


会议地点: 日本 冈山/Okayama
会议时间: 2021年10月1日至3日
行业: 心脑血管会议



Join forces to fight heart failure


Message from the President

The 25th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Heart Failure Society will be held for 3 days from October 1st (Friday) to 3rd (Sunday), 2021 at 4 facilities around Okayama Station centered on the Okayama Convention Center on-site and online. It will be held as a hybrid with delivery.

The theme is " Join forces to fight heart failure ". The number of heart failure patients, especially elderly heart failure patients, is increasing, and this tendency has become more prominent in recent years. As for treatment goals, not only improvement of life prognosis but also maintenance of QOL and prevention of readmission have been emphasized.  In order to treat patients with heart failure of various etiologies, not only cardiologists but also family doctors, medical staff, pharmaceutical / device makers, and the government need to work together.

At this scientific meeting, presentations and discussions will be held on following themes.

(1) Elucidation of the molecular mechanism of heart failure and the current status and future of new drug development,

(2) Current status and future of device development that can contribute to improving patient prognosis and QOL with minimal invasiveness,

(3) How to promote clinical evidence building and guidelines-based treatment,

(4) How to heart failure associated with adult congenital heart disease and cancer treatment,

(5) To establish a system that can continue cardiac rehabilitation from the acute phase to after discharge.

(6) Palliative care for super-elderly patients and patients with end-stage heart failure.
By discussing cutting-edge data on these themes, we aim to take heart failure treatment as much as possible.

Okayama is called "Sunny Country" or "Fruit Kingdom". Okayama in autumn has a mild climate and is blessed with delicious agricultural products, seafood from the Seto Inland Sea, and local gourmet food. I am confident that it will be three days that will satisfy your knowledge, your heart, and your stomach. We look forward to seeing you in Okayama.

Hiroshi Ito, M.D., Ph.D., FACC, FESC, FJCS
President, the 25th Annual Scientific Meeting of
the Japanese Heart Failure Society
Professor, Department of Cardiology, Okayama University,
Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences


会议对象: 医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。

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