会议地点: 芬兰 赫尔辛基(Helsinki, Finland)
会议时间: 2022年5月7日至10日
行业: 骨科|医院管理|其它会议
ECTS 2022 - 49th annual meeting of the European Calcified Tissue Society
7-10 May 2022, Helsinki, Finland
6 May 2022 Pre-Congress Day
Abstract submission: 11 January 2022, 23:59 (CET)
Abstract notifications: 21 FEB 2022 – 28 FEB 2022
Abstract content
Language: English
Abstract Title Length: max. 25 words
Abstract Body Length: max. 300 words, incl. numbers and symbols. You can also use tables and images:
- Tables: max. 1 table (max 10 columns/10 rows). The words used in the table count toward the total word count of the abstract.
- Images: max. 3 images (max 500 KB and max 600(w) x 800(h) pixels). An image counts as one word towards the total word count of the abstract. Images cannot be pasted, but should be uploaded using the editor.
Please make sure that images, special characters and symbols are inserted correctly in the Abstract Body. Images sent by email will not be accepted.
Abstracts will be considered for Oral presentation only if they include data in numbers, graphs and/or images (an exception applies for the clinical cases and innovative methods category).
You may assign up to 5 Keywords.
Abstracts must be submitted in English, using the online form. For questions regarding the online submission process, please e-mail [email protected].
A blind selection process will be used. No identifying features such as names of hospitals, medical schools, clinics or cities may be listed in the title or text of the abstract. Do not include the names of authors either. The names of authors and their affiliations (institutions) will be entered online when you submit the abstract.
The title should be as brief as possible but long enough to indicate clearly the nature of the study.
If possible, please structure your abstract using the following headings:
- Background/Introduction
- Purpose
- Methods
- Results
- Conclusion(s)
Abstracts should be:
- As informative as possible
- State the specific objective of the study
- State the method used, if pertinent; state whether experiments were in vivo or in vitro
- Ethical approval should be indicated when experiments are performed on human subjects or animals
- Summarise the results obtained. Where a study generates hard data (numbers and statistics) this must be included within the abstract. For on-going studies or studies that are not completed yet, statements such as ‘results will be presented’ are not accepted
- Abstracts must include data, as this is the main component of the abstract. Authors must include a clear description of the results and all appropriate data in sufficient detail to support any conclusion they wish to make within the abstract; an abstract without supporting data will be rejected
- State the conclusions reached.
Dear Colleagues,
ECTS 2022 is just around the corner and I am really looking forward to meeting many of you, live again, in Helsinki, from 6-10 May 2022. This is a welcoming and safe city with direct flights from most hub airports in Europe, North America and Asia. The congress will be held conveniently near the international airport and with excellent connections into the city of Helsinki.
The ECTS vision is to advance science and build careers and networks for all members in the musculoskeletal field. After two years of virtual activities, this becomes more relevant than ever and we expect that ECTS 2022 will give us the opportunity to get together and connect.
We are planning to merge our dynamic and stimulating environment of the ECTS face-to-face events with new developments in meeting technology. As always, ECTS will provide session recordings for on-demand access to all delegates, but we will enhance online components for live participation and discussions during selected scientific sessions to facilitate participation for those unable to attend in person.
However, we want to make this our return to a normal conference experience with all the advantages that being immersed in an international scientific meeting has.
All session rooms, catering points, exhibition and other areas will be set up in accordance with the Finnish health and safety regulations. The Finnish management of the pandemic has been among the best in the world.
The Scientific Programme Committee has put together a varied programme that highlights the diversity of our field. We’ll be covering new technologies such as organ-on-chip approaches for basic and clinical science, diving into chronobiology, bone metabolism and sleep disturbances and exploring the latest insights in cranial defects for the clinician and basic scientist. The latest studies into disturbances in calcium and phosphate homeostasis will be reviewed and discussed as will the epidemiology, prevention and clinical management of osteoporosis. We will be discussing the latest news in the osteoclast field, skeletal angiogenesis, osteosarcoma and mechanobiology.
