会议地点: 葡萄牙 里斯本(LISBON, PORTUGAL)
会议时间: 2022年5月31日至6月3日
行业: 超声|影像|放射学|核医学会议
ESGAR 2022 - 33rd Annual Meeting and Postgraduate Course of the European Society of Gastrointestinal and Abdominal Radiology (ESGAR)
DATE: May 31 - June 3, 2022
VENUE: Centro de Congressos de Lisboa (CCL), Lisbon, Portugal
摘要征集-Abstract Submission:
Submission Deadline: January 15, 2022
Notification of acceptance to authors : February 14, 2022
The ESGAR ANNUAL MEETING has become a platform for research exchange in the fields of gastrointestinal and abdominal radiology and it offers a high standard educational and scientific programme.
The scientific programme, composed by the ESGAR 2022 Programme Committee, seeks to promote scientific excellence and inquiry, encourage individual and collective action of current research findings in diagnostic and interventional abdominal and GI radiology.
The ESGAR 2022 Programme Committee therefore welcomes abstract submissions of scientific and educational presentations for ESGAR 2022. Selected abstracts will be accepted for scientific (oral) presentations and for electronic poster presentation in order to ensure a balanced and representative scientific programme.
General information and guidelines
Scientific abstracts (Scientific Presentations and Scientific Posters) must be structured as follows:
- Purpose
- Materials and Methods
- Results
- Conclusion
Educational Poster abstracts must be structured as follows:
- Learning objectives
- Background
- Imaging Findings or Procedure Details
- Conclusion
- Media files: brief and neutrally designed PowerPoint presentation (max. 3-4 slides) summarising the Educational Poster
Abstracts longer than 250 words will not be accepted by the system.
Projects can only be submitted in one presentation category. Posters already on the Poster database may not be re-submitted to ESGAR. Accepted scientific presentations will be published online in a supplement to “Insights into Imaging”.
Further details will be made available in the online abstract submission system.
Notification of acceptance
Presenters of all abstract types will receive the notifications of acceptance via e-mail in February 2022. Presenters with accepted abstracts for posters will receive a link to the e-Poster system by e-mail, enabling them to upload their poster presentation(s) prior to the meeting. Presenters of scientific abstracts (oral) will also receive a link to the presentation system in due time before the virtual congress to upload their self-recorded presentation(s).
If you wish to withdraw your submission after having confirmed your acceptance, inform the Central ESGAR Office in writing (via e-mail) immediately.
Please note that all presenters need to register for the congress!
Meeting President's Invitation
"Everything is worthwhile if the soul is not small.”
Fernando Pessoa
Dear Colleagues,
Dear Friends,
The more I read out these words from the great Portuguese poet, the more I find a parallel with the immediate past, the present and the future of ESGAR.
In the past months, we witnessed the big soul (and heart) of ESGAR as the Society continued
to provide education and science in the form of online workshops and meetings, interacting with clinical partners,
to reach territories outside Europe becoming a truly worldwide society,
to enhance the role of research in modern-day abdominal radiology and
to invest in the future of the society by engaging young(er) members through Young ESGAR.
One of the Society’s highlights, the Annual Meeting, was held virtually in 2020 and 2021, yet superbly fulfilling our souls in need of meeting colleagues and friends. All the efforts put into these activities were worthwhile albeit cumbersome, again because the soul of ESGAR is everything but little: the society could thrive even under quite challenging circumstances.
I address you as President of the next Annual Meeting, scheduled to take place in Lisbon, Portugal from May 31 – June 3, 2022.
We all aim at meeting again, face to face, in the worldwide-leading congress on abdominal and gastrointestinal radiology.
In Lisbon, a city with a very distinctive soul, I hope you will have the opportunity to take some extra time after the sessions and that it will be worthwhile to enjoy the nice and usually sunny weather; to take a walk by the riverside at sunset, or to experience it at one of the nearby beaches, feeling the smooth and white sand underneath your feet and the sea breeze in your nostrils; to visit the fascinating monuments and museums in Belém and the city centre; to taste the good food paired with a glass of flavoury Portuguese wine…
But above all, I am certain it will be worthwhile to join the Annual Meeting of ESGAR! The Scientific Programme will offer a very attractive Postgraduate Course, placing imaging of the bowel in the spotlight; the outstanding programme includes an extensive choice of lecture sessions, image-guided therapy sessions, tutorials, School of ESGAR sessions and several plenary sessions, including the Foundation Course; it also includes diverse scientific and poster sessions, as well as the Ultrasound Village. Globally, the Programme Committee built a remarkable and eclectic selection of scientific and educational sessions that will be worth attending.
I invite you to actively add to the scientific content of the meeting, by sharing your recent research work with the world. Abstract submission for scientific papers and scientific and educational poster is possible from the beginning of November until the Abstract Submission Deadline on January 15, 2022.
So, I am looking forward to host you next year in Portugal for the 33rd Annual Meeting of our Society, while meeting and greeting friends and colleagues who share the soul of ESGAR.
It shall be worthwhile!
Luís Curvo Semedo
ESGAR 2022 Meeting President
ESGAR 2022 注册费:
Registration Fees (onsite and/or online attendance)
April 25, 2022: Pre-registration deadline
Early Bird Fee |
Middle Fee |
Late/Onsite Fee |
ESGAR Faculty Member |
€ 490.00 |
€ 490.00 |
€ 490.00 |
ESGAR Member*** |
€ 590.00 |
€ 690.00 |
€ 790.00 |
Non Member |
€ 890.00 |
€ 990.00 |
€ 990.00 |
Resident* (ESGAR Member***) |
€ 290.00 |
€ 390.00 |
€ 450.00 |
Resident* (Non Member) |
€ 390.00 |
€ 490.00 |
€ 550.00 |
Radiographer/Technician/Nurse* (Member***) | € 290.00 | € 390.00 | € 450.00 |
Radiographer/Technician/Nurse* (Non Member) | € 390.00 | € 490.00 | € 550.00 |
Medical Student** | € 50.00 | € 70.00 | € 90.00 |
Industry Delegate**** | €990.00 | €1090.00 | €1090.00 |
December 15, 2021 - February 28, 2022 | March 1, 2022 - April 25, 2022 | From April 26, 2022 onwards |
The registration fees are VAT-exempt.
* Residents, radiographers, technicians and nurses must send or fax a letter from their head of department confirming their status as a resident, radiographer, technician or nurse within seven days of completing the online registration. In case this confirmation is not received, the registration fee will automatically be adjusted to a regular fee. The age limit for registering as resident is 35 (incl. the age of 35).
** Medical students under the age of 30 without academic title can register for this fee. Please send a student proof (student ID or letter of university incl. date of birth).
*** Reduced registration fees for ESGAR members are only applicable for members in good standing.
**** Please contact registration services for further details.
Registration Fee includes
- Admittance to all sessions (onsite or online), scientific exhibition (ESGAR Posters), technical exhibition
- Access to all on-demand content (recorded, previously live streamed sessions, poster exhibition, case discussions)
- Final Programme (in print) and Book of abstracts (online version)
- Certificate of Attendance
- Record of Attendance for CME Provider
- On-demand content accessible until September 3, 2022
会议对象: 医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。
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2018年第21届国际超声内镜研讨会(EUS 2018)