
2020年第12届世界卒中大会(WSC 2020)/2020年第6届欧洲卒中组织大会(ESOC 2020)


会议地点: 奥地利 维也纳Vienna - Austria Center Vienna
会议时间: 2020年11月7-9日
行业: 心脑血管会议


2020年欧洲卒中组织和世界卒中组织联合大会(ESO-WSO 2020)-虚拟会议将于2020年11月7-9日举行,这是有史以来两个组织的第一次联合会议,有望成为迄今为止规模最大的卒中会议。

世界卒中组织(WSO)是世界上领先的卒中防治组织,由国际卒中学会(ISS)和世界卒中联盟(WSF)于2006年合并而来,WSO的使命是通过预防、治疗、长期护理、教育、研究来减轻全球卒中疾病的负担。目前WSO拥有来自85个同不国家的60多个学会成员和4000多名个人会员。 世界卒中组织(WSO)通过其两年一届的大会(世界卒中大会-WSC),力求为参与者提供一个提高他们在卒中领域的技能和知识,以及进行良好的交流和加强科研合作的机会,以改善对全球卒中患者的护理。


ESO-WSO 2020 is going virtual!

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

The COVID-19 pandemic and its implications are set to continue for some time. The global health crisis has challenged our model of face-to face meetings – many of us still have travel restrictions and the role of social distancing continues to be crucial to control infection rates.

To adapt to the current situation, the ESO-WSO 2020 Conference Planning Group has come to the decision to transform the European Stroke Organisation and the World Stroke Organization Conference into a fully virtual meeting.

The virtual conference will still offer you the very best educational experience. It will include educational exchanges on the latest scientific advances and best practice in stroke care and fantastic online networking opportunities.

The virtual conference will take place on 7-9 November 2020. Virtual sessions will allow live interaction and will be available on-demand in the weeks following the Conference.

Your current registration is valid, and we are looking forward to welcoming you to our virtual auditorium.

More details on registration rates, transfer of registration and deadlines for late breaking submission will follow shortly. Please see our Frequently Asked Questions section below, which is updated regularly to reflect the most recent changes in policy.

Further details for delegates, speakers, and industry partners will be announced in due course.

ESO-WSO 2020 will continue to meet the needs of the stroke community and to ensure continuous education and professional support. Registered participants will still be eligible to receive the number of CME credits attributed to the virtual conference, and authors whose abstracts were accepted will get digital exposure of their e-posters.

We believe the ESO-WSO 2020 Virtual Conference will be a great success and are looking forward to meeting you online.

Jesse Dawson, Co-Chair of the ESO-WSO 2020 Conference Planning Group
Michael Brainin, Co-Chair of the ESO-WSO 2020 Conference Planning Group

Abstract Submission Deadline for all topics except ongoing trials: Wednesday, 15 January 2020, midnight CET (23:59).
Abstract Submission Deadline for ongoing trials: Wednesday, 25 March 2020, midnight CET (23:59).

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

We are delighted to invite you to the joint European Stroke Organisation and World Stroke Organisation Conference (ESO-WSO 2020), which will take place in Vienna, Austria on 12-15 May 2020. This is a really exciting time for stroke medicine and for us as we embark on this joint congress.

This is the first ever joint ESO-WSO conference and promises to be the largest ever stroke conference to date. Our two scientific societies are working hard together to combine the strengths of both of our meetings into a single conference for 2020.

ESO-WSO 2020 will see presentation of major clinical trials, debates and controversies sessions, as well as a packed scientific programme and scientific communications of the latest research. We expect over 2000 abstract submissions. There will also be an ‘allied health professionals’ strand ensuring there is something for everyone working in stroke care and research. There will also be a pre-conference day filled with teaching courses and other content. The conference is a great opportunity to catch up with friends and colleagues, network and forge new collaborations!

Vienna is Austria’s largest city and is steeped in culture. Its imperial architecture is renowned, its museums packed with history, and its musical heritage is unrivalled. Together with the array of fine drinking and dining venues, this will be a trip to remember.

Come and join us in Vienna in May 2020 in this unique city for the unique conference!

We look forward to seeing you…

Warm regards,

Jesse Dawson
Co-Chair of the Conference Planning Group
Michael Brainin
Co-Chair of the Conference Planning Group

ESO-WSO 2020 Registration Fees-注册费:
Registration Fees in Euro (Includes 10% VAT).


ESO / WSO Member - Regular and Group A*
ESO / WSO Member - Group B*
New ESO or WSO Member**

Full Participant - Non Member - Regular and Group A*


Full Participant - Non Member - Group B*

Students / Fellows / Nurses / Allied Health Professionals  - Regular and Group A***
Students / Fellows / Nurses /  Allied Health Professionals - Group B***
Member of Stroke Support Organisations****

Registration Fees in Euro

*Countries are defined according to the World Bank Country Classification; 

**Join ESO/WSO today and profit from a reduced registration fee and many other benefits.

***Student, Trainees, Nurses, Physiotherapists, Social Workers, Occupational Therapists, Speech Therapists, Dieticians – in order to benefit from the special fee, a submission of your status confirmation (approval letter signed by the Head of Department or copy of your status ID) must be uploaded during the online registration. This category does not apply for Residents.

**** Non-medical members of Stroke Support Organizations (SSO’s) and people with lived experience.

Fees for participants include:

ESO-WSO 2020 virtual meeting will offer you a full virtual experience and the opportunity to take part in every aspect of the programme including:

  • Open access to presentations and session recordings. Create your own schedule, attend any and all of the sessions whenever and wherever.
  • Network with colleagues. Browse a list of participants and click on their name to contact them.
  • Earn CME credits. Participate in the scientific programme and be eligible to receive the number of CME credits attributed to the virtual meeting.
  • Access all the E-posters. Browse research on the hottest topics published in the International Journal of Stroke (IJS) and connect with the abstract authors and other colleagues from around the world through the e-poster virtual consultations.
  • Join the debate. Attend a session recorded and streamed live to allow participation delegates from all over the world to participate in live conversations.
  • Visit the virtual exhibition hall. Journey through the exhibition booths, explore the displayed materials, contact exhibitors directly, and chat with other visitors.


会议对象: 医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。

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