The long list of eminent main programme speakers includes Juleen Zierath (Switzerland), Christine Swanson (United States), Klara Sjögren (Sweden), Raj Thakker (UK), Rachel Gafni (United States), Carola Zillikens (Netherlands), Claudio Pedone (Italy), Elizabeth Zimmerman (Canada), Gretl Hendrickx (Germany),Fernando Lecanda (Spain), Maya Kansara (Australia), Steve Twigg (UK), Pekka Vallittu (Finland), Serge Ferrari (Switzerland), Andries van der Meer (Netherlands), Edmond Young (Canada), Kent Søe (Denmark), Mei Wan (United States), Brent Richards (Canada), Nick Harvey (UK), Bente Langdahl (Denmark), Daniela Pfeiffer (Germany), and Amelia Moore (UK). In addition, the congress will offer a large educational and ancillary programme with additional expert speakers, many sessions planned in collaboration with other societies.
We are also looking hugely forward to the National Day organized by Outi Mäkitie, which will feature eminent speakers within population genetics, epidemiology, in vitro models and rare bone disease.
For the first time, the ECTS congress will offer two rather than one debate session so that in addition to the Clinical ECTS/ASBMR debate we will also be able to enjoy a Basic Science debate.
New this year, the Pre-Congress Day will include Open Fora as enhanced Working Group programme. There will be a range of new topics and discussions, and I think there will be something for everyone enjoy. If you are familiar with the Working Groups then you will know the concept but we felt that the name might have kept some delegates from attending the sessions as it may signal invitation only, therefore the change of name.
Of course, the key thing is for this congress to allow you to present your findings and discuss those of others. Please do not hesitate to submit your abstracts. Following delegate feedback we will be making additional abstract categories to encourage contributions under the headings Innovative Concepts, New Technologies and Case Reports.
We look forward to meeting you again in a stimulating and secure setting. Let’s get back together again and meet in Helsinki!
Have a look at our online Scientific Programme and submit your abstract or clinical case before 11 January 2022.
Don’t miss the opportunity to attend and present during #ECTS2022.
Registration fees include Finnish VAT and are cashed in Euro (€) only.
Early fee In-person and On-Demand Until 18 March 2022
Regular fee In-person and On-Demand From 19 March until 15 April 2022 |
Late/Onsite Fee In-person and On-Demand From 16 April 2022 |
ECTS Member | € 540,00 | € 675,00 | € 810,00 |
Non-Member | € 750,00 | € 880,00 | € 980,00 |
ECTS Member Trainee/Allied Health Professional | € 270,00 | € 325,00 | € 380,00 |
Non-Member Trainee/Allied Health Professional | € 325,00 | € 380,00 | € 435,00 |
Reach The World Reduced Fee* | € 250,00 | € 350,00 | € 450,00 |
Pre-Congress only (6 May 2022) – ECTS Member | € 150,00 | ||
Pre-Congress only (6 May 2022) – Non-Member | € 200,00 | ||
Pre-Congress in combination with full congress registration | € 100,00 | ||
Pre-Congress 2 Open Fora | € 15,00 |
Delegate registration fee includes:
- access to the scientific sessions and exhibition area, coffee breaks
- conference documentation (congress bag, final programme, abstract publication, name badge)
- attendance at the Opening Ceremony & Welcome Reception taking place on Saturday, 7 May 2022 (not included in the Day Ticket fee for Friday, 6 May 2022)
- On-demand access of selected sessions
Registration to ECTS 2022 does not give access to the Pre-Congress Programme of Friday, 6 May 2022. For this, separate registration is required.
Terms & Conditions
Online registrations
Deadline for pre-registration is Tuesday, 3 May 2022. For payment/registration after this date, your confirmation will be available on-site at the registration counter. On-site registration is possible throughout the entire congress during the opening hours of the registration counter.
Cancellations and name changes
Cancellations must be made in writing to the congress secretariat, INTERPLAN AG. If received before Thursday, 31 March 2022, all fees, except for a cancellation charge of € 50,00 will be refunded. No refunds will be made after this date. For name changes and replacements a handling fee of € 25,00 will be charged.
Photographs and videos
Pictures and videos will be taken during ECTS 2022 that might be used in ECTS newsletters, websites, promotional material, social media, or other publications. As a registered delegate of ECTS 2022, you agree to grant permission to ECTS to use your photo and/or video. If you do not agree, please let the photographer know at the congress or send an e-mail to [email protected].
Insurance, release and waiver of liability
The organisers will not accept liability for individual medical, travel or personal insurance. It is highly recommended that all in-person participants carry proper health and travel insurance.
会议对象: 医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。
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