


会议地点: 法国 尼斯
会议时间: 2022年6月30日至7月3日
行业: 生殖医学|妇产|儿童|老年医学会议


2022年第21届国际儿科肺病学大会(CIPP 2021)将于2022年6月30日至7月3日在法国尼斯举行。

21st International Congress of Pediatric Pulmonology (CIPP XXI)
Date: June 30 - July 3, 2022
Venue: Nice Acropolis Convention Center - Nice, France



Dear colleagues,

On behalf of the Executive Committee and the International Advisory Board of the International Congress of Pediatric Pulmonology (CIPP), it is a huge pleasure and honor to invite you to participate in the forthcoming CIPP XXI Congress planned to be held on June 30th - July 3rd, 2022 in Nice, France.

The positive evolution of the pandemic, at least in Europe, has led us to opt for a hybrid format allowing all those who are vaccinated to attend the meeting in person and those who will unfortunately still be impacted by Covid-19 to participate online.

CIPP is truly unique as it is the only international meeting focusing exclusively on pediatric respiratory diseases and the ways we can improve life-long lung health for children all over the world. Over more than two decades, CIPP has acquired an excellent reputation among practicing pediatricians, clinical academics and allied health professionals as the optimal forum for sharing advances, updates and new information in all areas of pediatric pulmonology. It is undoubtedly an excellent opportunity for interactions between clinical and academic communities. The truly inclusive nature of CIPP is reflected in the CIPP faculty which comprises experts, leading specialists and researchers from all parts of the world, all of whom are bound by the common purpose of improving the health of children.

The program includes detailed postgraduate courses to provide in-depth learning for specific topics and the main congress has plenary sessions, topic symposia, and interactive sessions, including research presentations, poster discussions of abstracts of original research, clinical case discussions and chest imaging and bronchoscopy quiz.

Another unique aspect of the congress is a strong focus on the next generation of clinical and academic leaders, with a forum for Young Investigators to present their exciting work in unopposed sessions, and an Award program to promote attendance and active participation of junior researchers.

For CIPP XXI, we have continued our long-established and successful practice of having clinical and translational science sessions covering all aspects of respiratory diseases in childhood - look for the labels and key for various tracks inside the program. The program has been expertly finalized by Dr Manuel Soto-Martinez (Costa-Rica) and Dr Elianne Vrijulandt (The Netherlands) (Scientific Program Committee Co-Chairs), with invaluable guidance and input from the Central Organizing Committee and our International Advisory Board. The topics to be covered include the broad range of pediatric respiratory disorders affecting all children worldwide, such as asthma and respiratory allergies, respiratory infections and their complications, neonatal lung diseases and their outcomes, cystic fibrosis, sleep disorders, critical care and rare lung diseases. In addition, this year, we have included post-graduate courses on non-invasive ventilation and clinical radiology. The impact of the Covid-19 epidemic in the Pediatric age groups will be discussed in several sessions.

I am delighted that since first attending CIPP as a Fellow, participating at the first time in Nice in 1996, the second CIPP meeting, and later as a speaker in the field of Neonatal Pulmonology, and as a member in the International Advisory Board and the Central Organizing Committee, I have had the opportunity to meet physicians and experts from all over the world. All with the passion to learn and to teach, and to contribute to Pediatric Pulmonology in developed and developing countries. The opportunity to meet such experts and friends in an interactive and friendly atmosphere is unique. I would like to thank all of you for the opportunity I received to be part of this "family of pediatricians and experts" called the CIPP.

Finally, on behalf of the International Advisory Board and the Central Organizing Committee and myself I would like to express our thanks and gratitude to Dr and Mrs. Anne Flore Bidart, who "runs the show", organizes and takes care of the CIPP as her life project. Annie, this would not happen without your caring and enthusiasm.

We hope to have a truly successful and productive congress and to finally see many of you in person next year in Nice. I encourage you all to join this wonderful congress.


Amir Kugelman
President, CIPP XXI




Very Early fee
Oct 28, 2021
Earlybird fee
Mar 03, 2022
Standard fee
Jun 09, 2022
Late fee
Jun 29, 2022
In-person Conference
425 €
555 €
680 €
805 €
In-person Conference
205 €
305 €
405 €
480 €
In-person Conference
45 €
45 €
45 €
45 €

For delegates from low-income countries*, the early bird fees (195€ for virtual and 425€ for in-person conference) will be maintained for the entire registration period. Please send your registration form to [email protected].  
*see list here (PDF, 72 Ko) (World Bank classification).


Cancellation of registrations, including group bookings, are non-refundable.


会议对象: 医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。

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2020年国际儿科神经肿瘤学研讨会(ISPNO 2020)

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