会议地点: 意大利 米兰
会议时间: 2022年10月5-8日
行业: 心脑血管会议
EACTS 2022 - 36th Annual Meeting of the European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery
Date: 5-8 October 2022
Location: Milan, Italy
The EACTS Annual Meeting is the largest cardio-thoracic meeting in the world focusing on scientific developments and research in the following specialities: Acquired Cardiac Disease, Congenital Heart Disease, Vascular Disease and Thoracic Disease.
摘要征集-Abstract Submission:
1 Feb: General abstract submission opens
30 Apr: General abstract submission closes
May: Blind abstract review takes place
May/June: Abstract selection for the Annual Meeting programme
June: Abstract authors notifications
1 July: Late Breaking abstract submission opens
15 August: Late Breaking abstract submission closes
September: Late Breaking abstract author notifications
19 September: Manuscript submission to EJCTS or ICVTS
EACTS Submission Conditions-EACTS提交条件
- Each abstract submitted to the Association for possible presentation at the EACTS Annual Meeting must summarize an original contribution and must not have been submitted, presented, published or accepted for presentation or publication elsewhere. *
- For all Abstracts which are accepted for presentation at the EACTS Annual Meeting, the full manuscript MUST then be submitted to the European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery or Interactive CardioVascular and Thoracic Surgery, by 19 September 2022. * (Http://Www.Editorialmanager.Com/Ejcts/Default.Aspx)
- Each abstract accepted for presentation a the EACTS Annual Meeting must be presented by the nominated author in-person in Milan. The nominated presenter must be registered to attend the meeting by 1 July 2022 or the abstract could be removed from the programme. *
- Selected Congress sessions will be webcasted. EACTS will use the entire presentation for webcasting purposes.
- Ensure that you have permission from all co-authors to submit the abstract on their behalf and to grant EACTS the exclusive license to publish the abstract and the full article if accepted.
- You must consider the content of your presentation carefully to avoid bringing EACTS into disrepute. You must be aware that EACTS has a zero-tolerance approach to sexism and other forms of discrimination.
- Your study/research methodology must have been approved by local ethical committees or conform to standards currently applied in the country of origin.
*Please note that failure to meet these conditions can result in ALL authors being restricted from submitting an abstract or manuscript for 2 years.
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2021年美国心血管新视野年会(NCVH 2021)
2022年ESC欧洲心脏护理大会(ACNAP-EuroHeartCare Congress 2022)
2022年加拿大心血管大会(CCC 2022)
2020年第12届世界卒中大会(WSC 2020)/2020年第6届欧洲卒中组织大会(ESOC 2020)