会议地点: 葡萄牙 里斯本
会议时间: 2022年10月2-5日
行业: 生殖医学|妇产|儿童|老年医学会议
ESGE 2022 - 31st Annual Congress of the European Society for Gynaecological Endoscopy
Date: October 2-5, 2022
Venue: Lisbon, Portugal
24th February
Abstract Submission opens
26th April
Start Online Registration (Individual & Group Registration)
16th May
Abstract Submission Deadline/摘要提交截止
27th June
Notifications regarding abstract acceptance/rejection
13th July
Deadline for Early Bird Registration
Registration Deadline Abstract Submitters
26th August
Cancellation Deadline
16th September
Pre-Registration closed (Individual & Group Registration)
Abstract Submission Deadline: Monday, 16th May 2022 [23:59 CET]
Note: There will be a separate link to submit PhD Thesis abstracts – further information on format and content can be found in the menu "PhD Thesis Abstract".
We are writing to invite you to present your scientific work at the ESGE 31st Annual Congress 2021 to be held in Lisbon, Portugal on 2nd - 5th October 2022.
Notifications regarding abstract acceptance/rejection will be sent out on 27th June 2022.
Be aware that this year we have two links to submit an abstract:
1. Regular Abstract Submission (oral, video and eposter)
Brief Abstract Guidelines
- Abstracts must be submitted exclusively online via the submission system.
- Abstracts must be submitted in English only
- Previously published or presented material may be submitted and presented at the Congress but will not be published in the Abstract Book. The authors are required to complete a statement to confirm whether the submitted material has been published before
- A statement of patient consent to publish should be included when abstracts include patient videos/photos and/or 3 or more pieces of identifiable information about individual patients (age, gender, diagnosis)
- In the case of more than one submission, only one oral presentation meeting the criteria will be selected.
- Maximum number of authors is 6.
- Video abstract should include the video (final version) with abstract submission.
- Please read carefully the instructions about the topics, content and format and submission procedure before submitting your abstract
To view and/or edit an abstract that has been saved, but not yet submitted, please click ‘Manage Abstract’ below. This website works best with Internet Explorer 7 (or higher) or the latest version of Firefox, Chrome or Safari browsers on PC or Macintosh.
Please be aware that only abstracts of authors who are registered for the congress will be considered for placement within the scientific programme. Registration deadline for abstract submitters is 13th July 2022.
Dear Colleagues and Friends,
Being a geographically small country, Portugal has learnt from the past to broaden the horizons by travelling around the world, meeting New Worlds and New People. This spirit is represented in the congress’ image. This legacy persists nowadays in the way we welcome those who comes to visit us.
Leaving lockdown times after the pandemic, we are recovering in 2022 the ESGE Annual Congress we have lost in 2020. Lisbon has been waiting for you for 2 years!
Minimally Invasive Surgery will be an important keystone of high value care in Health Care systems. Gynecological Endoscopy must stand at its best in these challenging days. Therefore we all will have to make Excellence a habit!
The Scientific committee has planned a Programme to contribute to the excellence of knowledge in Gynecological Endoscopy.
The Programme will include Pre-Congress Courses, Live surgical sessions, GESEA Certification exams and some new and exciting additions to be announced later.
But, as we know that joining us and sharing your experience is truly essential to achieve the excellence that we expect for this meeting, we warmly welcome you in Lisbon.
Yours sincerely
Prof. Giovanni Scambia | Dr. Luís Ferreira Vicente | Dr. António Setúbal | Prof. Attilio Di Spiaezio Sardo |
ESGE President | Congress President | Honorary Congress President | Scientific Chair |
会议对象: 医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。
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