


会议地点: 美国 波士顿(Boston)
会议时间: 2022年5月9日至13日
行业: 骨科|医院管理|其它会议




ISSLS 2022 - 48th Annual Meeting of International Society for the Study of the Lumbar Spine

Date: May 9-13, 2022
Venue: Boston Marriott Copley Place
Local hosts: James Kang and Andrew Schoenfeld



Deadline for abstract submission is November 15.

点此提交摘要>>>Submit Abstract>>>

Please read the instructions below carefully.

If you submitted an abstract in Currinda earlier you can use the same log-in (e-mail address). You will be able to register at this site also but for submitting abstracts you need to click on the Abstracts button. Please read the instructions below carefully before submitting.

  • Abstracts will only be accepted via the on-line submission form via the Abstract Submission system and no later than November 15, 2021 (the system will automatically close at 23:59 Pacific time) in order to be included in the abstract review process. Late submissions are not accepted.
  • An acknowledgment of receipt of the submission is sent automatically to the e-mail address given in the submission. If you did not receive the confirmation e-mail please check you spam folder.
  • Notification on acceptance of the abstracts will be e-mailed in the beginning of February, 2022.
  • The corresponding author will receive all correspondence concerning the abstract and is responsible for informing the other authors of the status of the abstract.
  • In the submission form the presenting authors are requested to state that they are aware of and have disclosed any potential conflicts of interests or support that might cause a bias in this abstract.


  • Abstracts must be written in English.
  • Maximum 500 words (excluding abstract title, contact information for the authors and information about conflict of interest).
  • Structured abstracts are mandatory. The following subtitles should be used: Introduction, Methods, Results and Discussion.
  • It is the authors´ responsibility to submit a correct abstract; any errors in spelling, grammar, or scientific facts will be reproduced as written by the authors.
  • Please consider not submitting too many abstracts from studies with similar or identical data. We strongly recommend that you rewrite them, compiling the results and integrating the discussions.
  • FIGURES can be submitted together with the abstract click on the figure symbol in the text editing menu when submitting the abstract. In order to be viewable in all browsers please use jpg/png format. The size of the figures should not be wider than 1000 pixels and not larger than 500kb. Please see to that the figures are of good quality.
  • IMPORTANT If you wish to do any changes in your already submitted abstract you can do so (no later than November 15) via the submission system. This is to avoid duplicates. Should the reviewers discover duplicate abstracts they will all be removed and not considered for publication.



会议对象: 医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。

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2022年第45届世界院长大会-IHF World Hospital Congress

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