichimura, M.D., Ph.D.
Chair of ISPNO2020
Division of Brain Tumor Translational Research
National Cancer Center Research Institute


Ryo Nishikawa, M.D., Ph.D.
Vice Chair of ISPNO2020
Department of Neuro-Oncology/Neurosurgery
Saitama Medical University
International Medical Center

ISPNO2020 注册费:

Category Virtual
(8/20/20 – 2/13/21)
(8/20/20 – 11/30/20)
Delegate 1 JPY 30,000 JPY 70,000
Delegate 2/Student/
Trainee/Healthcare Partner
JPY 15,000 JPY 30,000
Accompanying Person
(Spouse, Family Member)
  JPY 3,000
Education Day
Nursing Sessions
Included in registration fee
(All categories, except Accompanying Person)
Gala Dinner (12/15)
*In-person Registrants Only
  JPY 15,000

PRESENTERS MUST pre-register either Virtual or In-person by September 15 (Tue), 2020 (midnight JST)

Your registration status can be switched at any time during the registration period or on-site (e.g. Virtual -> In-person, In-person -> Virtual). The difference in fee can be settled on-site as well. If you are unsure about attending the symposium in person, please register as Virtual for now. (Please also see the Cancellation & Refund below.)

*On-demand viewing is available from Dec 14, 2020 – Feb 13, 2021.


The Fee includes:

Virtual Registration:

  • Access to live streaming of scientific sessions (exceptions may apply)
  • On-demand viewing of all scientific sessions, including sponsored sessions
  • Access to virtual sponsor exhibition page
  • ISPNO 2020 online program
  • ISPNO 2020 collected abstracts download

In-person Registration (All categories, except Accompanying Person):

  • Full access to all scientific sessions on site
  • Access to live streaming of all scientific sessions
  • All other Virtual Registration benefits
  • ISPNO 2020 printed program
  • Welcome Reception (12/13)
  • Lunch sessions (Lunch boxes included)

Note: Gala Dinner access only available to in-person registered participants who also pre-purchased a ticket.


会议对象: 医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。

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