会议地点: 待定
会议时间: 2022年9月16-18日
行业: 超声|影像|放射学|核医学会议
国际妇产科超声学会(ISUOG)是国际领先的妇产科超声专业学会。从1991年出版第一期UOG Journal和举办第一届世界大会开始,ISUOG已逐渐发展成为一个在全球127个国家拥有超过13,000名成员的国际组织。 ISUOG旨在通过在妇产科超声方面提供、推广和宣传播高质量的教育、标准和研究信息,来改善妇女的健康。
ISUOG World Congress 2022
32nd World Congress on Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology
Date: 16 - 18 September, 2022
Venue: London, UK + online
Why submit your abstract to ISUOG2022?
- Share your work with our large international ultrasound community.
- Present your research in front of the leading names in the field.
- The chance to network and collaborate with thousands of clinicians and OBGYN professionals.
- An opportunity to have your abstract published in a supplement to our highly rated journal, Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology, with an impact factor of 7.3
- Option to apply for the prestigious Young Investigator Award and gaining recognition for your work.
- Receive a discount of £50 on full registration fees.
Abstract submission key dates
- 28 March 2022: Abstract submission deadline
- May 2022: Notification of acceptance or rejection
- 18 July 2022: Presenting authors of accepted abstracts need to register by this date. PLEASE NOTE: Presenting authors need to be registered by the early bird deadline (18 July 2022) and the abstract submitter discount will only be honoured until that date.
- Presenting authors need to be registered by the early bird rate deadline (Monday 18 July 2022). The presenting author discount will be honoured in all cases until the early bird rate deadline.
- Presenting authors can register for either onsite or online registration.
- All abstracts submitted will receive a confirmation email from the system that will contain a registration discount code that the presenting author can use to register and claim GBP £50 discount on all full registration fees. The abstract submission discount cannot be used in conjunction with low and middle income discounted registration fees.
- Any presenting author whose abstract is not accepted and who is unable to attend the Congress will be entitled to a refund of their registration fees minus an administration charge of GBP £40.00.
会议对象: 医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。
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2019年欧洲放射治疗与肿瘤学会亚洲大会(ESTRO meets Asia 2019)