会议地点: 美国 丹佛市
会议时间: 2022年6月17-19日
行业: 超声|影像|放射学|核医学会议
ABS 2022 - American Brachytherapy Society Annual Conference
Date: June 17 – June 19, 2022
Venue: Gaylord Rockies Resort, Denver, CO, USA
Abstract Submission Details
Deadline: March 3, 2021 (6:00 PM Eastern)
Submission Categories
- Breast
- GI
- Head & Neck
- Physics
- Prostate
- Skin
- Socioeconomics
- Miscellaneous (Biology, Intravascular, Pediatrics, Sarcoma, Thoracic)
Submission Types
The presentation format for each abstract will be determined by the Scientific Program Committee. The types of presentations include the following:
- Proffered Paper Sessions: This type of session includes a 7-minute presentation with a two-minute Q&A. Each track-based Proffered Paper Session will be 60 minutes in length and will highlight 6 abstracts.
- Snap Oral Sessions: This type of session includes a 5-minute presentation with a two-minute Q&A. Each track-based Snap Oral Session will be 90 minutes in length and will highlight 11 abstracts.
- ePoster Sessions: Electronic poster (e-poster) presentations are similar to traditional poster presentations, but presented on a large monitor located throughout the poster gallery. All ePoster presenters will be attributed a specific timeslot for their Q&A presentation session. ePoster presenters must attend their Q&A presentation session and standby their terminal to interact with delegates
ePoster authors are reminded that they do NOT need to bring a physical copy of their poster with them to the conference.
Abstract Notifications
Each first author (presenting author) will receive an email acknowledging receipt of the abstract after initiating a submission and after completing a submission. The first author (presenting author) will receive a letter of notification from the Program Committee regarding its decision by April 15, 2022.
For questions about the abstract submission process, please contact Melissa Pomerene at [email protected]
After nearly 2 years of virtual events, we are excited to get back to business and bring together our community! I am pleased to announce the 2022 American Brachytherapy Society’s Annual Meeting will be June 17 – 19 at the Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center in Denver, CO. Our Annual Meeting will be designed around the theme, “ReConnect, ReEngage, ReDiscover”.
Tim Showalter, our Scientific Program Chair, along with Co-Chair Mitch Kamrava, is putting together a very enriching and stimulating program focused on generating awareness on the efficacy of brachytherapy across all disease sites. I promise an exciting meeting where we will step out of established conventions and shake things up as we ReConnect, ReEngage, ReDiscover. Hands-on educational opportunities will be provided, interactive sessions with experts working through cases will be offered, multiple SAMs will be included free of charge, technologies will be showcased, controversy will be embraced, and fun will be had. It’s time to showcase the tried and true which have been the cornerstone of our profession from its inception. We will again offer the Judith Stitt Best Abstract Awards highlighted in the plenary session. The Resident Travel Awards will continue to encourage resident involvement and the Henschke award will be presented, and of course, our Industry Partners will be present over the course of the meeting to demonstrate state-of-the-art equipment, software, and services of value to radiation oncologists practicing in this field of medicine. Be prepared as this year is going to be one to remember.
We hope that you will join us. The meeting will offer a tremendous educational experience as well as a chance to relax along with our international colleagues, we invite you to participate in an incredible worldwide gathering of leaders in the field of brachytherapy. Let’s come together to ReConnect, ReEngage and ReDiscover.
Ann Klopp, MD, Ph.D.
President, American Brachytherapy Society
2022 ABS Annual Conference Registration FeesRegistration | ||
ABS Member | $835 | $935 |
Non-Member** | $1,150 | $1,250 |
Nurses, Dosimetrists, Radiation Therapists | $375 | $475 |
ABS Member*, Resident Ph.D., MD, Postdoctoral, Masters, and Student* | $200 | $200 |
Non-Member Resident, MD, Ph.D., Postdoctoral, Masters & Graduate Student | $300 | $300 |
Radiology Vendor | $375 | $475 |
Guest (meal events only) | $150 | $150 |
会议对象: 医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。
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2020年第30届国际放射学大会(ICR 2020)