


会议地点: 希腊 雅典 - Divani Caravel Hotel, Athens, Greece
会议时间: 2021年9月2-4日
行业: 生殖医学|妇产|儿童|老年医学会议




Deadline for abstract submission is April 5th, 2021

All accepted abstracts will fall into one of these categories:
  Selected Oral Poster (3-minute presentation)
  Selected Oral Presentation (8-minute presentation)
  Surgical/Obstetrical/Imaging Technique Video (4-minute video, video file)
  Case Report Video Slide Show (3-minute video, needs to be a video file)

点此提交摘要>>>Submit Abstract>>>



Dear Colleagues,

The European Board and College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (EBCOG), aims to improve the health of women and their babies by promoting the highest possible standards of care through education and training. The landmark of our educational program is the biannual EBCOG European Congress of Obstetrics and Gynaecology which is attended by Obstetricians and Gynaecologists from all over the world.

Having moved from Lisbon to Antwerp and from Tallinn to Glasgow and then Paris, amongst many other locations over the past few years, the beautiful city of Bergen in Norway, was chosen to celebrate the 27th Edition of this reuniting meeting. Unfortunately, and to our great disappointment, due the Covid-19 pandemic the Congress in Bergen had to be cancelled. Thus, it was decided to organize a Joint 27th EBCOG and 15th Panhellenic Congress in Athens, Greece.

From the 2nd to the 5th of September 2021, we will continue the tradition with 3 whole days of the EBCOG Congress, learning from the most experienced and knowledgeable colleagues in all the major subspecialties and special interest areas of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. As in previous Congresses, innovation will be our highlight.

The mobile phone “App” will guide us through the program, with the possibility to interact with speakers. There will be live surgery and breakfast sessions including “meet the expert”, as well as exciting daily science quiz ending each day, where organized teams will challenge each other.

The scientific program will include many high quality sessions and aims to meet the interests of all audiences: specialists, trainees, midwives and students. After a selection process, all delegates are invited to present their work and share their research alongside invited speakers.

The theoretical knowledge sessions will be separate from the skills sessions, allowing lecturers and participants to attend both. There will also be separate sessions for basic knowledge, video presentations and multidisciplinary participation, together with distinguished speakers from other related specialties. There will be 3 types of skills sessions, based on the level of practical exposure: hands on-training, interactive sessions and masterclasses. The six keynote lectures, delivered by renowned speakers, will inspire us all and will influence our practice. At the Opening Ceremony, we will enjoy an exciting lecture on Hippocratic Medicine with an emphasis on Obstetrics & Gynaecology and, at the same time, we will have the opportunity to welcome the new Fellows of EBCOG, who have passed the European Examinations.

The Athens Congress will promote networking and collaboration between countries and give all delegates the opportunity to meet colleagues and friends. The trainees will have their ENTOG - European Network Greek Hospital Exchange, as well as separate sessions at the Congress.

The EBCOG awards for high quality research, as well as the opportunities to publish your abstracts, are also reasons to come and join us for this exciting major EBCOG event in Athens.

In addition, you will be able to visit the antiquities and the museums of Athens, especially the Acropolis and the Archeological ones, and plan some holidays before or after the Congress. We are confident that our Joint Congress will signify the end of this dark period and the return to our normalcy.

We are looking forward to seeing you all in Athens!

Yours truly,

Prof. Basil C. Tarlatzis
EBCOG Congress President
Prof. Alan Cameron
EBCOG Scientific Chair
Dr. Nuno Nogueira Màrtins
EBCOG Secretary General



Category Cost
In person physical attendance &
Online Registration fee
Doctors 520,00€
EFOG (European Fellow of Obstetrics and gynaecology)* 470,00€
Doctors - Abstract Presenting Author 420,00€
Trainees or Midwives / Specialist Nurses Abstract Presenting Author** 250,00€
Trainees or Midwives / Specialist Nurses* 300,00€
Doctors - one day pass** 300,00€
Trainees or Midwives / Specialist Nurses - one day pass*,** 200,00€
Industry 450,00€
Undergraduate Students*,*** Free

*For final confirmation of your registration, proof of status must be submitted to the Congress Organizing Secretariat for the following categories: EFOG (European Fellow of Obstetrics and gynaecology), Trainees or Midwives / Specialist Nurses Abstracts First Author, Trainees or Midwives / Specialist Nurses, Trainees or Midwives / Specialist Nurses - one day pass, HSOG GR Specialists, HSOG GR Trainees, HSOG GR Midwives / Specialist Nurses, Undergraduate Students. The Organizing Secretariat reserves the right to allocate your registration to the appropriate category, should we not receive the proper documentation.
**The one day pass categories apply only for in person physical attendance.
***Students are not able to choose in person physical attendance.


Skills Sessions (6 HoT sessions - up to 12 pax, 6 Interactive sessions - up to 20 pax) 50,00€
Skills Sessions (10 Masterclass - up to 100 pax) 50,00€
Package 3 Skills Sessions (1 per day) 110,00€
Accompanying person** 75,00€

** The Accompanying person`s registration fee includes: Attendance Opening Ceremony, Welcome Cocktail and City Tour.
Please note that the accompanying person`s fee does NOT include access to the scientific sessions.


Registration fees for in person physical attendance include:
  Admission to the scientific sessions
  Congress material
  Certificate of attendance
  Admission to the exhibition area
  Admission to the opening ceremony


Registration fees for online attendance include:
  Admission to all sessions on the e-platform
  e-Certificate of attendance


Registration Cancellation Policy

Any change or cancellation must be sent in writing to Global Events.
  Written cancellation received until April 5th, 2021: Full reimbursement except of a management fee of 50,00€ for administrative charges.
  Written cancellation received from April 6th, 2021 until July 15th, 2021: 50% reimbursement of the registration fee.
  Written cancellation received after July 15th, 2021: no refund.


会议对象: 医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。

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