


会议地点: 虚拟会议-VIRTUAL
会议时间: 2021年8月19日至23日
行业: 肾脏|泌尿会议




Asian Pacific Congress of Nephrology 2021
Date: 19-23 August 2021

会议主题:“Improving Kidney Health for All” 

摘要提交-Abstract Submission

The Scientific Programme Committee cordially invites prospective authors to submit abstracts for presentations. All abstracts will be considered for oral or poster presentations.
Deadline for Abstract Submission: 15April 2021, midnight Thailand Time (GMT+7)

点此提交摘要>>>Submit Abstract>>>

Abstract Categories

1. Acute kidney injury
2. Glomerulonephritis and intrinsic kidney disease
3. Chronic kidney disease: Clinical research
4. Chronic kidney disease: Basic and laboratory research
5. ESKD and Dialysis
6. Transplantation
7. Intervention Nephrology
8. Pediatric Nephrology
9. Miscellaneous (fluid & electrolytes, education, etc.)





We have the greatest pleasure extending our invitation to the 19th Asia Pacific Congress of Nephrology (APCN2021) co-host by the Nephrology Society of Thailand and the Asia Pacific Society of Nephrology (APSN) on 19th – 23rd August 2021. Due to the on-going global COVID-19 pandemic, the organizing committee have made a decision to hold the APCN21 in a fully digital format. This year conference theme is “Improving Kidney Health for All” for which we aim to deliver an exciting and all-rounded virtual scientific program encompassing various topics relevant to your research and clinical practice.

We are honored to havethree world class speakers,Professor Susan Quaggin, the President of American Society of Nephrology, Professor of Medicine at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Director of the Feinberg Cardiovascular Research Institute and chief of the Division of Nephrology., USA, ProfessorMeg Jardine, the Director of the Clinical Trial Centre (CTC) and the CTC’s Kidney Health Research Director, University of Sydney, Australia, and Professor Takashi Yokoo, Jikei University, Japan, sharing their work and experience in plenary sessions throughout the main conference.

The conference abstract submission gateway is opened and the conference registration will be ready by the end of February 2021.

On behalf of the Nephrology Society of Thailand and the APSN, I look forward to seeing you in the APCN 2021.


Warmest regards,

Kriengsak Vareesangthiip

Local Organizing Committee Chairman

19th Asia Pacific Congress of Nephrology

Masaomi Nangaku


Asia Pacific Society of Nephrology




Registration type
Early bird registration
(Before Jun 15, 2021)
( Jun 16 – Aug 2, 2021)
Onsite registration
(Aug 3 onward)
Face to Face + Virtual Local delegate** Physician (NST member) THB 6,000 THB 6,500 THB 7,000
Physician (Non-NST member) THB 6,500 THB 7,000 THB 7,500
Trainee (fellow, resident) THB 4,500 THB 5,000 THB 5,500
Nurses / Paramedics / Allied Health THB 4,500 THB 5,000 THB 5,500
Virtual International delegate* Physician (NST member) USD 300 USD 350 USD 400
Physician (APSN member) USD 250 USD 300 USD 350
Trainee, full-time student USD 180 USD 200 USD 250
Nurses / Paramedics / Allied Health USD 180 USD 200 USD 250
Emerging countries /economics*** USD 150 USD 180 USD 250
Emerging countries /economics (trainee, full-time student)*** USD 120 USD 150 USD 250
Local delegate** Physician (NST member) THB 3,500 THB 4,000 THB 4,500
Physician (Non-NST member) THB 4,000 THB 4,500 THB 5,000
Physician in training (fellow, resident) THB 3,000 THB 3,500 THB 4,000
Nurses / Paramedics / Allied Health THB 3,000 THB 3,500 THB 4,000

* Not included NST annual meeting
** Included NST annual meeting
*** Emerging Country / Economies


会议对象: 医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。

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