


会议地点: 美国 洛杉矶(Los Angeles, CA)
会议时间: 2022年10月25日至29日
行业: 生殖医学|妇产|儿童|老年医学会议



美国人类遗传学协会(ASHG)成立于1948年,是全球人类遗传学专家的首要专业会员组织,现拥有近8000名成员,包括研究人员、院士、临床医生、实验室实践专家、遗传顾问、护士和其他对人类遗传学领域感兴趣的人士,其成员工作范围广泛,包括大学、医院、研究所、医学和研究实验室等机构。ASHG 的使命是通过卓越的研究、教育和宣传宣来推进人类遗传学在科学、健康和社会中的应用与发展。


About the Annual Meeting

The American Society of Human Genetics Annual Meeting is held each fall in a major U.S. or Canadian city and attracts over 6,500 scientific attendees, plus almost 250 exhibiting companies, which makes it the world's largest gathering of human genetics professionals. The meeting's primary goal is to convey the most important and cutting-edge science in the most engaging way by staying on top of industry and programmatic trends, while serving its diverse audience.

Attendees travel from around the world to access the hundreds of presentations and exhibits on the latest laboratory equipment, products, publications, and software. They are biomedical research scientists and clinicians, and are extremely devoted to their work. Approximately 35% of attendees come from outside North America and are about 50% male and 50% female.

Highlights at the meeting include invited symposia; plenary, platform, and poster sessions; education/trainee workshops; career opportunities and networking events; and public policy sessions. ASHG members and leading scientists from around the world are selected to present their research findings. Abstracts of work submitted and accepted for presentation are published and citable online. 






Deadline: June 10, 2021, 8:00 pm US Eastern Time

点此提交摘要>>>Submit Abstract>>>

Members and nonmembers are encouraged to submit their latest research for programming at the ASHG 2021 Virtual Meeting. There is no cost to submit but you must register for the meeting in order to present your work.

Thousands of abstracts will be accepted and programmed either as oral talks or poster presentations in a dynamic interactive platform.




All fees are shown in U.S. dollars. EARLY
(by August 30)
(by October 15)
ON-SITE (by October 22)
Member $360  $435 $485
Member Trainee $115 $175 $225
Emeritus Member $165 $165 $165
Nonmember $615 $695 $750
Nonmember (Student/Trainee) $235   $285 $345
Developing Country – Tier 1 Member * $0   $75 $75
Developing Country – Tier 2 Member * $125   $150 $150
Developing Country – Tier 1 Trainee Member * $0 $0 $0
Developing Country – Tier 2 Trainee Member * $55 $85 $85

*Must be a 2021 member to receive developing country rates. Categories in Tiers 1 and 2 are defined by the World Bank.


Registration gives you access to thousands of presentations on ground-breaking research as well as networking opportunities that will allow you to get valuable feedback on your research and grow your network in the human genetics community. With over 7,000 expected attendees, the ASHG 2021 Virtual Meeting is a diverse, global community that engages and welcomes diverse voices and alliances among scientists of all nationalities. As part of the fee to register, you will also get to enjoy multiple days of great content including:

    • 16 Plenary abstract talks (abstract-driven)
    • 198 Platform talks (abstract-driven)
    • 16 Invited sessions (member proposed sessions)
    • 80 rapid-fire poster talks selected from the top scoring posters
    • 2500+ dynamic poster sessions (abstract-driven) with a dedicated day for author presentations
    • The Presidential Symposium and a late-breaking abstract driven plenary session
    • Enhanced capabilities for virtual networking through video and chat channels
    • Opportunities for collaboration with an interdisciplinary network of emerging and leading scientists
    • Industry-driven technology solutions
    • Live and on-demand content
    • CEUs and CMEs available
    • Plus: award presentations, workshops, career development content, and more throughout the year.



To cancel, registrants must send a written request and their registration number to [email protected] by September 30, 2021. All cancellations are subject to a non-refundable processing fee of $75.00 (USD).


会议对象: 医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。

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2023年第30届国际儿科协会大会(IPA 2021)

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