


会议地点: 美国 波士顿
会议时间: 2023年6月18-21日
行业: 骨科|医院管理|其它会议


2023年第14届国际关节镜、膝关节外科和骨科运动医学会(ISAKOS)两年一次大会将于2023年6月18-21日在美国波士顿举行,会议由ISAKOS主办。ISAKOS大会是该领域首屈一指的国际会议,为与会者提供了一个独特的分享、讨论和了解关节镜、膝关节手术和运动医学最新进展的机会。为期四天的ISAKOS大会将提供各种形式的教育机会,如手术演示,论文报告,辩论,讲座,专题讨论会和教学课程讲座等等,为与会者提供各种新的和前沿的外科技术和临床管理方法。2019年ISAKOS大会预计将吸引4500多名国际矫形外科/骨科医生以及相关的卫生人员、住院医师和研究人员参会。 (lingyuint.com)

国际关节镜、膝关节外科和骨科运动医学学会(ISAKOS) 是世界上最具影响力的骨科与运动医学组织,致力于关节镜、膝关节外科及骨科运动医学领域的在世界范围内的交流、教育、研究和护理,是由从事骨关节运动创伤外科医生组成的国际性权威学术团体,在全球92个国家拥有超过4000名成员。ISAKOS由国际关节镜协会(IAA)和国际膝关节学会(ISK)于1995年在香港IAA与ISK联合会议上合并组建而来。

ISAKOS 2023 - International Society of Arthroscopy, Knee Surgery and Orthopaedic Sports Medicine Biennial Congress

DATE: June 18-21, 2022
VENUE: Boston, USA


Welcome from the President & 2023 Program Chair

We cordially invite you to the 14th Biennial ISAKOS Congress in Boston, USA. The ISAKOS Congress continues to be considered the premier international meeting, providing a unique opportunity for attendees to share, discuss and learn the latest advancements in arthroscopy, knee surgery and sports medicine.

The four-day ISAKOS Congress includes a myriad of educational opportunities. The meeting provides a variety of new and cutting edge surgical techniques and approaches to clinical management, combined with overviews of current controversies in orthopaedic practice.

Abstracts will be considered for both podium presentations and electronic posters. In addition, exceptional abstracts will be considered for several ISAKOS Awards for outstanding clinical or laboratory research.

You are a vital part of the 14th Biennial ISAKOS Congress! We hope you will plan to participate in the international experience that is the ISAKOS Congress.

Guillermo Arce, MD
President 2021-2023

Mark Clatworthy, FRACS
Program Chair 2021-2023




注册费/Registration Fees

All prices are given in US dollars.

March 1 - June 30, 2021
July 1 - October 31, 2021
After November 1, 2021
ISAKOS Congress Registration
Member Physician*
US $799
US $899
US $999
Non-Member Physician
US $1,099
US $1,199
US $1,299
US $899
US $999
US $1,099
Allied Health**
US $499
US $599
US $699
Resident/Fellow **
US $499
US $599
US $699
Exhibitor Representative ***
US $679
US $749
US $829
Instructional Course Lectures
No Additional Fee – Included in Registration
Sports Rehabilitation Concurrent Course
Sports Rehabilitation Course Only†
US $399
US $449
US $499
Sports Rehabilitation Course with Congress Registration
US $49
US $49
US $49
Social Activities
Welcome Reception No Additional Fee – Included in Registration
Accompanying Persons Program US $59 US $59 US $59

*Active, Associate, and Emeritus Members Only. Members are required to have paid all dues owed to ISAKOS. If dues are not paid prior to registering, they will be requested at the time of registration.
**Allied Health and Resident/Fellow Registrants must provide proof of status prior to picking up badge onsite. Those who are unable to provide proof of status will be asked to pay the full registration price. A Resident is categorized as a postgraduate physician receiving specialized clinical training in a hospital. A Fellow is categorized as a board-qualified specialist pursuing subspecialty training, not to be confused with a member of a learned society or a graduate student holding a position in a university or college. Resident/Fellow Registrants must enter their Fellowship / Residency information on the contact page.
***Exhibitor representative must provide proof of affiliation (i.e. a business card) with the exhibiting company and a photo ID in order to receive their badge. Badges will not be given to anyone other than the individual named on the badge. Non-exhibiting personnel may register at the Non-Exhibitor Company Representative rate of US $2,500 and only with ISAKOS approval. To register as a Non-Exhibitor Company Representative, please contact the ISAKOS Office.
†Price includes Sports Rehabilitation Concurrent Course only. Registrants cannot attend ICLs or other ISAKOS Congress sessions.


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