
2022年第18届欧洲牙额面放射学大会(ECDMFR 2022)


会议地点: 波兰 卢布林/Lublin
会议时间: 2022年6月8-11日
行业: 超声|影像|放射学|核医学会议


2022年第18届欧洲牙额面放射学大会(ECDMFR 2020)将于2022年6月8-11日在波兰卢布林举行,会议由欧洲牙颌面部放射学会(EADMFR)组织。


Dear Members of the EADMFR and Colleagues,

On behalf of the Local Organizing Committee of the 18th European Academy Congress of DentoMaxilloFacial Radiology in 2022, it is my pleasure and great honour to invite you all to participate in this event. As I am writing these words in 2020, the extraordinary year in which the humanity faced the Covid-19 pandemic followed by exceptional lockdown, we cannot be sure whether in 2-year time the event will be held on-site, go hybrid or be on-line. This decision will be taken by the LOC and EADMFR Board, carefully taking into account further progress of the pandemic, implementation of safety precautions, and hopefully widely available and highly effective vaccine. Of course, our main aim is to organise an on-site Congress as it has already become evident that although teaching content can be delivered on-line, people lack direct interpersonal contacts and the possibility of networking, interacting, or simply enjoying company of fellow professionals is of extreme importance. Moreover, activities such as ultrasound hands on or dental photography workshops can be carried out only on-site with participants performing tasks under supervision of teacher. However, if travelling restrictions and self-distancing will remain our reality in June 2022, we will go hybrid. The on-line only option is our third choice, but if we are forced to go for that – we will do our best to push the limits and make it unforgettable although virtual.

No matter what the form of the Congress will be, the LOC together with EADMFR Board, Congress, and Scientific Committees will do our best to provide you with highest quality research and educational oral sessions, digital poster presentations, state of the art lectures delivered by keynote speakers, panels, industrial partners forum, as well as a space to exchange experiences and ideas.

If it is possible to meet in Lublin, city of inspiration, where over 750 years of history blend with modern architecture, host to many cultural events and most importantly – home to over 60 000 Polish and international students – the LOC will organise exciting social events for both congress participants and accompanying persons to make your experience even more unforgettable.

We look forward to meet all our colleagues in Lublin, 8-11 June, 2022!

Please follow our website for further information.



Ingrid Różyło-Kalinowska
Chairperson of the Organizing Committee of the 18th ECDMFR, Lublin, Poland




会议对象: 医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。

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